• @BatmanAoD
      116 months ago

      …why not both? An auto-formatter for personal use, a linter for CI checks on PRs.

      • @[email protected]
        86 months ago

        I agree : CI is required as a safety belt and then contributers can choose the workflow they prefer : format on save, manual invoke, precommit, …

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Agreed, just run it all through a formatter and save everyone some time. Those who break the formatter will learn to conform 🙃

  • @[email protected]
    126 months ago

    You’d be surprised what you can accomplish purely through a robust PR review process and a clear standards document.

    That said, tools to enforce and autocorrect basic syntax stuff can be quite helpful.

    • @Lmaydev
      26 months ago

      Absolutely but it can reduce a lot of work if as many things as possible are enforced before you get to that stage.

  • @Lmaydev
    16 months ago

    I recently enforced coding standards in our c# code bases.

    Basically used an editor config and project properties to enable all analysers and set all rules to warnings. Also set warnings as errors for release builds.

    I’ve then been adjusting rules by hand if they’re irritating or wrong.

    It’s having great results and has already caught a load of bugs.

    But my god do the juniors hate it haha