When will be your “this is the last fucking time I’m voting for the ‘lesser of two evils’, then I don’t care after that, let this country burn to the ground”? For me, this is basically it. This is last election I’m going for that " lesser of two evils" bullshit. After that I’m done. It’s just pointless. Let’s hear it.
Jury service is one of the greatest services you can perform. You don’t have much trust in the justice system? For that one case you can help ensure it’s done. Take it seriously
Imagine trusting the ‘justice system’ that slabs out Black folk and slaps the cops that killed them on the wrist
Imagine how much worse it would be if only white folks went in for jury duty.
You’ve never seen what most juries look like after nullification have you? Rhetorical question; I genuinely don’t give the first fuck what settler smuggard drivel’s about to leave your keyboard next. You literally read like
so please just do us all a favor and don’t. As usual, cac redditor pissants go mysteriously illiterate every time they’re told to fuck off, will wonders never cease?
I understand that you’ve given up, and you have my sympathy. But you shouldn’t
And that’s fair enough. Not great for the people whose fate hang in the balance without someone like you on the jury, though.