• @wyrmroot
    17 months ago

    As someone returning to make simple web UIs after a long stint in backend, and not wanting to learn a heavy JS framework, this is massively useful. CSS has gotten a lot of new tricks since I last checked!

    • @starmanOP
      17 months ago

      Yup, it’s really nice nowdays.

  • @Sherry
    17 months ago

    Since using tailwindcss, grids became my favorite layout. After reading this article, that is even more the case.

  • @spartanatreyu
    7 months ago

    This is a great resources for css-grid newbies, but for a single page reference with all the info I need, I rely on: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/complete-guide-grid/

    It’s basically an online book on grid-css that takes a while to read through in it’s entirety, but after doing it a few times you’ll understand grid on a deeper level.

    Once you understand the layout, you can quickly find what you’re looking for. The rough rules for the site are:

    1. Content lives is accordions, hide what you don’t want to see.
    2. The grid’s container info is on the left column
    3. The grid item info is on the right column
  • @W3dd1e
    17 months ago

    When starting out, Josh Comeau’s free tutorials were awesome. I felt like I understood Flexbox so well after reading his article. He does a great job explaining it all.