Like when Charlie becomes/starts doing a Griecko thing or Michael Scott imitates Ryan’s ridiculous facial hair
But does that carry a contrived angle to it? Like when you genuinely love something someone else does or likes…
My favorite example is on Workaholics where their in therapy together and Adam’s like:
I know you’re trying to hurt my feelings right now with that but I LOVE IT and Imma say it all the time now
Maybe a bit intense but I love that idea of simply
I love it and Imma do it ALL THE TIME now
But like, positive and authentic cuz youvlove it and even in the absense of a subject to mirror, like that basketball thing how you play like nobody’s watching or something as the nexus to greatness and fullfillment/self-love
Edit: are there any legs to the mimesis keyword in the context?
“Mirroring” isn’t an insult, or necessarily manipulative. It is literally built in to us humans! Our brains have specific portions dedicated to imitation and empathy called “mirror neurons”.
These neurons help us feel what others around us are feeling. It’s why you feel sad when you see someone else being sad. Or why it can make us smile to see someone else having a great day!
The behavior of mirroring someone is a form of social bonding (“See! I’m like you!”) which is the basis of building human relationships.
Having in-jokes and picking up particular quirks of people around us probably has a special jargon to psychologists.
But I think it’s really just being friends.
I’m not a sociologist but I’d call that sort of thing a “microculture”.
Is there a way to determine subtly if someone is all there in terms of the online-ness of these neurons?
I simply meant mirroring is more episodic/acute as opposed to someone changing and adopting that change either in perpetuity or for something a bit longer term
Edit: but now I think about it, my examples were more like that whereas the larger idea I was reaching for was that of whatever the root concept of memetic is
Edit: also funny cuz I use and love Memmy!
This reminds me of the phrase, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”
So… imitation.
That seems a lil performative tho. Im talking about like “this was yours but I want it to and irs me too now”
Edit: this is the answer I was seeking, genius downvoter…this place sometimes, [snort]
That’s called a “meme”
Thats funny someone said it, i almost wanted to include that with my mimetic/mime thing but i wondered if memetic, too, likes to be an existent concept
Something, something,
Mimic / mimics
Is answer ;)
Never heard, good that someone else had.
It was a very tricky one, as evinced by my mimetic/mimeses/mime spiel.
There must be some relationship in terms of etymology between “meme” and “mime”…
Some very quick googleing say thay both come from the Greek mimos/μῖμος
I wanna say
and—I can’t seem to find the corresponding termmemesis
, although I wonder if it just reduces down tomimesis
which I discussed earlier…The problem is:
seem to be distinct to rhe extent that mimetic ≠ memetic, per se
Behaviour adoption?
It has to be totally authentic or yeah just lets see how this plays out
Exit: I love when people imitate me, even if its mocking. Let the games begin is what I always say
What is that thing called where you like randomly start picking-up/doing something that you saw someone do and now its a shared “thing” about you cuz you both do it genuinely
Like when Charlie becomes/starts doing a Griecko thing or Michael Scott imitates Ryan’s ridiculous facial hair
When Jacob has his Julian phase
This! [Chef’s kiss]
Edit: TPB is just tits!
This was super trippy to see in my notifs lol, took me a moment to realize I was staring at same words I wrote, different username ROFL!
Edit: this is such a weird and uncanny reply.
Edit: Thanks! I hate it :)
I thought it was a funny reply; others did not.
Ya, I wonder sometimes about some of my internet compatriots. A lot of childlike naïveté, Sad!
This is hands-down the funniest and most on-point joke answer. Well-done sir, I still remember how jolted I was by the uncanniness of it before realizing uour schtick 😂