Hey nerds! I used #WordPress heavily in the years before #gutenberg. I’m trying to get back into using it but I’m having a hard time wrapping my brain around Gutenberg and #blocks in general. Can anybody point me at some good introductory videos to get me more comfortable? Blog posts are fine, too but I learn better visually! (Tagging a couple of accounts that might be able to help, but any response is welcome.) @wordpress @david
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@beckettalbee @NorCalChar @wordpress
I read https://gutenbergtimes.com/ which links to a lot of places.@aurooba is on Mastodon and has made videos and a podcast and tutorials all about the block editor!
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@beckettalbee @david @NorCalChar @wordpress Thanks for the shoutout @david!
Charlotte, happy to answer specific questions as well and send you to specific resources as you start to experiment! My first recommendation would be to dive into the block editor as a user and play with it for at least a day or two before you start looking at the dev side of things, it’ll help _tremendously_
@aurooba @beckettalbee @david @wordpress hi aurooba! Nice to meet you. I’m not really looking to “develop” in the sense of writing React or PHP code. Just “developing” sites for myself and others.