Discussion thread for Hijack season 1 episode 5: “Less Than an Hour”

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  • @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    The old lady chase was hilarious. The police officer that said: “catch the lady, if terrorists can take hostages, so can we!” was hilarious. The tissue scene was bizarre. The family connection between the hijackers was surprising! The whole cockpit situation showed how bafflingly incompetent the hijackers are. And who is this mystery organization that knows everything about everyone and has so much influence?

    This show so dumb but in such a delightful way…

    Can’t wait for the last 2 episodes!

  • @[email protected]
    111 months ago

    Still too slow for my taste. I was surprised about the relationship of some hijackers, though

    • @lazyvarOPM
      111 months ago

      Sorry to hear.

      I’m pretty content with the pacing in which we get answers, but mainly feel that the episodes feel too short because of lost momentum.

  • @lazyvarOPM
    111 months ago

    I kind of like that we’re getting resolution on bits and pieces and that the episodes end on a soft cliff hanger.

    The Dubai people are resolved, we now know there’s some sort of powerful cabal in play and get some insights in the motivations of the hijackers.