Perhaps I’ve misunderstood how Lemmy works, but from what I can tell Lemmy is resulting in fragmentation between communities. If I’ve got this wrong, or browsing Lemmy wrong, please correct me!

I’ll try and explain this with an example comparison to Reddit.

As a reddit user I can go to /r/technology and see all posts from any user to the technology subreddit. I can interact with any posts and communicate with anyone on that subreddit.

In Lemmy, I understand that I can browse posts from other instances from Beehaw, for example I could check out /c/[email protected], /c/[email protected], or many of the other technology communities from other instances, but I can’t just open up /c/technology in Beehaw and have a single view across the technology community. There could be posts I’m interested in on the technology@slrpnk instance but I wouldn’t know about it unless I specifically look at it, which adds up to a horrible experience of trying to see the latest tech news and conversation.

This adds up to a huge fragmentation across what was previously a single community.

Have I got this completely wrong?

Do you think this will change over time where one community on a specific instance will gain the market share and all others will evaporate away? And if it does, doesn’t that just place us back in the reddit situation?

EDIT: commented a reply here: Thanks for the discussion helping me understand what this is (and isnt!)

  • @[email protected]
    741 year ago

    On Reddit there can be multiple tech subs too, and I bet there are. Usually one of them just becomes dominant.

    • @[email protected]
      211 year ago

      Yep I followed multiple subs with overlapping content, especially with technology, PC hardware, etc etc

      • @[email protected]
        261 year ago

        There are 2 car-enthusiast subreddits. /r/autos and /r/cars. Years ago they were planning to merge because they were so similar. Some disagreement between the direction caused them to not merge and actually differentiate. Now /r/cars doesn’t allow image posts to foster more discussion while /autos can be more about looking at cool cars. I think similar things will happen to Lemmy

        • Enfield [he/him]
          11 year ago

          I agree that something similar will happen over time. I think there’ll inevitably be overlap between instances and their communities, and that overlap will stymy discussions to a degree. But I also think that instances and their communities will gradually begin to develop their niches and have different strokes for different folks. Beehaw may be more attractive to having a friendlier or more cultivated group and discussion, another instance could lean toward corralling the banter and memes, and another still could be the best fit for media.

          I think the most powerful thing about platforms like Lemmy, even if instances aren’t in federation and even if multiple accounts end up needing to be juggled, is that Lemmy makes creating communities and instances like Reddit so much more accessible. Reddit is no longe the only place to get an experience with a format like Reddit, and I think that’s a big win.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    On Reddit you also have multiple subreddits on technology. Especially when Reddit was just starting out several people started technology subreddits. It is just that you only visited the one most popular with the most users and most content. Which built up over quite some time. I think it is weird to expect Lemmy instances to be exactly like Reddit is now, when you consider Reddit is 17(!) years old.

    While there will be a few instances which are very niche because they get defederated from anyone else and they may have a technology community as well, for the bigger, federated instances there will be the one big technology community again.

    Currently people all over the fediverse start new communities without checking if they already exist. This won’t go on indefinitely…

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      I think the difference is entry points. You’d start with /r/gaming - but you may eventually unsubscribe from that and subscribe to more niche gaming subreddits or even game specific subreddits. The day one Reddit experience is significantly more digestible compared to Lemmy. Content and community discovery isn’t as easy on Lemmy either.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        It’ll get better with time though. The tech needs time to improve and the ecosystem needs time to grow. Contributing to those two things will be what allows issues like difficult onboarding and difficulty discovering content to naturally solve themselves.

  • @[email protected]
    391 year ago

    The fragmentation is not inherent to how Lemmy works - the exact same fragmentation can and does happen on Reddit. Just a random example:

    On Reddit, it usually works out in the end in one way or another. Either mods decide to team up and combine their communities, or the users just naturally pick one community as the “winner”.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      things are better on reddit because only a single community subreddit can have one name vs on lemmy where every server can have the same community name - but the end result should be the same in both cases.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I think people will eventually get used to the idea that the name of a community is not just the part before the “@”.

        I mean, even regular people have no difficulty understanding that e-mail addresses like [email protected] and [email protected] are two different “identifiers” and, most likely, two completely different people. Given a bit of time, I think the understanding that “[email protected]” and “[email protected]” are different names

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          Given a bit of time, I think the understanding that “[email protected]” and “[email protected]” are different names

          I think this is exactly what OP is trying to point out - they are two different communities, when on reddit there would only be one - therefore the fragmentation.

          • @[email protected]
            51 year ago

            on reddit there would only be one

            The person you were talking to started the conversation with a screenshot showing 5 subreddits for “Blue Protocol”, apparently a MMORPG. Similar examples exist for almost any subject big enough.

            The phenomenon exists for all systems where there is no central authority deciding names and categories, which is true for both reddit and lemmy. Individual users can decide to create a new group regardless of existing groups, for a variety of reasons. This naturally leads to some duplicates.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              The person you were talking to started the conversation with a screenshot showing 5 subreddits for “Blue Protocol”, apparently a MMORPG. Similar examples exist for almost any subject big enough.

              they were all different names, there could be only one BlueProtocol.

              • @lars
                51 year ago

                And as sunaurus said, they all have different names on Lemmy too, once you realize you need to count the entire identifier and not just the part before the @.

                On reddit you’d have /r/tech and /r/technology, both serving the same thing but with clearly different names. On Lemmy you’ll have /c/tech@instance1 and /c/tech@instance2 both serving the same thing but with clearly different names. Eventually one will win out and the other will wither away. Or they’ll diverge enough to make subscribing to both worthwhile.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  On Lemmy you’ll have /c/tech@instance1 and /c/tech@instance2 both serving the same thing but with clearly different names.

                  on reddit you have r/tech and r/technology, the analogue on lemmy would be /c/tech@instance1, /c/tech@instance2, …, /c/technology@instance1, /c/technology@instance2, … - the chance for fragmentation is much greater.

                  Eventually one will win out and the other will wither away. Or they’ll diverge enough to make subscribing to both worthwhile.

                  Agreed. This is exactly what I’ve been saying as well.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            And like some other commenters have said: Lemmy is still very new and no standards and a lot of UX features still need to emerge. I am of the opinion that this fragmentation is a symptom of a UX problem and not inherent to anything specific to Lemmy.

            Search needs to be improved to show communities from yet-to-be-discovered instances and provide a way for the user to view them by subscriber, popularity or newest, for example. But right now, it relies on the user to initiate a subscription to a community in another server for server discovery.

            I could see a list of “popular instances” emerging at some point as a means for instance maintainers to prepopulate this in the future.m and Lemmy to support importing such a list to seed federation on new instances.

          • @MagicShel
            11 year ago

            We can just subscribe to both though. I think we can even cross post. At least I’ve seen some things that look like cross posts. Frankly, I don’t see any difference.

        • mars296
          11 year ago

          I think what they mean is that taking your example with blue protocol, that same thing can happen both within instances and between instances. I do think it will eventually sort itself out but will take longer.

  • flatbield
    371 year ago

    The thing you getting wrong is if you go to /r/technology you are only seeing one subreddit on Reddit. It is not all Technology forums on the internet nor is it even all the Tech stuff on Reddit. You never see it all. The world is big, you never will. You just though you were because Reddit is well known, and the Technology sub-reddit is well known to you. You made a choice just to use that subreddit still and Reddit has no interest in federating with other sites. At least on the Fediverse you can see most things on the Fediverse if you choose.

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      This is a good way of describing it. Personally I’m finding that the fediverse is helping me to challenge those old reddit habits of just getting everything from one place. Reddit essentially became THE internet for me and the more I used it, the less I ventured out.

      • flatbield
        31 year ago

        I agree. Even though I always knew there was more then Reddit, Reddit kind of becomes the place. For me included, even though I have used Forums of all sorts for over 40 years. So thinking Reddit is the only place is what they want you to think and it is easy to start thinking that way. Frankly it takes some un-thinking to actually come to one’s senses.

      • 📛Maven
        11 year ago

        the less I ventured out.

        That’s turned out to be a big thing for me, too. When I was younger, I’d spend literally hours a day on StumbleUpon some days, just clicking through niche sites I’d never find otherwise, and submitting new ones I found that I thought other people would like. It was a competition to find the most interesting little-known sites! Now I spend 70% of my browsing time on Reddit, just passively seeing what other people have found.

        It’s time to get back out there!

  • Ghostalmedia
    361 year ago

    Give it time. Big communities will form, and unlike Reddit, there will be more competition between them. You won’t just have one group of mods squatting over “Apple” or “Android” because they registered it first.

    • Scrubbles
      21 year ago

      That’s the worst, someone gets the name first and they’ve ruled as mods ever since. Subs never rotate mods or rules and it goes unchecked. Here if you don’t like it, start your own

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      This is definitely a great post. The only thing that I think would help also would be discoverability and user choice, but it’s obviously easy to say without working on it.

      Reddit had relatively consistent discoverability, but the whole “federation” aspect (which is the whole point) makes a very different landscape to wade through.

      Definitely, this is a milestone for a new wave of “early adopters”. It will be interesting to see how it evolves.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Another example, a random game, Overwatch:













      Fragmentation has it’s benefits in this kind of format too, maybe you’re just interested in an aspect of something, not 15 memes a day or drama. You can easily fit everything into one sub, who would want that though.

  • @[email protected]
    321 year ago

    It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. Think of it like this:

    • Instances: define some ToS and Code of Conduct
    • Communities: define a theme and a sub-Code of Conduct

    By having multiple instances, you aren’t bound by a single ToS or Code of Conduct, you can pick whatever instance you want that matches the content you want to post to a community.

    For example, the same “Technology” community could be on:

    • an instance directed to kids
    • an instance that allows visual examples of medical procedures
    • an instance that discusses weapons technology

    Having the community limited to a single instance, would never allow the different discussions each combination of instance:topic would allow, even if the topic is technically the same in all cases.

    Forcing communities from multiple instances to merge, would also break the ToS of some of them.

    So the logical solution is for the user to decide which instance:communities they want to follow and participate in, respecting the particular ToS and Code of Conduct of each.

    On Reddit, the r/Technology community needs to follow a single set of ToS and Code of a Conduct. If you try to discuss something that meets the topic but is not allowed, then you will get banned, possibly from all of Reddit.

  • @[email protected]
    321 year ago

    Possibly unpopular opinion: Fragmentation is good, as it means there are options for leaving a community behind. Fragmentation and competition are synonyms, and generally competition is good.

    Lemmy definitely won’t kill reddit the same way mastodon won’t kill twitter, but I don’t want it to. I just want it them to be successful enough to be a viable alternative when someone like Spez or Elon think they don’t need to listen to their users.

    • Cylinsier
      31 year ago

      I agree with what others are saying, it’s not different than people starting their own subreddits when they don’t like the main community anymore. But I also agree with you, a little bit of competition is good. It may be a little unconstructive at first while the user count is still small but eventually supporting a few communities on the same topic instead of just one will have it’s benefits.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I’m also extremely excited about this. Growing lemmy into a thriving community of people across many different instances is the best part about it. I’m hopeful that we have the dev talent required to build interfaces that can highlight that feature.

      Also being able to point to lemmy and say “go here for a better experience” is gonna be fantastic every time when Reddit continues to kill their platform.

    • Fox
      21 year ago

      This is how I feel. I’d rather have things be fragmented than be too big to fail. A lot of people have joked in the past few years that it feels like the internet only has 4 sites on it now; I’m pretty happy to be back to browsing multiple. It reminds me of following multiple forums around the same topics back in the day. Variety is the spice of life!

  • projectmoon
    301 year ago

    One feature that might help with this is something similar to multi-reddits, where users can categorize communities into their own “meta communities”.

    • Zak8022
      101 year ago

      IMO, this would solve the problem, while keeping the benefits of being decentralized. I could go to my “Community Group” called “Tech”, I could see all the aggregated results of Beehaw’s, kbin’s, etc, tech Communities.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        While I haven’t spent time looking at kbin, isn’t that essentially what it does with its ‘magazines’? I believe magazines are an automatic grouping of posts by hashtag, community, keyword, etc.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Oh, good to know. For some reason I was under the impression that there was something ‘more’ to a Kbin magazine compared to a subreddit or Lemmy community. I’m sure I read about it somewhere and was sort of surprised at how flexible it seemed – but I can’t seem to find it now, so I may have imagined it!

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      This is the best solution I’ve come up with, but it’s going to result in a lot of duplicate posts (and the comments will still be fragmented). I’m following several technology communities and a lot of the posts are posted to each of these communities individually. This has always been my concern with federation (along with server health/durability)

      It’s not the worst result, but I don’t know how well it will be received by more mainstream users. You also then have to solve discoverability of these “groups/metas”, and THAT has to be hosted on a federated instance so you could still end up with users confused on whether they should follow beehaws tech group or someone else’s….and round and round we go lol

      (Just to be clear - I’m not against federation, it’s just such a starkly different model than the normal web that we really have to adjust our mindset and find truly novel solutions or adjust our expectations)

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I was thinking of something like that too, where if I want to post about a game, I can tag my post in ‘gaming’ as such so others can search for it.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      This would be a huge plus, especially if it could be a server-wide multi. Instance maintainers could create /c/[email protected] but make it contain content from a curated list of other federated instances with their own /c/technology or lists could be distributed containing popular technology communities and you could import that list as your /c/technology as a personal multi.

    • Briongloid
      11 year ago

      I would really like a /g/ option, where the instance admin can create multis for multiple !gaming instances under a single /g/gaming

    • –Phase–
      1 year ago

      Good to see someone else thought of this feature. This would make the whole experience so much better.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I vote this also. We groups similar communities in the fediverse and then it will appear as one feed.

    • ddh
      101 year ago

      You could even say it’s neither. Different communities can have different vibes and choice can be good (I’m sure at one point we will be able to define our own multi-communities as well). And Reddit has a similar setup where multiple subs for one topic can be created, so I don’t see it as really that different. It’ll probably coalesce together over time.

  • magnetosphere
    1 year ago

    If the choice is tolerating trolls and jerks vs. dealing with communities that are fragmented and harder to find, I’ll choose fragmentation every time.

    I just wanna say what’s on my mind (trite though it may be) without all the pedantry, trolling, and hostility. I’m not a mean person IRL, I don’t put up with jerks IRL, and I want the same thing online. Everything else is a distant second. I like Beehaw.

    By the same token, I support anyone who disagrees, and I encourage them to find an instance that’s a better match. I just want everyone to be happy and feel comfortable expressing themselves. I hope people find an instance that suits them; they shouldn’t feel like they need to change to suit the instance.

  • youronlyone
    271 year ago

    Re: fragmentation

    Also, this negative “fragmentation” view is biased. Before the subreddit migration, there were already existing and well-established communities in the fediverse. Suddenly, after the subreddit migration, it’s being called “fragmentation”.

    For example, topics like Star Trek and Books. There are already large communities in the Fediverse before the related subreddits migrated. Yet, you will see people calling it “fragmented”, some even have the guts to call other communities to “merge” with the migrators.

    This is wrong and very rude.

    Having multiple communities is good. There is no one-size-fits-all. Also, we’ve been doing that in the entire history of the human race. That said, even if everyone merged into one mega church, it will still split up like it or not.

    In other words, we need to stop viewing “fragmentation” as negative. In fact, don’t use that word. Don’t even think about it. Just setup your community and build it up. Create your own culture. Your own rules. System, team, and invite people who wants to join your type of community.

    Multiple communities is healthy for everyone. It is a win for everyone.

    And… haven’t we learned what happens when we rely on one service? One central platform?

    A lot can happen.

    1. It suddenly goes offline. We’ve already experienced this in 2023. A lot of large communities disappeared for almost a week because the instance encountered issues.

    2. The instance owner might no longer have the resources to continue. Not necessarily on the financial side, remember, there is the technical side which will take an owner’s time.

    Sure, they can get other admins to join. But, as an instance admin, would you easily trust access? Consider also the trust your users has given you in protecting their data and privacy.

    There were instances who went offline because of that, and instead of transfering management to a new team, or selling their platform to someone, they chose to shut it down permanently because they value the data and privacy of their users.

    So… if that instance that happens to be hosting a one-size-fits-all community goes offline…


    1. Or, it can very well be something uncontrollable. Server farm fire, raid, who knows.

    But if we let people build their own communities spread across different instances, then we are building redundancy, continuation, and resiliency. If one goes down, for whatever reason, we have existing communities we can move into and continue our discussions, with minimal interference.


    • kobra
      41 year ago

      Well said, this was all something I didn’t really understand before reddit did what it did. It’s all crystal clear now though!

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Good points and well written! Would give you gold if i could. The word fragmented in this context has positive connotations of resiliency, variety and freedom.

  • clovis
    241 year ago

    I think you got things the right way, however keep in mind that there isn’t any standard yet. There is indeed multiple communities for the same subjects on Reddit, you just have a principal one. Since things are pretty new on here you haven’t major subs emerging. It will eventually be the case I think !

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      That’s the point! If you look at Reddit and choose an argument, say for example “pc building subreddit”, you could find dozens of subreddit related to that topics. There are 1 or 2 that have the majority of good contents and users, but this happens over times.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Exactly: r/baseball and r/MLB, r/hockey and r/NHL, the 50 Linux subreddits, it goes on and on. Fragmentation is far from a fediverse innovation.

  • @[email protected]
    211 year ago

    Honestly, this is like “the old days” where there were lots of small forums across the web. The big difference now is that you can be a member on one of them and subscribe to others hosted elsewhere.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      No, this is worse than the old days. Back in the old days, forums were centered around specific groups and interests. All of the Reddit replacements are trying to replicate Reddit but without what makes Reddit actually the great: the mountain of archived content from over the years.

      Instead of going back to the old days, what we got is a bunch of general discussion Internet forums.

      • @[email protected]
        191 year ago

        All of the Reddit replacements are trying to replicate Reddit but without what makes Reddit actually the great: the mountain of archived content from over the years.

        This premise, I feel is the wrong way to look at it. What you think what’s makes Reddit great and what made reddit great to me are totally different. What each user wants or expects from a reddit alternative is something that ISN’T Reddit. If I wanted Reddit, I’d go back to Reddit.

        From your post, I don’t think you were really into internet forums. I was a part of several dozens forums, with tons of overlapping and also different discussions. I was sad when many of them slowly died as Reddit dominated niche communities. The current expression of the community-based fediverse such as Lemmy and Kbin are a return to form that I deeply missed. In the old days you could have an art subforum and the vibe of each art subforum was totally different, but shared the general themes of certain styles of art.

        I think the “fragmentation” of the current fediverse is great, its no longer one massive hivemind of a single dominate discussion points. I think in the long term, many of these communities will grow and change to suit their respective audience and some will fall out of favor and that’s okay.

        I personally do NOT want a single technology community. It becomes boring and samey really fast as the same opinions are reiterated over and over. Focused unique communities will come around that will be my peak of this amazing system.

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          Well said, variety is the spice of life! Reddit became very samey over the years. The archive of info is fantastic but who’s to say that cant happen on a federated platform? Things are new and rapidly changing right now, I have confidence that Lemmy and platforms like it will grow into their own and become better than the things it’s replaced. Reddit was long overdue for some competition or correction, here it is

        • falinter
          41 year ago

          plus it felt like a lot of stuff got curated and posted by super users around the big subreddits. it felt like there were like the same 20 peoples posts getting most of the attention. at least here theres the potential for more diverse view points and posts from different instances.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          From your post, I don’t think you were really into internet forums. I was a part of several dozens forums, with tons of overlapping and also different discussions. I was sad when many of them slowly died as Reddit dominated niche communities. The current expression of the community-based fediverse such as Lemmy and Kbin are a return to form that I deeply missed. In the old days you could have an art subforum and the vibe of each art subforum was totally different, but shared the general themes of certain styles of art.

          I was very much into Internet forums as a child and posted on quite a few. But I didn’t go on any of the general discussion boards, I focused those on specific topics or niches. That is what’s missing with the fediverse today. Everyone is trying to provide a Reddit alternative right now but forget what made Internet forums of old great - their singular focus on a particular topic, community, or subject.

          • @[email protected]
            51 year ago

            All of the forums I’ve used didn’t focus on a single topic or subject. It was usually made up of people sharing a general interest, but there were always boards within each forum for either general discussion or more focused discussion on a particular topic like movies, games, art, philosophy, etc

          • 📛Maven
            1 year ago

            I don’t know that they’re forgetting it. Both types of forum exist here. There’s plenty of general-purpose instances, but there’s plenty of specific instances too. At a casual glance, maybe a third of the instances on the join-lemmy list? is a Star Trek-focused instance. is a programming-focused instance. is a marxism-focused instance. There’s a wet shaving instance, there’s a cyberpunk instance, there’s a solarpunk instance, there’s a magic: the gathering instance, there’s a dungeons and dragons instance, there’s a pathfinder instance, there’s a science instance, there’s a science & nature instance, there’s SEVERAL furry instances, there’s a general anime/manga instance and also instances for specific anime or manga, hell there’s an instance just for butts.

            If you want to join a focused instance and focus on that topic, just like old-style forums, that’s already just a thing you can do. You don’t have to take advantage of federation.

      • Freeman
        1 year ago

        What lemmy needs is a multi-Reddit style function where you can group communities into silos by your choosing

        Here’s some threads I’m monitoring hoping it’s added.

        I think this with some instance agnostic linking that makes you always stay in your logged in instance, making subscribing and searching easier would be huge

        Admittedly the devs seem weirdly hard headed about this but it seems they have blinders on and can only see it from a tech perspective. There needs to be easier ways to move between instances and communities, find communities and group them based on categories so it LOOKs and is parsable from a single pane of glass.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        No, there were and are huge forums which catered to pretty much everything. From chatting to dating, gardening, gaming, technology, motor trucks, all in one forum.

        Reddit actually just tried to replicate these forums but with a less centralised approach, ironically, by allowing everyone and not just the forum admins to make a new category on the forum.

        I think the problem is more that some people still struggle to understand how to find and subscribe to communities and magazines not on their instance.

  • @[email protected]
    211 year ago

    On Reddit, you also have r/memes and r/meme (and many other similar ones). I think there are r/woo(oooo)sh subs with between 2-6 os. But in both cases one has vastly more users than the other(s), and most people probably only know about the most popular one.

    So yea, over time one of these tech communities on Lemmy will probably be much bigger than the others, and grow faster because it’s the biggest and thus most attractive.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Don’t forget the 4 AITA subs, a few subs for some fandoms because admins can be trash (Making a Murderer has like 3 itself). It’s fragmented on reddit too.