Every single large server in this federation has at least one Star Trek community. There is even an entire server dedicated to Star Trek.

Not only that, these communities are some of the most active I’ve ever seen. There is no other franchise I know of that dominates the federation as much as Star Trek does.

So, what’s the correlation with Lemmy and Star Trek? Why not other sci-fi series? Please, are there any connections?? Is this all coincidental?

  • @[email protected]
    1754 months ago

    I think it’s nerds. /s

    I think a lot of the lemmy userbase are at least somewhat techy (also see the Linux communities), and a lot of techy people like Star Trek.

      • Travalaaaaaaanche!
        254 months ago

        Eh, more like Trekkies are techies. I would consider myself somewhat of a techie, definitely nerdy, and very much into sci-fi, but I really don’t give a shit about Star Trek. I’ve seen a lot of it, just because I’ve had a couple girlfriends that really enjoyed it, but otherwise I probably wouldn’t have watched any after my childhood.
        Now, if HBO were to do a hard R version, I’d probably get into it.

        • Flying Squid
          114 months ago

          There’s a fun documentary called How William Shatner Changed the World about all the scientists and inventors who have been inspired by Star Trek.

            • @[email protected]
              104 months ago

              It’s ok, whenever you get annoyed about his ego, just go watch the clip of Ole’ Bill trying to pontificate after his trip to space and Jeff Bezos cutting him off. The look on his face is so sad and frustrated.

        • @[email protected]
          -24 months ago

          I find star trek boring too, there’s a lot of far more interesting and exciting scifi out there so I really don’t get how it still has such a huge fan base still.

          That said, if they start dropping the hard Rs in Star Trek I will definitely tune in to that catastrophe.

          • z500
            84 months ago

            If it’s hard Rs you want, just put on any episode where O’Brien is mad at the Cardassians

            • The Barto
              4 months ago

              Star trek: in our universe racism is no more…

              O’Brien: Damn Spoon heads!

              Star Trek: Except Miles, he’s the exception to the rule.

          • @[email protected]
            34 months ago

            Not everything needs to be action or drama packed. It’s like a good documentary, the premise is usually very exciting. Kind of like a what if.

    • Yardy Sardley
      134 months ago

      I never really thought about it before, but it seems obvious now. Trekkies and open source tech folks would have a massive overlap, and Lemmy kind of exists perfectly within that intersection of utilitarian principles. So of course we would all find each other here.

    • AOCapitulator [they/them]
      34 months ago

      The top voted posts of the last week are programmer humor jokes that have 400+ upvotes but like 4 comments its weird why don’t yall talk

  • The Picard Maneuver
    1474 months ago

    The Star Trek community has been going strong for nearly 60 years for a reason - Star Trek rocks.

    When it started in the 60s (and continued especially strong with TNG in the 80s), it was unique in depicting a hopeful look at how things could be rather than a reflection of how things are, differing from how most shows do social commentary. It’s refreshing.

    Star Trek is attractive to people who want to see a world where people work together toward great things in a post-scarcity utopia, with current day conversations of race, nationality, sex, gender, etc. being so far in the rear-view mirror that they’re non-issues. Plus cool technology. I think that appeals to the Lemmy crowd.

    • Lucien [hy/hym, comrade/them]
      394 months ago

      Another key point I feel is often overlooked about Star Trek is the “Gulliver’s Travels” component of (at least pre-Kelvin) Star Trek. Every show, every race was secretly a fun-house-like caricature of humanity’s worst traits, with the humans of the show demonstrating growth past that point. You laugh at or shirk away from them, but really it’s modern humanity that is being depicted (Ferengi as capitalists, Klingons as warmongers, Romulans as subversives, etc.) And then we see what we could be, the hope that you talked about, in future humanity

      • The Picard Maneuver
        344 months ago

        It seems like such a creative way to do social commentary. We get to see our present failings in aliens, and then contrast it with how the crew (future humanity) carries themselves. Sometimes it’s very clunky and heavy handed (like that TOS episode with the half-white/half-black aliens), but it’s still good. My favorites are every time Picard monologues about their values to an alien race in TNG.

        Even if you already share the values, it’s fascinating to hear them laid out so clearly.

      • ActualOP
        44 months ago

        That’s very interesting. I think you’ve sold me on watching the show.

    • Dessalines
      334 months ago

      To me, Trek is a mash of three great communities, each nerdy in their own way:

      • Science-fiction, specifically optimistic mid-century science fiction.
      • Theatre / Drama
      • Revolutionary Socialism

      This article scratches the surface of it.

      • ActualOP
        64 months ago

        Thank you for the article. I’ll need to look more into this in the future.

    • @[email protected]
      94 months ago

      I think you personally posting more than the other Lemmings combined might have something to do with it…

  • ISometimesAdmin
    1124 months ago

    So others have already talked about how great Star Trek is. I agree with them, but I think that literally everyone has missed the point of your question:


    It’s its own lemmy instance. It was spawned from the migration away from reddit, and it’s stayed alive since. So combine an active former-reddit community with lemmy and a good reason to all rally around, and finally the final ingredient of federation, and the Star Trek related rooms will always be on every server, and they’ll always be populated.

    • 👍Maximum Derek👍
      704 months ago

      Yeah, I think this is a big part of it. The Star Trek sub’s total abandonment of Reddit and conversion to a standalone Lemmy instance during the Blackout was a big deal and a big driver of traffic in those days and beyond.

      Star Trek is big in the Threadiverse for the same reason that Earth is big in the Federation. They were a massive force in the early days.

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        And it’s a great example of how viable lemmy is as an alternative. Not sure about random subs, but any of the really nerdy ones could make the jump.

    • ActualOP
      44 months ago

      Both this and all other answers are good for different reasons. From what I’m reading, the beliefs and politics displayed within Star Trek are beyond progressive for the time it came out, while also shaping sci-fi. This creates a very committed fan base that when Reddit started acting up, they were able to move a large chunk of their user base away to Lemmy, since Lemmy is filled with similar-minded people.

    • 🖖USS-Ethernet
      14 months ago

      When I left reddit because my favorite app rif was shutdown, that was the first instance that caught my eye. I love Star Trek.

    • Otter
      134 months ago

      The French line at the bottom 😄

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      The funny irony is that assimilate is a slur in Canada due to its rich history of genocidal intent, to the point someone got into legal hot water because they had a novelty star trek license plate containing it and people thought they meant basically our equivalent of the n word.

      They had to explain to a bunch of people including the news what they actually meant and they were like “we don’t care, change it” which is especially rich coming from a culture and government which still continues assimilation-styled (as well as actual killing) genocide to this day.

  • Scrubbles
    934 months ago

    Most of the internet was started with Star Trek boards. If I recall correctly, one of the first emails ever sent was about Star Trek

      • cheesymoonshadow
        264 months ago

        I haven’t thought of this in years but back in the '90s I participated in an email fantasy RPG where we all roleplayed Romulans. One person would write a chapter from their character’s POV and email it to the group, then the next person does one, and so on, so the story unfolded in unexpected ways. It was actually pretty fun.

      • Xariphon
        104 months ago

        Including the one that is the reason we call laughably stupid perfect characters Mary Sue.

      • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
        64 months ago

        And first male pregnancy fan fiction, fan fiction rings, shipping wars, and so on. House wives created the world AO3 writers live in today

    • @[email protected]
      64 months ago

      Do you know of a wiki or link to this about trek boards and first email? Search engines now a days are getting on my nerves about not showing what I typed into it.

    • ActualOP
      54 months ago

      Wow, didn’t know the roots were that deep…

  • @[email protected]
    894 months ago

    no other franchise I know of that dominates the federation as much as Star Trek does.

    You answered your own question, brother.

  • Stoneykins [any]
    884 months ago

    We may never have a good answer for why the gay nerdy communists love the colorful scifi communist space adventures

    • @[email protected]
      134 months ago

      If you’re trying to say the way ryker throws his leg over a chair is the cause of me becoming a communist programmer then I have to tell you that you are sorely accurate.

  • @[email protected]
    804 months ago

    Because Trek fans were the first to organize conventions. They started out small in the late 60s. Now every single weekend, somewhere on this planet, there’s a Trek convention being held. The conventions also raise massive money for charity. They are the nerds other nerds want to be, in terms of organization. I’m here for the memes.

  • @[email protected]
    774 months ago

    Ah yes, the nostalgic leftist scifi show that defined generations is popular amongst the left leaning members of the nostalgia generation.

      • @[email protected]
        84 months ago

        Wait but which O’Brien? Miles? Or the clone Miles that was meant to infiltrate the peace talk? Or the Miles from 7 hours in the future that just replaced the present day Miles? There’s just so many to choose from, it’s so hard

        • Dessalines
          44 months ago

          Or mirror O’Brien that thinks nothing of kidnapping Jake Sisko even after Real Sisko saved his life on multiple occasions.

  • @[email protected]
    694 months ago

    there is also a lot of communities about programming and linux

    there’s only 1 common denominator here. we are all nerds