has previously been editorializing the crates within the search algorithm on their site based on their own personal preference. However, they recently have taken it a step too far in labeling the bitcoin repo as unmaintained despite active development taking place for the past several years. Several others have also taken similar actions.

    2 years ago

    Disclaimer: I love the search and general UI. I don’t like crypto currencies.

    I think the way to avoid drama is to be very clear and transparent in communication. In this case I think a way to do this would be to label data that synthesised. Maybe a asterix next to corrected categories that on mouse over (long press on phones) says something like “inferred by due to missing data”? Exact wording could certainly be improved, and might differ on context. Perhaps the synthesised data could be a different colour as well to stand out.

    Having a list of packages that were filtered out might also help. Here I’m thinking a simple text file (set to not be indexed in robots.txt) with all the package names that have filtered along with the reason listed (e.g. “auto detected name squat”). Anyone interested could download the file and take a look, as well as contact you for corrections.

    Ranking algorithms is harder to be transparent about (and it is not my field of expertise), so I can’t offer any advise here. Perhaps nothing is needed?