I’m a junior backend software engineer. I use a Vim plugin on my fancy code editor. I like the command line but I’m not all in on it or anything.

If I was a Windows user I’d switch. But being a Mac user I have a lot of what I need for software development.

What am I missing out on? Genuine question.

  • Fabrik872@apollo.town
    1 year ago

    In terms what you missing out compared apple os to some linux distro for me as for fellow backend engeneer it is defenetly docker. For work i am forced to choose apple or microsoft os so i picked apple because their docker integration is slightly better but both are far behind linux in this. It is because both need to run vm with some custom linux distro under the hood because docker is built on top of some feature exclusive to linux so it is running slower and also they need to connect base os filesystem with the one on linux vm so you can sync your project files with docker container and this feature especially is worse on windows than on mac altho both again far behind linux where your containers are practicly as fast as if you run nativly.