I’ve been unsuccessful in getting a properly working system today, installing from a freshly downloaded LiveGnome.iso from the Debian page.

The first install actually crashed, because the USB drive was jostled.

The second install went fine, but had no USB support (hub devices seen, but no attached devices seen)

Now I’m doing a third install.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    The live installer sucks.

    It is called Calamares, it is not well maintained upstream, and it doesn’t support even trivial complexity like LVM or Encryption.

    Use the regular install DVD or Netinst. You get to choose your desktop environment in the process.

  • @dallen
    21 year ago

    In my experience with Debian, using the netinst ISO is the most reliable option. That being said, install from live USB should be fine.

    At this point, I would probably re-flash the image on the drive.

    • BenjaminOP
      01 year ago

      I’ve done that again, and now have a working Gnome install…

      But I cannot get the touch screen disabled no matter what I try on it.

      udevadm doesn’t do it x11conf edit doesn’t do it

      Losing my mind with this 🤦‍♂️

      Machine still complains ath10k is missing on bootup, too. I don’t see how it isn’t on this media when it was on the machine after the initial update to bookworm (many installs ago now, since I’ve been trying to get this installed the last 2 days)

      • BenjaminOP
        01 year ago

        And… I totally broke my touchpad trying to disable the touch screen.

        Couldn’t figure it out, so another reinstall! I’ve done 5 now, and to hell with Wayland. All this time wasted trying to do something that apparently just ain’t supported yet.

        I had it working (well, disabled) on Wayland on my earlier frankenbian… ugh.