was looking for a GUI video editor on Android, and couldn’t find an open source one, so downloaded a proprietary apk(powerdirector).
was greeted with this as soon as I installed an opened it.

deleted it that very instant. will stick to ffmpeg on termux.

image below is from david revoy’s mastodon post.

image transcription:
meme has two images. upper one is a cropped screenshot from an app that reads, “to protect your rights to privacy, please accept the privacy policy and terms of use to continue.”

lower one is an image of pepper from pepper&carrot with one of her hand in air, eyes lit up and mouth agape. superimposed on very bottom is a text that reads, “Hmm, what a logic.”

  • @[email protected]
    4110 months ago

    If you don’t have any privacy, your privacy cannot be violated, so please accept this privacy policy.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Ffmpeg. The bane of my existence.

    I think writing ffmpeg manually would’ve saved me the weeks of pain of trying to do it programmatically via subprocess. The ffmpeg module is slow as hell, I geuss from having to pipe through python or something.

    The bottom image is hella cool. Where’s it from ?

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        ffmpeg is one of those programs no matter how many times you use, you still have to search how to do something with it.

        Not only ffmpeg is complex, It allows you to do things in different ways ( for compatibility ) so you can find a far nicer command than the horrible mishmash creation you have and spend another week remaking the script from scratch. But then you think of a better directory structure to work with and now you have to spend few days updating the script. Pain…

        I reckon I used AI to create the initial command ( biggest mistake , even gpt4 output somewhat working but garbage Ffmpeg commands) and I am a horrible programmer but still… It was tiring.

        image is from a post from David revoy, creator of pepper&carrot, a libre webcomic.

        Thanks !

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          I often downscale and convert videos for posting to Discord and I just use fish shell history and just replace the filenames

      • m-p{3}
        410 months ago

        I ask ChatGPT how to do something with ffmpeg when I’m stuck lol

    • @[email protected]
      1510 months ago

      The image is from Pepper and Carrot, a comic by David Revoy, a French artist known for using free software and releasing everything he does under free license. I don’t know what episode this panel is from, but you can and should read it all here for free!

  • @Hexarei
    1010 months ago

    I definitely wish there was a good NLVE for Android that was FOSS. Currently using LumaFusion because it’s the most powerful one I’ve found but it was $21 on sale

  • @[email protected]
    810 months ago

    Uhg I feel this one. I just cancelled a family subscription to apple plus, because they raised the rates again. It started at $15/mo now they want $26/mo. Nope. But that means I lose access to all the bullshit I play on my phone while pooping.

    So I went to download a bunch of games I paid for back in the yesteryear where paying for apps was the norm. I go to open one and I am greeted with this fucking thing

    I sure as hell didn’t consent to their collecting and selling my information when I bought the app years ago. And now it is too late to get a refund but I can’t use the app.


  • @[email protected]
    810 months ago

    To protect your head in battle, please wear a helmet. Fucking ASSholes.

    Pretending they know I have a head.