
      • @[email protected]
        171 year ago

        No, anymore. Once upon a time Yahoo bought tumblr for over a billion dollars. It was most recently bought for only $3 million.

        • kryllic
          101 year ago

          Yahoo needs to stop taking investment advice from Cramer

  • CarlsIII
    231 year ago

    If one thing happens, does that automatically mean some other specific thing will happen?


      • MoogleMaestro
        181 year ago

        Doesn’t support it yet. There’s been murmuring that they want to support it, but I’m of the “I’ll believe it when I see it” opinion that most of that was just empty promises. I’d like to be proven wrong though!

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          There’s absolutely no way it will happen. Tumblr staff is incompetent af, assuming they even actually attempt it I guarantee it never sees the light of day.

          • Matthieu
            21 year ago

            @fediverse @Perfide @MoogleMaestro
            The staff of automatic have confirmed multiple times on Twitter and Mastodon that they’re working on this for both Tumblr and wordpress. And many people offered their help, including the co-inventor of ActivityPub.

            This IS happening. I don’t know when, but it’s coming.

            • CommunityLinkFixerBotB
              01 year ago

              Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using an URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]

      • Ignacio
        31 year ago

        One more thing. I read that Flickr is also considering to support ActivityPub.

    • Jeze3D
      31 year ago

      Yep! I host my writing on Tumblr. It’s a great community for writers.

  • Quokka
    151 year ago

    I hope so.

    Corps are free to use this standard, that doesn’t mean we need to allow them into our spaces. We’ve got something nice going her without them involved, very reminiscent of the earlier days of the Internet.

  • zlatiah
    151 year ago

    I stand my opinion on this… Some people are defederating Meta because they are anti-capitalist; these are the same admins who defederated mastodon.cloud as well as instances from Medium/Mozilla/etc on moment’s notice, so I think they will certainly defederate from Tumblr. Most people would probably want to at least wait & see since Tumblr isn’t as nefarious as Meta is

    • fuzzzerd
      61 year ago

      Not a huge surprise there is a large anti-capitalist faction on lemmy, so this isn’t terribly surprising.

      I’m no meta apologist, they’ve done enough to warrant skepticism. The reality is they can harvest the data even if you defederate their main instance, by setting up shadow instances or just scraping other instances, so that argument doesn’t really hold water for defederation. The bigger one is content vs spam coming from their instances and possible EEE measures, but immediate defederation only serves to keep them siloed off and does not let them function as an offramp to better instances for regular users.

  • NaN
    121 year ago

    I doubt it. Meta is just ridiculous, going off of the App Store App Privacy report, why does threads need my browsing history and health and fitness data? Tumblr also grabs more than I’d like but nothing like that.

    That’s only talking about the apps but really reflects on the attitudes at the company. People may not trust tumblr but they are not some giant known bad actor that wants nothing more than to grab anything about you and sell that data to whomever.

    A lot of it will probably depend on how they use federated data and if they start being creepy with it. I think this will be something people have to watch for with any commercial entity, but also that most people aren’t entirely against federation with commercial entities.

  • Carlos Solís
    1 year ago

    It depends on how privacy-conscious does Automattic (the current owners of Tumblr and Wordpress) decide to make Tumblr. If they actually make good in their offer to open-source Tumblr though, you can expect people to federate with no issues with both Tumblr and other “Tumblr nodes” as well.

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      I don’t get the privacy argument against federation with corporate instances. No corporation gets access to any more information when federated than they can get from the API with a simple login. Our privacy protection comes from logging in to instances other than those controlled by corporate interests, not by avoiding sharing our content with them (which we cannot avoid).

      • kryllic
        61 year ago

        Hell even web scraping will get the job done. Defederating from meta is going to be akin to slapping a “meta bad” bumper sticker on and refusing to use Facebook. We aren’t the target audience of Threads, meta doesn’t give a shit about Lemmy or its instances, and defederating won’t impact the Threads experience or product hardly at all. Still, glad we have the option to defederate at all, and exercising that option should be used in this case, imo. Just don’t expect Mark Zucchini to be crawling on all fours begging Lemmy admins to stop because their product is being crippled lol

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Yeah, I gather that you can follow a Lemmy thread using mastodon, if awkwardly. I figure it would be what doing it from Threads would be like - definitely not something the average threads user will be interested in. I think the conversation would be more about Threads being a fair player and not making Mastadon a second class citizen, but there is already a planned feature to limit interaction with federated users:

          Another unique aspect of Threads that many have been anticipating is the way it can connect to federated social networks like Mastodon (collectively known as the “fediverse”). It seems that Threads may not be ready to launch its fediverse features right away.

          Soon, you’ll be able to follow and interact with people on other fediverse platforms, like Mastodon. They can also find you with your full username @[email protected].

          The only other detail we could uncover about Threads’ integration with the fediverse is that if you choose to restrict replies on a post, it won’t be shared outside of the Threads app.

          When you limit replies, your thread will not be shared with your fediverse followers.

          • kryllic
            1 year ago

            Yeah, I’ll be very surprised indeed if Threads allows Lemmy posts to appear in the app, since that’s user content they don’t really have control over, in terms of user agreements or policies as far as I know, and I’m sure the last thing Meta wants is a ton of Lemmy users beckoning Threads users to ditch the centralized network of Meta and joint them in the “real” fediverse lol

  • Marxine
    1 year ago

    For me, it depends heavily on how they do it.

    • Will it be FOSS?
    • Will of adhere to the ActivePub standard and play nice in not trying to push it around to suit their needs alone?
    • Will it be honest about how much and which data they collect, and give users control on how much they want to share?
    • Are they good about not forcing their users on an unknowable algorithm?

    There’s too many factors to decide on a whim. Not all companies are wholly evil like Meta, Microsoft and Elon’s enterprises, but they’re all for-profit, and we must always be wary. I’m willing to give Tumblr’s owner the benefit of the doubt for now.

  • ZILtoid1991
    51 year ago

    Depends on.

    Meta Threads have other issues on top of potential EEE measures and concerns about data harvesting. Meta’s moderation is a shit show on Facebook, Instagram, and so far on Threads, so federating with them will result on letting a large number of trolls into the Fediverse, that are encouraged to do their trolling for higher place in the algorithm. In addition to that, Meta can dictate policies to you, like no NSFW content, and for corporations that can mean almost anything.

    If Tumblr doesn’t go too extreme in any of these directions, I can accept federation with them. My main gripe with interacting with corporations is that they likely want to dictate the rules of the Fediverse.

    • @[email protected]
      -31 year ago

      If Tumblr doesn’t go too extreme in any of these directions, I can accept federation with them. My main gripe with interacting with corporations is that they likely want to dictate the rules of the Fediverse.

      So I can tell you Tumblr’s policies are a copy of Instagram. It is even more conservative than gram. It doesn’t want any nudity or porn or even bikini pictures. Sees a nip through a shirt, gets shadow banned. They outright ban users for it. But their bots can’t handle porn bots. So average casual user/blogger will banned while porn bots proliferate.

  • HeartyBeast
    21 year ago

    Tumblr isn’t based on ActivityPub, so you can’t “defederate” from it.

  • Reclipse
    21 year ago

    I don’t think Meta will federate with most instances.

  • 「fleece!」
    01 year ago

    I hope not.

    I really understand wanting to keep distance from Meta even if I think it will prove everyone right with what they think about the fediverse. I think more federation = more better, but we’ll see how their moderation goes.

    I think so long as the greater fediverse is over their “tumblr is full of whiny red haired liberals” phase, people would be more down to federate with it. Tumblr is actually great for longform blog posting, and it’s a format I find myself really missing when I use other platforms. I’d love to be able to interact with Tumblr without having to use the horrible ad-ridden app or website

    • curiosityLynx
      41 year ago

      There’s calkey for a fediverse version of Tumblr, if I’m not mistaken about what either does.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        There’s calkey for a fediverse version of Tumblr, if I’m not mistaken about what either does.

        From a user’s perspective Calckey is basically Mastodon with better features.

  • @[email protected]
    -21 year ago

    Once the puritans flex their power with Treads they will be continuously on the attack for any instance they don’t like.