The movie starts with a group of hikers going on a snowy mountain. One of the group stumbles on a weird sculpture in a hidden shrine. Then that person gets sick/possessed. Some spoilers later, the actual movie starts in a small town, where a cop starts investigating some missing kids who followed an urban legend. They go on a bridge and call out some demon or something. Then some days later whoever did that dies. It involves some kind of a cult. I don’t want to go into too much detail to avoid spoilers, but does anybody know what movie I’m talking about?

    • @nieceandtowsOPM
      58 months ago

      That’s the one! Thank you! What did you think about that movie?

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        I’ve never seen it, but my wife collects and watches tons. I remembered her speaking of this one as one she wanted to see but never got around to.

      • Ab_intraM
        18 months ago

        Do you recommend it? Sounds like an interesting movie and I’ve seen it around on my tv 😅

        • @nieceandtowsOPM
          18 months ago

          I think it was decent, with some unexpected reveal at the end. In some ways it felt like a long and slow fever dream.