President Biden announced Friday that his administration is forgiving $5 billion in student debt for another 74,000 borrowers, marking the latest round of debt cancellation since the Supreme Court voided the president’s student loan forgiveness program.

Mr. Biden said that of the borrowers who can receive relief, nearly 44,000 are teachers, nurses, firefighters and others who are eligible for forgiveness after working 10 years of public service. Almost 30,000 of those who will have their debt wiped clean have been repaying their loans for at least 20 years, but did not get the relief they earned through income-based plans, the president said.

With the latest round of student loan forgiveness, more than 3.7 million Americans have had their debt erased under the Biden administration, Mr. Biden said.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        Yeah, now that you mention it, that’s fucking nuts. On average, $67,500 worth of outstanding balance for these people who went into public service. That doesn’t even take into account what they’ve already paid in principal and interest over the years.

        Edit: it’s actually $72,892 per person being forgiven for people that have worked in public service for more than a decade.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          That’s just about exactly what my wife owes and she’s 2 years away from PLSF freedom. fingers crossed

          PS - I paid off my loans and I hope y’all get all yours forgiven.

        • @[email protected]
          45 months ago

          I feel like education should be free for everyone, especially people in public service because that is usually challenging work and often well below market pay.

        • @[email protected]
          115 months ago

          Careful, you might accidently summon him. No one knows the exact incantation to bring him back and frankly I’d rather add “reanimated corpse of Reagan appointed to state department” to the 2025 bingo card.

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            I thought you had to turn off the lights in the bathroom of a Better Business Bureau, hold a copy of The Wall Street Journal between your legs, and say his name backwards three times fast whilst flapping your arms like a chicken.

            Or is that how you summon the ghost of Alan Greenspan? It all blends together after awhile.

  • @[email protected]
    975 months ago

    Let’s do all of it, and put in place a solution for all future student loans. They are robbing us blind right now, and costing future generations a chance at a debt free life.

    • @[email protected]
      435 months ago

      He did do a lot more! I mentioned it in another comment a week ago, but look into what his save plan does. Lowers costs, lowers interest, increases forgiveness, etc. etc.

      • @[email protected]
        225 months ago

        Save plan lowered my effective interest rate to around 2%. I’ll still have to pay a lot over the next 20 years, and if the tax bomb is not removed it will be another 100,000. However my cash flow is much improved and how much I pay total has decreased drastically.

        Still fighting with my student loan servicer to set me up on the plan correctly, but that is a different can of worms. The servicers need to have their contracts nullified for how terrible they have been.

        • Instigate
          65 months ago

          Definitely better than a kick in the teeth, but it’s a shame the Supreme Court nixed the bigger loan forgiveness plan. I’m glad to see Biden is still trying to live up to his promise as much as he can given the obstructionist Congress and Supreme Court.

          Here in Australia, our student loans are given and managed by the Australian Tax Office, and while they technically don’t accrue interest they are “indexed” according to inflation (CPI specifically) once per year, every year. Our repayments just come out of or income like regular income taxes - that means that the repayments are tax-deductible too. We usually get indexed around 2-3% per year but last year it was almost 8% which hit really hard. Most degrees also fall under the Higher Education Commonwealth Support (HECS) program which drastically reduces their total cost too.

          • Flying Squid
            165 months ago

            How does having the House and the Senate for 2 years affect the Supreme Court’s decision?

          • @[email protected]
            155 months ago

            he could get Republicans in the Senate and house to vote for progressive legislation

            He said he could work with Republicans to get bipartisan legislation passed. And he has, including the Electoral Count Reform Act.

            In addition to bipartisan legislation he has also passed progressive legislation, but as everyone expected that was along party lines.

          • @[email protected]
            45 months ago

            During those 2 years Manchin and Sinema weren’t actually Dems and voted against most major progressive legislation, only voting for minor stuff if progressive.

          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            I’m not a fan of him either. Though he hasn’t done much of what I’ve wanted, he’s been more progressive than I expected. Tbh it sounds like he would have been better off politically if he hadn’t touched student loans. Im finding other progressives aren’t realistic on this issue and do not seem to want to encourage behavior they want from politicians. Way to encourage other politicians not to make attempts like this. Biden would be getting raked over the coals less if he had done nothing. That doesn’t mean dont be critical when its warranted, but don’t expect anybody to take you seriously when you claim he didn’t try. Were you a fly on the wall listening in? You not being there doesn’t mean conversations didnt happen. Its an unfounded claim that doesn’t acknowledge the good changes he HAS accomplished. You just don’t care about those because you weren’t personally impacted. No different than every other selfish voter who gave us Trump.

            You are foolish if you think individual politicians can make more progressive shit happen on their own. So many “progressives” only care about the end results and how they are personally helped. That makes you no different than any other voter and its also why we will never make progress until people like you cut the crap and grow up. Incremental progress is still progress. The only time it is not is when its something like setting up a healthcare program and underfunding it so bad it makes the masses hate it. In cases where shit is already fucked, making it slightly less fucked is a good thing.

            Personally I actually want politicians to move left. So I celebrate when they make steps in that direction. You are playing into exactly what the Supreme Court was trying to accomplish with its bs decision. The point was to hurt him politically. If you do not reward politicians for moving left and are extra critical of any who make attempts to do what you want, you are only telling them not to bother.

            He wasn’t my choice but he’s what we have. We may as well try to use him instead of throwing a tantrum about what could have been. Most neolibs wouldn’t have done anything and he surprised me when he did. The primaries are the place for idealism. The general is the place for realism.

          • @[email protected]
            -25 months ago

            Oh, but what more could you ask of him? He tried once and the Supreme Court said no, and that’s all he can do. Sure, when Trump wanted to ban Muslims from the country and the Supreme Court told him no he just changed one or two small details and issued the same order again and again and again until the Court gave up, but Biden couldn’t possibly do something like that here because it wouldn’t be very polite. You don’t want a rude president, do you?


            • Jaysyn
              5 months ago

              LOL, That’s quite literally what Biden is doing now in bits in pieces while keeping SCotUS out of it entirely.

              more than 3.7 million Americans have had their debt erased under the Biden administration, Mr. Biden said.

              But no, you want what you want & you want it NOW.

              I forgot Dems had the Senate, House, and presidency for 2 years…

              Either you are lying & hoping no one would notice or you are even more politically ignorant than I first realized.

              • @[email protected]
                -25 months ago

                That’s quite literally what Biden is doing now [except for how he isn’t doing it at all and is instead occasionally dropping much smaller scale things that are mostly just implementing things that got passed years ago and hoping everyone forgets that he promised to help everyone]

                lol indeed

      • @[email protected]
        -205 months ago

        I’m not sure why this comment is so controversial. It’s exactly what’s happening. We’ve been talking about this now for forever and almost nothing is happening. It’s wonderful that 74,000 people get some relief but that’s a drop in the ocean. I want it badly but I’ve almost accepted the fact that it’s probably not going to happen.

          • @[email protected]
            175 months ago

            Including me under the TEPSLF. I was on track to hopefully finish paying off my loans at age 63, but with the TEPSLF it counted the ten years I had already done so they were forgiven after the ten years of public service work I did.

            Thank you House/Senate Dems and president Biden!

          • @[email protected]
            -115 months ago

            Sure, I agree the extra 3.4 million people have gotten relief or forgiveness is not nothing, but out of the 45.3 million people (quick Google search) with student loan debt that’s only 13%. It’s great, we’re on the path, but 87% of people still haven’t seen any kind of help, and were drug along being promised help for the last 3 years.

            • @[email protected]
              185 months ago

              “It’s only 13% and not 100%, so it doesn’t count!”

              The Supreme Court blocked his attempt last year to forgive debt for another 43 million people, which was set to take effect before repayments started back up. He’s trying to help but is being blocked by conservatives who want him to fail so Trump can be reelected.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          The supreme court stopped them forgiving 460 billion a wide acope. Instead, his admin has forgiven 141 billion in a narrower, but still huge, scope. Its far, far more than any other admin has ever forgiven, and still going.

          If 30% of “an ocean” is just “a drop,” thats one hell of a drop.

          Hell, if he had just promised to forgive the equivalent of 10k like he intended on the campaign trail, his admin would be more than half way there, and climbing.

        • Instigate
          105 months ago

          3.4 million people total have had their debts forgiven (so far) out of a potential 45.3 million. That’s around 7.5% of all people who held student loans.

          NOAA estimates that the oceans hold around 1.335 billion cubic kilometres of water, which is around 1.335 sextillion litres (1.335e18 litres) or 353 quintillion gallons (3.53e17 gallons). Estimates put annual human water usage at around 4 trillion m^2 per year (4 quadrillion litres or 1.057 quadrillion gallons).

          If the student loans forgiven were merely ‘a drop in the ocean’, that ‘drop’ would contain 100 quintillion litres or 26.4 quintillion gallons. That ‘drop’ would weigh 100 quadrillion tonnes and would be twenty-five times the amount of water all human being use globally every year. Dumped over the contiguous United States, that would form a layer of water 12.5km (7.8miles) deep.

          That’s a hell of a drop.


          • @[email protected]
            5 months ago

            You’re allowed to ask questions. You just don’t like the answers.

            In this case, the answer is that debt forgiveness is happening, but you weren’t paying attention.

  • @[email protected]
    785 months ago

    Forgiving 5B in student debt VS inciting riot to overthrow our government…

    bOtH sIdEs aRe tHe sAmE!!!

    • Verdant Banana
      -65 months ago

      do not think trump would be better

      better if enough people either voted someone other than the red and blue corpos or nobody at all in protest

      biden’s list of achievements on behalf of the american people or lack there of is totally relevant to me and a lot more people I’d wager

      maybe I would be able to participate and vote if biden had lived up to his campaign promises or lived up to supposed “democrat” values for that matter

      democrat and republican corporate slime have kept americans down

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    My lender has been sitting on my application for PAYE since September. And I doubt it ever gets processed as it won’t help their bottom line.

    Biden should have left the debt pause indefinitely and fight judges who ruled against himself. The courts allow delays. This would gain him back a lot of support and it would cost him zero political capital.

    • @[email protected]
      155 months ago

      Yep. He told Republicans he would stop pausing it to pass funding for the government.

      He should have lied like they would.

      • Snot Flickerman
        5 months ago

        I mean, yes?

        It’s time to fucking play hardball with these creeps instead of this milquetoast turn the other cheek bullshit.

        They want to play the game like that, so they are setting the ground rules. Acting like we have to keep one hand tied behind our back during a fight with them is fucking stupid. Get that arm out and throw sand in their fucking eyes.

        Pocket sand!

        • chingadera
          35 months ago

          The thing is, we don’t need to stoop to make this even. Just start making the courts somewhat even again and arrest these clowns. We don’t have to be peices of shit because they are.

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      I might be included in one of the recent rounds of forgiveness (the one where if you have under 12k in loans taken out and have kept up with payments for over 10 years). I’ve paid off all but about $250 of it, and even making the minimum payment, I’ll have it paid off in around 4 months anyway. Unless they move at breakneck speeds by government standards, by the time they actually get everything processed, $5 sounds about right. Which hey, if that ends up being how it goes, I get a free ice cream cone on Uncle Joe. Can’t complain about that.

    • mrnotoriousman
      35 months ago

      It is according to Lemmy purists. If an action doesn’t tick all their boxes and perfectly solve a complex problem then fuck you.

      • @[email protected]
        -15 months ago

        Interesting how the far left and far right agree on so much. Yeah yeah horseshoe theory it is still interesting to see. The far right wants student loan debt to be treated like child support or harsher the far left wants anything short of full debt annulment, but both agree that compromises are bad.

        I would much rather Biden gets the wins he can get vs going after ones that he can’t, failing, and nothing is done.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Good call, but we need to fix the underlying problem that is the ridiculous price for higher education. With every piece of information online I find it very hard to believe we can’t get average annual tuition down from 20k a year.

    • @[email protected]
      255 months ago

      Greedy universities

      Banks, thousands of other kinds of predatory businesses that prey on students: “Ha, yes, yes! ‘Geeedy universities,’ that’s the ticket!”

      • SaltySalamander
        55 months ago

        It’s the universities that charge these astronomical prices for tuition, not the banks. So yes, greedy fucking universities.

        • @[email protected]
          45 months ago

          It’s both. The loans are absurdly special status, so the lenders are incentivized to give out more and bigger ones, and the availability of more and bigger student loans means universities can charge more and take in more people

          It’s a very tangled system with all sorts of perverse incentives

    • Neato
      185 months ago

      It’s a small measure but it’s better than nothing. We need free public universities but that’s outside of a presidents unilateral authority.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      recognizing an issue exists and taking some steps towards acknowledging it and helping people

      “Right, but it doesn’t solve everything so it’s completely worthless.”

  • Gogo Sempai
    5 months ago

    Paying education loans even after 20 years of working in public service? Seems like a failure of the education system. I’m from Europe, also been to India a lot on business, and never have I seen anything of this magnitude. You can get a good education even in India for a very nominal tuition fee that middle-class parents are also able to cover without taking out loans. For poor families, it’s virtually nothing in good state universities. The idea is that education will empower even the poor and they’ll be able to get a good job and become tax paying citizens. Not like if you’re poor, we’re still gonna crush the heck out of you with more debt. The latter seems to be the strategy employed in the US. In most European countries, education is virtually free covered by taxes. Of course taxes are high but it benefits everyone in terms of healthcare and education. Is that really so bad? Isn’t it the government’s job to make sure EVERYONE has access to good healthcare and education? Then why does it feel that it is a money-oriented corporation running the country rather than a government?

    Sorry, went on a rant there. Whenever I see something like this it just makes my blood boil. Teachers, firefighters, nurses still paying student loans after a decade or two, that’s a failure of the education system right there.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      Remember when he did that and Nebraska Republicans sued and the supreme Court blocked the debt relief by 6 to 3 thanks to the 3 Justices Trump appointed.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      “We are taking steps to help people in a shitty situation”


      • @[email protected]
        -25 months ago

        Maybe they are in a shitty situation too and that’s why they are asking? It fucking sucks when you’re drowning to see you don’t qualify for a life preserver.

        • @[email protected]
          35 months ago

          why should we be obligated to pay their debt? What are you on about?

          What are you on about? They’ve paid their debt, they’re still paying the interest on the debt. These are people in the public sector, went into debt to help make society better, and the people profiting off that debt are profiting a little less.

            • @[email protected]
              45 months ago

              “They made a poor choice when they were 18 to… (hang on, let me check the link) become teachers, nurses, and firefighters. They should pay for that choice for the rest of their lives!”

              Not my problem

              Beautiful thing about this bitchy little response is it works for your original comment of “What about people who decided to go to a cheap college? Do we get any money?”

              Not my problem.

                • @[email protected]
                  45 months ago

                  I was 19 when I decided to goto college because I figured out what I could afford. My parents begged me at 18 to go to a over $20k/year school, I absoulutely refused. My whole tuition cost me $15k for a full bachelors degree in Computer Science.

                  Not my problem