• Smokeydope@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Simulation theory is more or less a kind of modern creation myth, and creation myths are based around its societies current level of understanding of the world. In ancient times people explained the worlds actions and existence through gods and imaginative myths. When the scientific revolution happened people explained the universe in terms of immutable laws and cosmic logic. Now we are in the computational revolution, thus some people explain the worlds existence through computers. All untestable and unfalsifiable explanations for the nature of reality are as good as any other, so pick your poison and enjoy!

    • qnick@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Simulation theory comes from solipsism, and it’s not that modern. According to Wikipedia it originated in Greece in 483–375 BC.

      Every human is solipsist until about 2 years old, when they start to realize that the world is not revolving around them. It is called “crisis of 2 year old”, or “terrible twos”. Some people don’t get to go through this at 2, especially the children of billionaires, who have no reasons to think that they are not the center of the universe.

      • qnick@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        The danger of this approach is that you start treating other people as NPCs, dehumanizing them. When others are not real people, you don’t have any problem with robbing, raping or murdering them. See the “Westworld” series for more deep analysis.