I use vim btw

  • @[email protected]
    241 year ago

    To me vim’s main strengths are

    • It delivers the same OK-ish experience no matter what file type or language I’m dealing with. Yeah it’ll never be as good as a dedicated Python IDE for writing Python, but I’d rather know vim than 5 different IDEs for Python, YAML, Dockerfiles, Rust, Latex, whatever I need to deal with today.
    • It just edits files and doesn’t hide internal state, intermediate files, etc to make my life ‘simpler’ (notepad is the same, so I guess this is more of a strength vs IDEs). When an IDE fails to align all of its internal moving parts just right to compile a project I know I’m in for an hour of figuring out which checkbox needs to be unticked in what sub-sub-sub-sub-submenu, I like it much better to have a “flat” experience of invoking a command line and getting an error message directly from the tool I am invoking.
    • 20dd to delete 20 lines, that’s very neat.
    • tool
      61 year ago

      Quick editing for me is in vim. Anything else is in Visual Studio Code. Which I have set up with vim keybindings.

  • Drew Belloc
    221 year ago

    Like a enthusiast once said “People don’t quit emacs, they just die at some point”.

  • Björn Tantau
    151 year ago

    Why would I use Notepad? I’d have to install it first. Does it even have a Linux version or would I have to use Wine? This meme is giving me headaches.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      You would think that Microsoft would have implemented better functionally by now. Yeah they had WordPad but that sucked too.

      Like, c’mon, allow me to alt-highlight blocks of text already.

    • @[email protected]B
      41 year ago

      I just read a micro vs. nano. But each point in favor of micro was “i have that already in nano”. Syntax highlighting, status bar with col/line, undo/redo, even mouse support.

      • Netto Hikari
        31 year ago

        I like both. But many people don’t even realize that nano has quite a lot of configuration options. To me, they’re text editors, not code editors. For code, I use VSCode (or “code”, the FOSS variant).

  • dream_weasel
    1 year ago

    Seems like the right side should be classic terminal tools like ed. Or any other cat/echo/etc where you change the contents of the file without opening it (or all of it) directly.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    Every editor has its place but this meme would make more sense with any IDE (vscode, eclipse, intellij) than notepad

    • dog
      41 year ago

      Nah, IDE’s go in the top bar, big brain is still notepad and alikes.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago


      I once worked on a team in a company who had to ssh into a server and do all the development work on that server. So all we could use was either vim or emacs. I had my vim decked out with all the plugins and customizations, and it was fine.

      But after you get back to using an IDE (especially an IDE with a vim plugin), it’s hard to go back

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        In my experience, once you’ve used any text editor with an LSP implementation it’s hard to go back to an IDE