Across the United States, the share of lowest-wage workers with access to paid sick time nearly doubled between 2010 and 2023, from 20% to 39%. While this marks progress, it still means 61% of the lowest-wage workers do not have access to paid sick time.

“Presenteeism,” or working while sick, not only results in decreased productivity and increased risk of injury, but also poses a public health risk, scholars say.

    • TheMongoose
      35 months ago

      And none of this ‘working from home’ rubbish. If you’re not infecting all your coworkers, are you even trying?

  • UFO
    15 months ago

    Right in hand with tying healthcare to a job. Can’t work? Well then, die.

    Weakens our great nation. Makes us less resilient as a whole. Horrible for smaller companies. Which is why the GOP loves these policies.