I’ve installed Emudeck on my device, the process was really easy to follow, here’s a guide.
I just made this post to share info and suggestions on the best games to try. Right now I’m playing a (totally owned) rom of Zelda breath of the wild and so far is flawless (although stuck to 30 fps x some reason). Any suggestion for other good game??
I used Yuzu, 30fps are good enough for now. Just curious about the controls. The action, jump and fight button are mapped a bit differently from the one on the steams games, it seems that B is mapped instead of A (maybe just a Switch thing).
Yep, different position. I’ll fix it later.
There are mods for TOTK to display and use the deck layout (or Xbox controller or whatever).
That mod surely exists for BOTW.
Removed by mod
Do you like turn based JRPGs? You can play Person 3, 4 and 5 on Yuzu. Performance is the same as the switch.
Doesn’t P4G have a PC port?
3, 4, and 5 are all on pc now