Wanted to share this one because I find myself using it every day—often in place of Google. You can even somewhat replace Siri with it using the app’s Apple Shortcuts:

Note: I haven’t read the privacy policy or terms and do suspect that there is some form of data collection.

    • silasOP
      18 months ago

      Yeah that would be awesome, I couldn’t get this one to search scihub but the Academic mode does search more reputable sources

      • @RonSijm
        28 months ago

        I’m building a custom search AI as well, but it would be pretty big to host a scihub search LLM.

        It says there are 88,343,822 articles. For an AI to work effectively, you’ll have to slice up the articles into paragraphs, so you will probably end up with between 10x to 100x slices. For those slices you’d have to get the embed vector and store it in a Vector database.

        One 1536 vector is about 6.15 KB, meaning 54331450530 KB for everything, or 543 GB in vectors

  • @CurlyChopz
    28 months ago

    Seems to have that whole sassy thing that Gonk (I really hate that name) is promising, I’ll check it out I guess. How is it at answering questions accurately? There’s no point if I have to search the validity anyway

    • silasOP
      28 months ago

      Well in that example I gave it a very exaggerated prompt to give it that sarcasm, then I used RegEx to remove the source citations, but normally you can just click the citation links it includes to verify the info.

      • @CurlyChopz
        38 months ago

        That’s cool. I’ve been using this for the past 2 days and wow, it’s really capable. Thanks for sharing!