For me it was “buy high quality pillow” because you sleep for one thrid of a day etc. I needed a new pillow anyway so I came to the store and bought the best they had. And it was … ok. Like it’s a fine pillow but my sleeping haven’t improved really, it’s basically the same. So I was disapointed :(

So, which life pro tip disappointed you?

    1 year ago

    You’ve been sold a bill of goods, or whoever tried to tell you this doesn’t understand leasing.
    ex-lease cars are just as good as new, come with a new car warranty, and don’t come with the absurd depreciation.
    look at cars that where released 3 years ago, that’s the used cars we’re talking about not a 1990s civic or whatever.

    Poor people buy new cars, rich people lease them, smart people buy ex-lease cars.