Can posts have a body and a URL?

Is markdown supported?

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World")

Do code blocks work?

What about with syntax highlighting?

console.log("Hello, World");

Can I make a code block with indentations?

var a = “Hello” var b = “World” console.log(${a}, ${b});

Let’s see what quotations look like,

This is a quote.

And this one will be multiline.

Line one. Line two.

There should be a space above.

I think that’s enough testing for now.

  • Tonka Truck
    2 years ago

    Examples for markdown from lemmy’s documenation

    Example of multiline codeblock:
    func main() {
        fmt.Println("four spaces")
    	fmt.Println("An actual tab indent") // the correct option

    I did put ```golang at the beginning of the code block, but at least on my browser, doesn’t seem to highlight it like a markdown file. Though, I don’t see golang in the multiline codeblock either. So the input does get eaten somewhere.