I’ve been telling a lot of people about it, but everyone’s a skeptic. I’ve heard a lot of people saying that they’re just going to wait to see which Reddit clone comes out on top before switching. Most of them haven’t heard of the other parts of the fediverse like mastodon. I’d like to leave fb/instagram, but like many others, all my friends are on there. I’m not against defederation from meta to preserve the sanctity of what we have. (Although I know many of you might be for it as well.) But in a perfect world, I wish that meta would fall apart and all of my friends would switch from instagram over to pixelfed and we would have a great, non corporate internet again.

What do you think?

    • @parpol
      61 year ago

      Same. I couldn’t even get them to get signal or any other larger service that isn’t privacy violating. everyone I know is on facebook and use their messenger, which sucks because I don’t live in my home country anymore and I want to delete my account but can’t just no-contact my family and friends.

  • @[email protected]
    281 year ago

    No, even on Reddit I wasn’t trying to let IRL people know that I was on Reddit. I don’t want them figuring out my username and seeing any of my comments. Not because I’m like ashamed or anything, but because I enjoy the freedom of not “having an audience”. I write differently if I know that potentially people I know IRL are reading it vs whoever the hell you people are. Anonymity is freedom.

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    no and i’d struggle to recommend it. it seems to be mostly talking about being on the fediverse and hating other social media… hopefully we’ll get to a point where there’s more discussion outside of just being here and why.

    • @[email protected]
      151 year ago

      I had the same opinion about Lemmy until I took the time to find the same wide assortment of communities that I subbed to on Reddit. Now that there’s a wider variety of content to read, I don’t have that “please stop talking about the fediverse” thought anymore. I will say that tech and tech-adjacent communities on here are still really heavy on the meta discussions (i.e. as in posting on Lemmy about Lemmy—not about Zuck’s website).

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        i’m sadly finding communities with only one or two posts mostly, but i’m staying the course and i’m hopeful!

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Hang in there! I highly recommend using something like https://lemmyverse.net/communities to search for communities. Lemmy (and most other parts of the fediverse) are a double-edged sword: you’re not being algorithmically fed content, so you’re able consciously curate what you devote your attention to, you’re not being surveilled for marketing, etc. However, because of this, it’s harder to accidentally find an interesting community because they’re not actively presented to you.

          I just started using the search above to type in keywords of interest. I’ve found some established Lemmy communities I don’t think I would have stumbled across otherwise.

  • MdRuckus
    131 year ago

    No, they’re not. I’m fine with it really. I enjoy following communities and not people, so not a big loss.

  • Saint of Illusion
    101 year ago

    I’ve gotten two friends to drop Reddit and ride the Lemmy train. Great success!

  • Lotus Eater
    61 year ago

    Ideally we would want people to switch because they want to, not because their preferred one died imo.

    The only way I can see convincing the average person would be if we have a thriving community and content.

  • wanderingmagus
    41 year ago

    I’ve successfully gotten a single coworker to join Lemmy. Most of the others barely even know what Reddit is. My family also very rarely uses social media other than YouTube, and there simply is not enough content on PeerTube for them to be convinced to switch.

    • Narrrz
      21 year ago

      I doubt my coworker could even grasp the concept

    • 𝑔𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑥𝑖OP
      21 year ago

      Heh, I had an older coworker ask everyone today if anyone’s joined Threads. Part of what got me thinking about all of this.

  • Chozo
    1 year ago

    Not yet, and to be honest, part of me is a little glad that Threads is going to be joining the Fediverse, because at least now I’ll be able to interact with people I know again, without having to actually use or directly interact with Meta. They’re going to scrape all my Fediverse data, anyway; I may as well be able to follow the people who actually matter to me, in return.

  • LostCause
    1 year ago

    My boyfriend joined, but he‘s only using it a little bit and mostly still on Reddit. Though maybe me sending all my memes and stuff from here will eventually get him to come here more.

    The rest, no, they are the types to use TikTok, Twitter and Instagram, they just want to follow a few influencers/famous people, theres no content for that on here and probably for the best anyway. When I want to write to them I use Signal.

    I kinda like the tech enthusiast vibes on here and would like it to stay fairly small, though maybe it will grow eventually to the size of Reddit.

  • rodhlann
    31 year ago

    Most of my friends jumped off Reddit and onto Kbin/Lemmy for the week of the blackout. I think most of them are using some hybrid of Lemmy/Reddit now. I’m the only person I know that moved exclusively to Kbin, but that’s okay. It fills the same hole that reddit did, I don’t much care if other people I know do or do not join tbh