Netflix subscriptions are up almost 6 million this quarter, suggesting we’re all just too exhausted to fight this stuff

  • Panja
    581 year ago

    Canceled my 4 screen plan right after this was announced… So not in my experience

    • @[email protected]
      171 year ago

      Same here, but it’s disappointing to see how many people just let it go and pay when enough combined push back would work.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      If it was up to me, I would have canceled a while ago. My wife, and my mom who shared my plan will be fine coughing up the extra few dollars a month to keep it. I think forums like this get a skewed world view since they’re populated by the kinds of people that would be fine setting up their own media server and just pirating what they want, or just churning services to binge watch what they want from each one every few months. I think Netflix(and other services) know that the average user is just going to keep going, even if the price continues to rise gradually over time.

      The one thing that might tip the scales is people that set up their own media server and then share that with family and friends. I’ve got a few family members sharing my Plex, but I can also see that they don’t actually watch much. My niece seems to be the one person that will actually ask me to add content for her, so maybe it’s a generational thing where the people that have already used streaming services for a decade or more will keep going, but they’ll see a drop off of new users as they find something else.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Sure, and I canceled mine a couple years ago, but there are a ton of people who can’t be bothered with it and just pay

      • Panja
        11 year ago

        I don’t see why. Half the shows I like just get canceled prematurely anyway.

  • @[email protected]
    431 year ago

    Cancelled and three users who used my password didn’t sign up. Doubt Netflix would announce this was a failure so here we are.

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          I’m sure they would if I asked. I could probably even guess it as the sharing was already both ways with other services.

          We would still be in the same problem with Netflix blocking other locations though.

      • partial_accumen
        11 year ago

        I canceled and then my moochers signed up for their own.

        This was where Netflix planned to make their money back from folks that cancel. I’m sure they ran the numbers and arrived at the “more money” answer when they enforce sharing crackdown.

  • manitcor
    401 year ago

    too tired? from what im seeing the vast majority of people just don’t care. they are fine with thier internet becoming more expensive and handing everything to these companies. most simply think this is the only option.

    • @[email protected]
      381 year ago

      I mean, that sounds exactly like tired/defeated thinking to me. Frustrating to see it play out, tho.

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        From my experience, brother in law hates it. Wants to cancel but the kids (2 preteens) watch it a lot and he just doesn’t want to use something new that he has to relearn to be comfortable leaving them alone with.

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          Fair, exhausted parents trying to buy a moment of peace has been a cornerstone of American capitalism since RCA used Howdy Doody to sell television sets

  • peopleproblems
    261 year ago

    Well I mean The Witcher season 3 came out. yeah it went up.

    They’re kidding themselves if I’m keeping it after. Again.

  • @[email protected]
    231 year ago

    An uptick after these changes make sense. People want to continue their comfortable routines. However now that it’s draining their wallet, they will probably be on the lookout for cheap/free alternatives.

    It’s the same with increasing prices. Short term your revenue will spike, but it will bleed as you slowly lose customers because you offer less value.

    But the people who were previously paying is where Netflix is playing with fire. They released the customers who were paying only because they were sharing it and didnt want to cause an inconvenience.

    I think it’s a pretty big gamble by Netflix, it will take time to see how it played out.

    • tjhart85
      61 year ago

      I did that for years. Checked usage and found out the other couple people I was sharing with weren’t using it anyways.

      Cancelled after 10 years.

      Sure they might have gained a few subscribers short term, but are they the type to just let the sub roll for a decade straight or will they just watch what they want and cancel until they can re-sub and binge again?

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      I wasn’t sharing my password with anyone but the complete 180 they did on their own policy to chase dollars pissed me off so I cancelled. Been a subscriber since the first year they came out. Oh well.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Gotta edge a bit closer to that trust thermocline. I feel like it’s pretty much guaranteed for at least one of the major streaming services to all but collapse in the next 5 years. There’s just too many and something will happen to push people into leaving them.

  • @[email protected]
    161 year ago

    I cancelled mine and I didn’t share with anyone. I’m tired of the crap from these companies. Quite liberating to hit the high seas.

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    Well yeah, what did you expect people to do?

    It’s either be treated with dignity as a consumer or watch an unfinished series.

    Obviously you’d pick the unfinished series.

  • stephfinitely
    151 year ago

    How can we honestly know yet? How many people just got a free trial and might stop right after or a month or so later after they decide they don’t want to pay.

    • Litany
      71 year ago

      I also think it will take more than one month to understand the data. For example, my wife and I cancelled our Netflix subscription months or maybe even years ago at this point. We now just subscribe to one service at a time. This month, we happened to renew our Netflix subscription, so we absolutely get counted in the numbers Netflix is reporting right now, even though we canceled the new monthly subscription pretty much immediately after we signed back up.

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    Yep, I rolled over and setup a vpn at home so now all my family members can watch Netflix from my home *wink *wink

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      I rolled over and realized nobody in the house actually watched much of anything on Netflix, and cancelled it. Hardly noticed the difference in three months since dropping it.

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    Same reason why people are still on Twitter and Reddit, the majority can’t be arsed to push back against companies. This is why they keep getting away with it and it’s just enabling other companies to go the same route.

    • Chariotwheel
      101 year ago

      Yeah, and the same reason I believe all these micro subscriptions in cars will just go ahead. In 5-10 years, half of the functions of the car will be locked behind subscription gates and it will be normal. Too many people jsut don’t bloody care.

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        Indeed. Here’s your $50,000 car that casts $1000 a month to operate on top of fuel and maintenance. So really it is a $100,000 car that you put 50k down on and pay off on the installment plan. We are in the enshittification stage of this version of capitalism. We cling to the myth that the system makes our lives better, it did for a long time if you lived in the developed world, but that dynamic has played out. Now we are in the phase where ‘growth’ is mainly found by enshittification.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I mean you’re right, but it’s so fucking exhausting to care about everything wrong in the world. Gotta pick your battles. Personally I have a semi-decent Jellyfin setup, but I’m not going to berate anyone for taking on a netflix sub if the momentary distraction helps get them thru another day in this dystopian hellworld.

      • Kichae
        21 year ago

        Some things they don’t care about – e.g. Reddit, Twitter stuff – and some things they just don’t feel like they can affect. If they’re buying a new car, and every single car in their region and in their price range is selling subscriptions, then they’re going to feel like they have no choice.

        Now, they do likely have choices – they could buy a used car, or they could look outside their immediate region – but those options may not address their pain points (maybe they really, really wanted a new car), or maybe they can’t afford the time to travel, etc., but the fact that less convenient choices exist don’t necessarily make people aware of them, or feel like they’re real options.

        When every company you interact with, and every transaction you make, is like this, it takes up all of your spoons for dealing with this stuff. It wears down your resistance, and makes it feel like it doesn’t matter what you want, just what’s being offered.

        • Chariotwheel
          11 year ago

          Yeah, I mean, look at phones. People could just buy used phones. Some do. But the vast majority?

    • HobbitFoot
      31 year ago

      Most typical users on Reddit didn’t understand why the API was such a big deal.

      To them, Reddit was the official app that curated a set of posts to scroll through. It was designed to be easy, and the experience was easy.

    • Goronmon
      11 year ago

      Same reason why people are still on Twitter and Reddit, the majority can’t be arsed to push back against companies.

      Or they just want to watching something on their television after work and have other priorities other than some “war against Netflix” that a couple corners of the internet are angry about?

    • @[email protected]
      -11 year ago

      While that’s true it’s also true in 1776 most Americans couldn’t be arsed to push back against the king, it only takes a relatively small portion to care a lot and to order a better alternative then when the ball is rolling everyone will jump on

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    My in laws canceled when we pointed out that this had happened, I think a lot less people know about it than you’d think

  • @[email protected]
    111 year ago

    We who care are a tiny minority.

    My wife was all “ok.”

    For my part, Netflix is way less objectionable than Disney. Not that my family doesn’t subscribe to that too. 🙄

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    I haven’t been cracked down on yet. I feel left out. I’m on the east coast and my friend’s kids on the west coast use it.

    • HobbitFoot
      21 year ago

      Enough people want to watch Netflix, even if they have to pay for it.

      Experiences may vary.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I was so upset about Santa Clarita Diet. That one and leaving Travellers on the biggest cliffhanger I could ever imagine with time travel and shit and then… just gone.