Very difficult to discuss with the fiance without know the terminology yet lol
They’re communities. And the different servers/sites are instances.
Petition to name them SubLemmys
I like communities, honestly, it sounds much less… y’know, reddity?
And also, it’s much more intuitive.
I think “sub” is what people are going to call them reguardless. It is just internet language at this point, a subdivision of a community (by community I mean lemmy as a whole) is called a sub. Weather it’s a subreddit or sublemmy. I’m not saying bring reddit with us, I am just saying the internet can take the term “sub” with it and use it elsewhere.
Personally that term makes me a bit uneasy. To me it sounds too grandiose and organized just for something that might just be some random people shitposting or chatting about their interests. And actually having tight knit communities can easily lead to all kinds of negative effects, group think, hierarchies and drama.
Of course some subreddits, forums, lemmy communities etc can be actual communities but just as a personal preference I don’t like the idea of calling them that default.
I don’t like the term community because it’s difficult to understand the hierarchy. Is an instance a part of a community? Or vice versa?
What do you think of subinstance?
To me subinstance sounds more like a technical term, but I guess people would just call them subs anyway. I think that’s a problem in general with deriving anything from “instance”.
I guess community does a good job at being a more human centric term. You have the technical side of things, servers and software (instances) and on those you have the actual user facing parts (communities) so in that way it’s kinda fitting.
Further overthinking about the terminology I just realised that Lemmy calls joining communities “subscribing” and Reddit calls it “joining”, while I would naturally think it would be more fitting the other way around. Naming things is hard.
Sublemminals? (or Sublemmynals)
Love it 😂
Instances also need better names.
Why not “servers”? That’s all they are. They serve content.
Because technically, one server can host multiple instances. Instances are containerized— literally an instance of lemmy.
Is there any practical reason to actually do that, though?
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I’m sorry, I don’t really understand, what would be the advantage of this over hosting another community?
Can you give me an example of this catering where the server would want different rules per instance?
Sorry, i’m not trying to be rude I just genuinely don’t get it.
What would you call gmail vs hotmail?
But that’s a provider/customer relationship, on the fediverse it isn’t.
Agree on a technical level, but in terms of the average netizen being able to visualize the relationship, “providers” makes it much easier
I don’t think we should try to visualize something that’s not there just because it’s (supposedly) easier for the average netizen.
For now. Commercial servers are possible, especially if communities become multi-instance in the future.
Every mature decentralized service calls them providers. Phone providers, ISPs, email providers, etc. I guess usenet just calls them “news servers”, though.
It’s provider/consumer (not customer, something being a “provider” doesn’t necessarily mean they are selling stuff).
We are consumers, we consume the content that the instances provide, as content providers.
new to lemmy…
if there different “linux” communities on different instances? does this mean i have to subscribe to all of them? is there a way to see all content from communities called “linux” from different instances?
or does each “linux” community simply fight for critical mass to become the “main” linux community on lemmy?
There could be different linux communities on different instances, and to see them all you’d have to subscribe to them and sort by subscribed view. But yeah, in practice most of the time there will emerge one “main” linux community and, if it gets big enough, likely offshoot communities for different philosophies or more specificity.
A “merge identical” option in the individual users’ ui would be kind of neat, to have one page.
That does sound like a good idea, kind of like Reddit’s old multireddit function.
Sub-Lemminal messages?
that’s brilliant actually for a mobile app name
I like this one
Communities, which have a parent instance.
I just thought they were called “communities”. At least, that’s what the Lemmy UI shows.
So “coms” for short?
I feel like if the short version isn’t “sub” then it is never going to stick. Reddit doesn’t own words but it has set the standard. Sublemmies. That’s what it is in my mind now.
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+1 for Communities, since that’s what they are called in the official UI and documentation
I like Lemmings. Has a ring to it.
I’ll just call them sublemmys
Lol I quite like it, at one point reddit was a foreign weird sounding word
Way more fun than communities! Plus it speaks to the Reddit exodus in a bit of a tongue in cheek way.
It’s a nice lighthearted nod to the exodus, and also a nod to the subforums that came before Reddit. Communities may be the “official” name and I try to use it when talking to others, but they’ll always be sublemmys in my head.
I think using Communities is respectful to the people that were already doing community on Lemmy before the exodus.
I think this is the clear winner
Its prefect, I think the “trade name” for that is “sub” anyways and that’s what they will be called no matter what they are suposed to be called.
Communities is the name used on my UI.
Mine, too. And it’s fits the /c/… format.
I think this is correct. In my headcannon I have started to call flowing through the different sites exploring the lemmyverse, which just feels right.
On Lemmy, they are “communities”.
On Kbin, they are “magazines”. I am told that “magazine” is a pun in Polish (Kbin’s maintainer is Polish).
Having been here all of 30 minutes, referring to them “bins” might be a nice
Did we just witness the birth of viral content in this bin?
I wholeheartedly agree with this one. It’s also still semi funny referring to them as basically trashcans. But I think as a new user it is just way more streamlined and sensible than calling them “magazines”. When I read that first I just could think of like paper magazines and thought they’d be some sort of editorial content, which is highly misleading. Calling them “bins” just makes way more sense and sort of adds to the brand of the platform.
nice and simple. this works for me…
Ditto. This is the winner!
Yeah I mean it’s short and kind of right there in your face… +1 for bins
Bin there, read that.
I think that’s a great idea! If you post something like that over at kbinmeta, I’d support it.
If they’re called “magazines”, then I’m calling them “clips” for short.
How about mags?
I think I prefer “zines” as a shortened form of “magazines.”
“Clips” sounds more like a post within a magazine.Ohh, I like zines as a shortened version
Oh man, that’d annoy so many people that are pedantic, including me lmao.
I’m going “gazis.”
one of kbin instances (the first one, maybe?) is called (“rif.le”), hence the magazines I guess.
just call them communities (I also sometimes just call them topics because that’s how they’re called in my reddit clone pet project)
But aren’t WE the lemmings?
Surprisingly philosophical
Dude… You just blew my mind. (ʘ ͟ʖ ʘ)
The use of ‘comm’ and ‘comms’ as short form for communities makes the most sense to me. Lemmy’s url path already uses /c/ as the designation as well.
Like ‘sub’ and ‘subs’, they are one syllable, and are easy to say and spell.
If someone says “comms” I’m going to think “communications”
but I guess that also technically works ^^
When someone says “sub”, I think “dom”
Or sandwich, depends on my mood.
I saw red vent in comms
oh snap! you know Lemmy has hit the big time when its a topic of discussion between SOs!
I’ve been talking about it with a relative, because she really enjoys “popcorn” (i.e. drama).
nerd drama the best drama. :-)
If anything I think that’ll be what us users end up calling ourselves.
username checks out
Ah the good ol’ user-roo. Hold my jokes, I’m going in.
I like communities. I believe that’s the the /c/ stands for
Might as well keep it simple and call it what it is without the branding. There is plenty about a site like reddit that we should carry forward, but plenty were should leave behind, and redundant jargon is the latter.
officially, per protocol, it’s Groups. but that sucks :)
isn’t that an ActivityPub term, not a lemmy term? usually ActivityPub uses different terms than the servers that use it.
Yeah, in the lemmy source code they are called “Communities”; in the kbin source code they are called “Magazines”; I think Mastodon uses the ActivityPub lexicon and also uses “Groups” in it’s source code. I perfer “Communities” because that is how the “Groups” are being used.