What you are looking for is an ocr translator.
It depends on which platform you use to surf but there are different softwares who will accomplish that. Just search for an ocr translator or an ocr software to extract the text.
I beg you pardon, how inconvenient of you writing Angelsächsisch, I really thought you would blow up like a frog on a cigarette, nevertheless I wish you a very pleasant evening, enjoy your earl grey tea good Sir.
Pardon me for typing in English but I don’t speak Deutsch. I’m not subscribed but these keep popping up on All and I like them.
Is there a way I can copy-paste these captions to Google Translate without painstakingly memorizing and typing word by word?
Feel free to answer in German because I can copypasta the comments. Thanks!
Mostly using Lens just gets me some versions of the image and nothing about the text. But I’ll play around with it, thx
Sie können vielleicht ein OCR-Software (Sichtpersönlichkeitserkennung-Weichware?) benutzen.
What you are looking for is an ocr translator. It depends on which platform you use to surf but there are different softwares who will accomplish that. Just search for an ocr translator or an ocr software to extract the text.
Take the image or the image link and put it into Google image search. You can choose “translate” there.
If you’re on a phone, you can put the image directly into Google Lens to translate it.
I guess there are some addons in (and from) Firefox which do this.
I beg you pardon, how inconvenient of you writing Angelsächsisch, I really thought you would blow up like a frog on a cigarette, nevertheless I wish you a very pleasant evening, enjoy your earl grey tea good Sir.
I accept your pardon, nevertheless I have to say: SPRICH
Maybe we should change this whole concept into an old English tea party.
I don’t think so, so: Same procedure as last time, bro? Same procedure as every time, homie! DEUTSCH
If you have an iPhone or iPad and save the image to your pictures, you can simply copy the text