I’m not sure if it’s intentional or not, but the Actually Useful AI community rarely gets any post on AI that’s actually useful. Is this just a reflection of the popularity of this community or a reflection of the AI field in general?

  • InattentiveRaccoon@lemmy.animal-machine.com
    1 year ago

    I haven’t posted much to lemmy, but already from the title of this community, I would expect more negativity than average because ‘actually useful’ is relative and frankly, I cant be bothered to make my case. I guess I let my reddit experience, as somone there from it’s beginning when it started to take over digg, color my viewpoint of humanity on social networks.

    • lysdexicOP
      1 year ago

      I would expect more negativity than average because ‘actually useful’ is relative and frankly, I cant be bothered to make my case.

      Perhaps it’s just me, but the way I interpret the “actually useful” is that the goal is to showcase practical uses of some AI implementation showcasing how it’s used to solve real world problems.

      This is fundamentally different than all the “solution in search for a problem” announcements which ride the AI buzzword, which boil down to handwaving over their practical relevance.