Planned Parenthood Great Plains is holding a free two-day vasectomy clinic next month, and all the spots filled up in less than 48 hours.

  • @GregoryTheGreat
    961 year ago

    I got one 2 years ago. Super easy and much less pain than kids. I felt like I got kicked in the balls 10 minutes ago for a few days. Worth it.

    Don’t make your ladies have a more invasive surgery. Just get it done.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I had mine 14 years ago 100% free all thanks to Plan Parenthood. No pain for me and I was back in action after 5 days. Wife at time had no problem giving me the 20 our so releases I needed to make sure I was clesn of active sperm.

      So after doctors said I was clean said goodbye to condoms and never been freeier.

      They say you can get easily reverse so see no reason why women should suffer under a horrible surgery and be out of action for 6 to 8 weeks. When it takes 30 minutes and all well in 5 days.

      Fyi mine also done here in Oklahoma but Tulsa area. I had to wait only 2 months for a slot.

      • @[email protected]
        481 year ago

        They say you can get easily reverse

        That’s not true, reversal is much more invasive and not guaranteed to work

        • @[email protected]
          251 year ago

          It doesn’t really matter. They can just get sperm from your testicles instead of trying to reverse it.

          • @[email protected]
            171 year ago

            Yeah when I got it done, my doctor told me to consider this as permanent procedure even though it is possible to reverse it. They want you to make this decision without the idea that a reversal is quick and easy or even possible

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          They told me it be less likely that I could reproduce the longer I had it but I was assured it was easily reversed. Not that matter I am not interested in having any more kids.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          I was told it is also less likely to succeed the longer you’ve had it. Relying on reversals is a less than ideal plan.

      • Unaware7013
        41 year ago

        I was more upset that I had to wait the full 6 months to test, but it didn’t matter since I failed the first time anyway…

          • Unaware7013
            01 year ago

            I’m just extra fertile I guess, I failed my first test but passed after that.

            I can’t say I’m surprised tho, considering my mom used to joke about being conceived while on the pill, so I guess that’s genetic XD

    • Flying SquidOP
      1 year ago

      I agree, but the sad part is this is being done because abortion is illegal there now. It’s being done out of desperation, not because someone wants it done.

        • Flying SquidOP
          271 year ago

          I understand the sentiment, but supporting this is sort of conceding the anti-abortion laws are there to stay and I don’t think we should accept that.

          If you want to get a vasectomy, fine. That’s a personal choice. But the reason so many men are signing up for a free vasectomy isn’t because it’s a good financial deal. It’s because we’re losing the fight and we need to start winning it again.

          • @[email protected]
            121 year ago

            I completely agree about the need to fight for our bodily autonomy. I’m old and postmenopausal even if I hadn’t yeeted the uterus years ago. But I am appalled that my daughters don’t have even the meager protection of Rowe v Wade.

            There’s a tiny bit of my soul that is gratified however by the way more men are starting to step up and take on the responsibility of pregnancy prevention.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Fewer unwanted kids, I can get behind.

          If you’re talking about global sustainability, it’s a little more complicated than just “less is better”.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              Well a lot of social safety nets require on a continually growing work force, of course they could be removed but that will never happen. Immigration is also a good solution but it’s unclear if in many places that will ever be expanded. But furthermore, there is no reason to stop people having kids in most situations.

              • @[email protected]
                -11 year ago

                But furthermore, there is no reason to stop people having kids in most situations.

                have you seen the hellscape out there mate?

                introducing more load onto an overloaded system isn’t going to do those future generations any favors.

                • @[email protected]
                  01 year ago

                  The world is not overloaded, Malthus thought it was a long time ago, but the planet I pretty big.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Here’s a few things to consider, but I’m hardly the person to give an authoritative list.

              • What are our quality of life targets?

              We can support a crapton more people if we all go Amish. We gotta reduce growth to a global lottery system 30 years ago if we want everyone in the world to live like a median American.

              This isn’t a one-size-fits-all-age answer, either. People need more resources as they get older, and contribute less work in return. An aging population means more economic stress on the younger population, and less economic output relative to each senior citizen means less access to medical care.

              • What are our sustainability targets?

              Some things are getting bad faster than others, some things are closer to breaking points, etc.

              • How much do we want to bet on degrowth vs. innovation?

              If we assume only tiny incremental improvements for centuries to come, then we’re preparing for something very different than if we’re trying to keep research investment steady or even accelerate progress on things like fusion, carbon removal, microplastics remediation, and power distribution and storage.

              • What policies are on or off the table?

              Some philosophies say that limiting a person’s reproduction is categorically immoral, even if the predictable consequence is that everyone dies. Some TESCREAL dudes say we should use nukes cuz the ends justify the means.

              • How do we mobilize these policies?

              We have lived experience that an aging population isn’t great for getting effective policy in place.

              • What about the political fallout?

              Population change policies certainly won’t be done globally in lockstep, which means in order to stabilize local economies, there will be more immigration for places where the internal population growth is slowing/reversing. That can easily lead to xenophobia, which could destabilize everything. It’s hard to fight global climate change when you’re dealing with local fascism.


              That’s why I can pretty much only reliably say “people who don’t want kids… not being forced to have kids… is an unambiguously good thing” and I can’t extend that to people who do want kids.

              • Neshura
                21 year ago

                Chiming in with my own thoughts.

                I regularly see people calling for massive reductions in population and I don’t think they are as informed about the subject as they think they are. For starters I usually get the feeling that they think degrowth will be painless or relatively painless even when massive. It won’t, even a slight reduction in worker population each generation is massively going to decrease the standard of living, starting with pretty much every luxury service we have. Any innovation in tech? Yeah not gonna happen anymore, there is not enough breathing room in the economy to waste on fancy little toys. In a system set on degrowth any available resource will be exclusively used to maintain the status quo, forget improvements.

                Thinking further beyond the immediate consequences there is the long term question of what we want to happen to humanity. If people think we should go extinct then degrowth is a perfectly viable strategy for making that take a bit longer, if we are to potentially survive indefinitely degrowth is not an option. We are consuming more depletable resources than any individual can count and a great many of them have already dropped below a level where we could rediscover them. For example: There is not enough surface ore (coal, iron, copper, etc) in the world anymore to repeat an industrial revolution. If we lose the capacity of mass production that’s it, no second attempt. And it is like that with many resources, Helium is running out in iirc ~100 years, Uranium for reactors in iirc ~80 years, nitrate needed for fertilizers is running low and concrete manufacturers are looking into alternatives to river sand because that is also running dangerously low. Now we can stop growth and extend the usable time we have left with these resources but they will run out eventually. Or alternatively we can stop pretending that stagnation has ever worked for anything (no not even nature works with stagnation, a forest with only old trees dies together with its entire animal population and is eventually replaced by a new forest with young trees) and start working on solution to that problem. If we don’t want to got extinct the only solution is to get off this rock and start mining the planets we don’t have to be careful with. We cannot strip mine earth because it’s the only habitable place we have but we don’t have that problem with any other celestial body.

                As for the short term, getting rid of the excessively wealthy would be a good start, it’s not like we lack resources as is, it’s just that 0.1% of the population are hogging 99% of it for themselves. Imo eating the rich will net much better results than doing a china and having less kids (btw anyone check on how their industry is doing, cuz last I checked their government is panicking a bit about the side effects the decline in workforce brings with it)

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          This is such a short sighted and selfish thing to say.

          I had a vasectomy, for many of the reasons stated here (the most important one being so my wife didn’t have to put her own body through any more trauma).

          But I had 3 beautiful, healthy and perfect kids first

          • @GregoryTheGreat
            11 year ago

            It’s natural to want kids. You want kids personally. I do too but I won’t bring kids into this. I see having kids because I want them as selfish.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              Into what? Suicide rates are unfortunately high, but nowhere near the majority required to say being born was a curse to most people

              • @GregoryTheGreat
                11 year ago

                So that’s how we tell if people are having a good time? Whether or not they kill them selves!? Wtf. I’ve not had a good time but my brain is wired to not kill itself.

                • @[email protected]
                  21 year ago

                  Not entirely, but yeah we can tell if life is better off not worth living for at least some people based on that.

              • @GregoryTheGreat
                -11 year ago

                You must know more about it than me. What’s my reason then? I thought it was because of how hard life is and the extreme possibility to suffer but what do I know.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      61 year ago

      I agree that ladies shouldn’t have to get the much more invasive surgery, but I’ve never met a woman who regretted her hysterectomy.

      • @[email protected]
        281 year ago

        Most women who’ve had a hysterectomy have likely had a severe debilitating medical issue related to the uterus and so removing it probably makes them feel the most free they’ve been in a long time.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I have. She had one as part of cancer treatment. And told me that she wished she had pushed for options that didn’t involve a hysterectomy.

        Personally I was pretty glad to hear she got one. She would have been a terrible mother.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Don’t make your ladies have a more invasive surgery. Just get it done.

      word, the differences in their longterm health outcomes are ridiculous with hysterectomy. We still get our testosterone and dangly bits, we just, er, cut the swimmers off at the pass. not having to worry about condoms / bc / etc? priceless.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        That is if you can find a doctor who will give a recommendation for one. My partner has endometriosis and has wanted an oblation for a while but nobody will give her the ok cuz she’s in her 30’s and “she could still have kids if she wanted to.”

        I thought stuff like that was a meme but she can’t find anyone. The first doctor I met with just wanted me to know a vasectomy was permanent and he gave me some vallium. $200 and 20 minutes was all it took for me and she’s STILL looking to get an oblation :/

  • @[email protected]
    291 year ago

    Went in, doctor numbed my balls without an injection, opened with laser, snip snip, cauterized the ends, clip on as a safety, apply some glue to close the openings, 10 minutes total, here’s a Coke to put some sugar in you, buhbye!

    • @[email protected]
      221 year ago

      Damn man, I got lucky and insurance took care of most of it.

      This is going to sound condescending but i mean it. Good for you for being happy for these dudes instead of upset about it.

      Too many times (especially recently) i see people angry that others get something they didn’t. Its nice to see and restores my faith in humanity when i read things or hear things like your comment.

      Thanks man, i really needed that.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        I wanted to say the same thing about being happy for others. A lot of people I know got super angry about student loan forgiveness. The forgiveness wasn’t even full forgiveness, and it never even went through for most people, but they still found a way to complain about how nobody deserved forgiveness because when they were in school in prehistoric times they paid their way through and people today are just lazy and pick worthless majors.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Damn man, I got lucky and insurance took care of most of it.

        That just means you still paid for it, but with extra steps. Namely, premiums being taken out of your paycheck and a lower gross salary to cover the “employer’s portion”.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Very astute of you to know how insurance works. Thanks for contributing positively to a discussion instead of trying to point out an obvious way things work in life.

          The lucky part is that the insurance actually paid for it.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I ended up being one of those people who needs more numbing than normal people, which is not the most pleasant thing to learn during your vasectomy.

    That said, even after 4 separate breaks to apply more lidocaine, I had a super smooth experience and was pain free after the first day. Had to force myself to take it easy for a week, and didn’t even need ibuprofen. Getting kicked in the nuts is way worse.

    • Flying SquidOP
      91 year ago

      Getting kicked in the nuts is way worse.

      I know what you’re trying to say, but that’s not an especially high bar to hurdle. :)

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      do you have ADHD by any chance?

      lidocaine is sometimes ineffective for people with ADHD.

      I also found out lidocaine was ineffective for me while they were cutting out a birthmark

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          yeah it was a wild experience, cuz I felt the blade cutting me, but I was like, surely just my mind playing games, then I started going into shock (according to the nurse) I was white and could-sweating so they upped the dose and still felt most of it, I usually felt pain at the dentist too, then I started mentioning that I have issues with the “standard” numbing agent because I forgot the name and since then going to the dentist is a breeze, get the stuff, get numb, stuff is done.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        This explains a lot. I’ve had dentists baffled that I could still feel anything during a procedure.

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    You know those water balloon toys with the hose hook up? It fills about 20 small water balloons and you have to sorta jiggle the hose to get the balloons to slide off.

    Well, it felt like the doctor was pulling a hose on a mini version if this inside my boys.

    Was legit horrible experience.

    Don’t let anyone fool you. Sooooo glad it’s done.

    • @[email protected]
      161 year ago

      I don’t know man, that doesn’t seem right. During my procedure, the actual “surgery”, I felt almost nothing.

      I DID however, have intense soreness for several days after. But the procedure wasn’t bad.

      Conclusion full agree - so much freedom, would do again, 5/5.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        My experience was pretty similar to yours. Really no pain and recovery wasn’t even that bad.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          Mine also didn’t really go beyond “uncomfortable.” I was moving pretty gingerly for about a week, but I started light running again after two weeks, easy road cycling after three, and was back to normal gravel biking after a month. Probably could have done earlier but didn’t want to push my luck.

          One fun and one not-so-fun anecdote from that time:

          1. I’m a music teacher and was about to start directing a student show showcasing the music of Elton John at the time. The doctor had a radio on, and when he finished up and pronounced the procedure complete, Tiny Dancer was playing. Something something just got rid of my Tiny Dancers. That song holds a special place in my heart as a result.

          2. I got a lyft home from the procedure, and my driver had to stop at a gas station right after picking me up because she was pregnant and needed to pee. Apparently she had dropped out of college after finding out. I didn’t tell her what I had been at the hospital for, as that felt cruel.

  • tim-clark
    131 year ago

    Got it 2 decades ago. Downside is my balls hang lower. Which has caused discomfort riding bikes. Finding the right underwear has been crucial for comfort. The other pain is my balls hitting the water, I don’t like toilet water on my balls

    • Kraiden
      511 year ago

      I suspect the 2 decades might have more to do with your balls hanging lower than the vasectomy lol

      • tim-clark
        81 year ago

        noticed the lower hanging balls immediately. Couple of my friends have the same experience post vasectomy m, balls hang lower. Granted I already had grandad balls at 24 when I got snipped. Definitely could get some puppetry going

        • @[email protected]
          151 year ago

          It sounds like the surgeon didn’t just snip the vas deferens, then, because your testicles aren’t supported by it.

        • Kraiden
          31 year ago

          Interesting. Did you have a laser or a scalpel? I had mine last month, and haven’t noticed any difference at all.

      • 🖖USS-Ethernet
        1 year ago

        Wtf, so does mine. When I brought it up, they said the vasectomy couldn’t have caused that and I had mine 8 years ago.

      • tim-clark
        51 year ago

        Water is at the bottom like normal toilets. Probably have 3-4 inches of sack hanging. Some toilets are deeper than others, public vs private mostly. The worst are the almond shaped public toilets that are really shallow

        • snooggums
          21 year ago

          Each public toilet that does not have a tank in the back can have the water level adjusted. I have seen some bathrooms with identical toilets where the water is anywhere between 5 to 8 inches down from the seat.

          Yes, I have preferred toilets at work due to low hanging balls and dislike of ball sweat tea.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          There is no way 3-4 inches would get close to the water in my toilet. There would only be a few inches of water in the bottom.

  • Kraiden
    101 year ago

    I think my experience was pretty non typical, but ye, I did NOT have a good time.

    Long story short, there was student in the room, so instead of just getting it over with as quickly as possible, my guy was EXCRUCIATINGLY slow to numb me, and not before he’d shown her how to enter the fucking konami code into my nutsack. At one point I actually sat up and asked just what the fuck he was doing, because I was in so much discomfort. It probably lasted 15 - 20 minutes total, but it felt like eternity.

    Other than that, it was fine though. Felt like I’d been kicked in the nuts for a few days afterwards, but then it was all good. Still got a month to go before I get the all clear though.

    • bbbbbbbbbbb
      41 year ago

      Bro dont wait a month. If you feel Ok to do it, crank that hog and clear them splooge tubes. Make the doctor doing your spunk check say “your specimen sample is 100% clear for Adult Swim only”

      • Kraiden
        41 year ago

        Lol, I meant another month before I can get tested. I was back at it the next day.

  • @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    I’ve always wanted one of those switches where I can flip it on and if at will. I heard about that years ago, but I don’t know if it ever actually became a real thing. I’m single and 36 so it would be perfect for me. I’m glad that people are getting a snip for free though.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      While a ball valve is more durable and provides a tight seal, opening and closing will cause an abrupt change in pressure that can strain your system. A gate valve will allow for more granular pressure regulation, but is prone to leakage and degradation of the valve stem over time.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Just this week at work we are having a problem at a customer site with some ball valves not sealing. I am thinking it might be fet-driven instead of relay driven and just doesn’t have the current needed for the last part. Seen them do that before.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Mine was… A couple of hundred in AUD? And managed to get it at 31 too. Knew I never ever wanted kids, had a letter from my psych and the doctor asked me a few questions and said “Yeah, I get it…”

    Snip snip, some pain for about 5 days and all done. Don’t regret it one bit.

    edit: Mine is technically reversible but from what I read the chances of that being successful drops each year.

    • Flying SquidOP
      51 year ago

      You need a letter from a psychiatrist in order to get a vasectomy in Australia?

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Nah, but was keeping it safe/covering my bases given my age. And it was from my psychologist not psychiatrist (should have clarified).

        • Flying SquidOP
          21 year ago

          Fair enough, that makes sense. I would have done the same. In our case, we wanted a kid (after 10 years of child-free marriage) and then my wife got an IUD, which should last until menopause, which is starting, so we should be in the clear.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            Good to hear! Yeah they’re fairly liberal with giving vasectomies here, plus most are ‘microsurgery’ ones which are technically* reversible. I’ve heard trying to get women’s steralisation is SIGNIFICANTLY harder though unfortunately and a lot is “Oh, well you might want kids later!”


            • Flying SquidOP
              11 year ago

              She wasn’t sterilized. An IUD isn’t sterilization, it’s long-term contraception. If we really wanted another kid, she could have it removed, which is relatively easy and painless (it involves pulling a string essentially). Her gynecologist suggested it after our daughter was born and she followed what her gynecologist suggested. It seems to have worked out. I don’t remember why it was suggested, but it was more than just ‘you won’t get pregnant again.’ I think something to do with regulating her period? I’d have to ask her and it’s kind of a weird thing to bring up out of the blue.