Got myself a few months ago into the optimization rabbit hole as I had a slow quant finance library to take care of, and for now my most successful optimizations are using local memory allocators (see my C++ post, I also played with mimalloc which helped but custom local memory allocators are even better) and rethinking class layouts in a more “data-oriented” way (mostly going from array-of-structs to struct-of-arrays layouts whenever it’s more advantageous to do so, see for example this talk).

What are some of your preferred optimizations that yielded sizeable gains in speed and/or memory usage? I realize that many optimizations aren’t necessarily specific to any given language so I’m asking in [email protected].

    1 year ago

    Was working on a game where we drew a fake audio graph to a black texture. The code originally cleared this texture every frame by drawing each pixel black before drawing the audio wave again. I cached the pixels we drew the audio wave to and only changed those back to black saving a huge amount of time.