Is this community interested in posts about board/card game development?

  • @DaleGribble88
    81 year ago

    Board games are just as much about design as electronic games. I vote for the allowance of board games in this community. Besides, many board games eventually become electronic either as a direct implementation or as inspiration for something else.

  • @kreateer
    31 year ago

    Game Development as a term refers to the development of all games as a whole. I’d say board (or analog) games should belong here just as much as digital games.

    That being said, if people really wish to separate the two and there is enough interest for it, then why not just make a separate community for board games?

  • Netto Hikari
    21 year ago

    Why not? I’m currently in the process of creating another server / client for the board game go, also known as baduk or wei’qi.

  • Drew Belloc
    21 year ago

    Idk if this community is the best place for it since is focused on eletronic games, but i would love to see

  • I Cast Fist
    21 year ago

    I think it’s valid to talk about them here, too. The main difference between board games and video games is who enforces the rules. Videogames leave the rule enforcing to the computer, while analog games leave it to the players. Besides, there are plenty of board and card games that are ported to PC/consoles and vice versa.

  • @thicket
    11 year ago

    I’m not offended by the idea, but I definitely subscribed here to hear about the electronic game development industry. So, my vote is against board/card game posts