It’s getting cold and so I’m fumbling with my phone and other devices.

I like the idea of a large screen on my forearm, but I’m not sure how it would work. Maybe it would be cool?

I see some company tried in 2014 and probably didn’t get anywhere (see Arubixs Portal), and there was that infamous Kickstarter too

  • @[email protected]
    2710 months ago

    I want the gravity gloves from Half Life Alyx.

    Back when I played the game I was putting in a couple hours a day for a little bit. One morning I woke up to my cell phone alarm going off and I reached over to shut it off but it was out of reach. In my not very awake state, and having been spending so much time in VR with the gravity gloves on, I pointed two of my fingers at my phone to “tether” it and started flicking my wrist to “pull” it to me, just like in the game. It wasn’t until it obviously didn’t come flying through the air to me and I started getting frustrated that I woke up enough to realize that sleepy me is incredibly stupid and you can’t make things fly through the air to you in the real world.

    • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
      10 months ago

      I once went outside on a foggy day and thought, wow, this render distance is terrible

      • @[email protected]
        610 months ago

        wow, this tender distance is terrible

        “Tender distance” sounds like some kind of song name.

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      You are not alone, I had the same experience after hours of Alyx. Shows how immersive that game is.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    I still think a google glass for people that do wear glasses would be great, I already spend the entire day with this dumb thing in front of my eyes, would be great if it was smart too. The problem is that they marketed glasses for people that don’t need it.

    • @[email protected]
      810 months ago

      My favorite idea for augmented reality is the ability to overlay historical photos of architecture. To see the world as it was 10, 20, or 100 years ago.

      If only they could figure out the privacy aspect of having something recording video on your face.

  • @[email protected]
    1210 months ago

    Basically anything from Cyberpunk. That aesthetic is so astoundingly cool to me. The eye implants probably the most. When I was a kid I played this Terminator game for Gamecube and you could activate terminator vision whenever. I always thought it was the coolest thing ever and that’s not really changed. Gimme those special eyes. Wanna see the world in a new light.

  • Rikudou_Sage
    1010 months ago

    I don’t even want that many sci-fi things, I want an Android smart watch that lasts a week with normal use.

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      What do you use it for? I use a Garmin watch that shows me notifications, does sleep tracking, tracks workouts, and lasts two weeks on a charge.

    • BruceTwarzen
      310 months ago

      My Huawei buds smartwatch lasts a good week. It’s the gps when i go mountainbiking and walking that drains it quite a bit.

      • PopShark
        110 months ago

        I saw a mrwhosetheboss video going over the Huawei tech we’re missing out on in the states and their smartwatches really impressed me besides the small stuff like lacking an app store on them

        • BruceTwarzen
          110 months ago

          I have to be honest, my first and only smartwatch before this one was the watch 2 i think it was called. I bought it used and the battery was only good for a day or a day and a half tops. It was also slow and not very responsive, so i was truly blown away by this one. Always having emergency earbuds on hands is really nice too, although i haven’t used them as much as i thought i would. I don’t know about the app store thing, because i have all i need on it pretty much stock. Now in hindsight i would’ve probably been better off with one of those ink screen watches where the battery lasts a month or so. But otherwise i’m very happy, i wear it every day.

  • @[email protected]
    1010 months ago

    I won’t be satisfied until I have the full inspector gadget suite, from gadget copter all the way down to gadget rocket skates.

  • @[email protected]
    810 months ago

    I want the earring stud connected to a personal Ai like in Enders Game. The author (Orson Scott Card) called her Jane.

    Of course in the book she was completely connected and insanely intelligent so made him in riches beyond belief while he was doing things like space traveling. Nice side feature.'s_Game)

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      The aliens near the end were probably the biggest sf heartbreak ever for me. I want a sequel to Children of the Mind :(

  • @[email protected]
    810 months ago

    Earphones/buds that don’t slide out/off your ear and that you can lie down on, without pain or discomfort. That also have good sound that don’t leak and easy to use controls that don’t get accidentally triggered.

    • OtterOP
      410 months ago

      Being able to lie down with them would be really nice

  • Hyperreality
    810 months ago

    Bit of a curve ball, but I’m a huge fan of a simple casio.

    When you’re in a city or a deprived poorer area, it’s far safer to look at your watch than take out your phone.

    It’s also more professional in a work context, especially in customer facing roles. If you look at your phone to check the time, people are more likely to think you’re checking your notifications and not fully engaged in what you’re doing.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Not the same commenting user. But I have the same feelings about watches.

        I would say the Casio F-91w is the classic and timeless but depending on your needs something like the Casio World Time might be more your speed. IIRC they both have backlights alarms stop watches and tell the time. With the world time tracking all the major time zones and two timezones manually set.

      • Hyperreality
        10 months ago

        Basic g-shock or the classic F91W.

        The former, I’m a fan of the DW5600BB. Blacked out, minimalist, works with almost everything (even a suit), indestructible. A choice even watch snobs can respect. 50-100 dollars/euros on amazon.

        The F91W comes in a few fun colours. I personally like black and gold. It’s retro, so it’s invariably seen as cool. It’s also dirt cheap. 10-20 dollars/euros.

        They’ve been making them for decades. A classic. Different colours if that’s your style.

  • Devi
    710 months ago

    Some kind of chip or retina scanner that lets you into wherever you want with no hassle. I have keys for home, keys for my car, keys for my parents, a keycard for work, a code for the gym, there’s a lot of shit to carry round just so I can go into the places that I’m allowed to go into.

      • AnonStoleMyPants
        510 months ago

        Ah yes. Can’t wait to get ads injected straight into my cornea. While driving my car. Wonderful.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          You only need one to be cyborg eye… the other one can succumb the way nature intended… to diabetes and television.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      Yup. Don’t care how heavy or ugly it is either. I’d probably buy the apple headset thing if it was cheaper, ran Linux, and wasn’t made by Apple. Can’t wait for the technology to come down in price.

      • @swordsmanluke
        210 months ago

        I’m with you.

        In fact, I made my own. It’s fugly and dorky as hell, but it’s everything I want and nothing I don’t.

        I used a VuFine LCD eyepiece and hooked a raspi Zero W to it. Input via Bluetooth keyboard. Not a lot of screen real estate, so I went full CLI and wrote my own TUI with widget support so I can have an “active” app, plus a bunch of passive data widgets.

  • @[email protected]
    610 months ago

    I already hate that I have to have my phone with me at all times (cause of work and family that wants me to be available). Definitely don’t want to wear another thing tracking me, distracting me and spamming notifications.

    If I had to switch my phone to a wearable the best would probably be an earpiece that reads text for me, if needed.

    Glasses and wristbands are a privacy nightmare and I can’t wait for people to get AR ads with their shiny new glasses.

    • OtterOP
      510 months ago

      The hope here was that the device would work the way we want them to

      So locally processed data, no tracking (unless you want to track your location intentionally) etc.

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        Guess under those circumstances a health tracker might be a useful thing. I’m not a huge fan of quantifying that kinda stuff, but getting a heads up for problems would be nice. Don’t give me any shit like a sleep score or whatever, just beep me if my heart is beating irregularly or something else is wrong.

        But as the other guy said, I’m too much of a pessimist to believe in a gadget like that ever existing ;) There’s always gonna be data mining and companies bombarding you with bullshit and ads.

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      Aw man, why did you have to ruin it by being such a pessimist! An entirely accurate and correct pessimist.