Rüsselsheim, Germany
US cars in Europe 🤦🏻♂️
These cars look weird on american roads. Over here they look absolutely ridiculous and everyone riding them should benlaughed at. There is a guy who lives near me with a lifted truck with all the redneck swag like a confederat flag and funny stickers like: only gay cops pull me over and how much better a v8 is. I’d be embarrassed beyond believe if someone made me drive that thing.
I saw someone at my local tip in a ram1500. It looked ridiculous.
I’m there unloading rubble from my city car, and the guy is pulling twigs out of the blanket covered truck bed.What country?
That’s just the Ranger, which was a Euro designed truck before the US got it back.
The F150 is another foot wider.
Honestly the ranger is too big as well IMO, even alongside obnoxiously oversized cars like the GLE and Q5 it looks kinda ridiculous. Could possibly throw the mitsubishi L200 in there too
I agree. A vast majority of trucks in the US never see any time off road or even towing. They do dumb stuff like this Ranger is doing.
He’s off road - what more do you want?!
Who’s foot?
Some old guy from England back before they got Wales. >!Henry I!<
I don’t understand this bricks with wheels.
With personal plates. You want these in Europe, but they don’t belong in shopping center parking lots.
Definitely some idiot redneck soldier stationed in Hohenfels, Rammstein or Schweinfurt.
Nah wrong license plate
It should be KL, NEW, AS, or BIR.
One of the 4 lane streets in my city got the extra lanes turned into bike lanes. Not just painted, they’re raised up from the car lane, and then further raised for the sidewalk, proper curbs between each mode of travel. Absolutely fantastic.
There is no parking along this street, but since the businesses and apartment buildings need vehicle access there are extra wide sections of sidewalk, marked specifically for stopping with a motor vehicle in a way that doesn’t completely block bikes or pedestrians.
Drivers will still stop in the bike lane RIGHT GODDAMN NEXT TO THESE.
Drivers are slowly wising up to it, but I still have to veer onto the car lane about once a commute to round a car neatly blocking the bike lane.
Oops my bike petal scratched your car
Why I used to carry C batteries
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Break windows
What? How so?
Just give it a throw
Yeah that’s an SPD cleat into your quarter panel.
Just report them. I’m getting increasingly tired of this shit and I have zero patience for these people.
Oh, I do.
But there are enough idiots in the city for a different one to make the mistake for every day of the year for years to come.
What amazes me most is people looking at this busy street with a bike lane, clear of cars for hundreds of meters, and thinking “whoa, so much available parking, I sure wonder why I’m the first one to think of using it”.
Obviously not Spain, here we need your two flashing “parking lights” going and you can park w h e r e v e r you want.
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I’ve always wanted a beanie with two flashing orange lights, so I can put it on and sit on the hood of cars parking illegally while flashing their hazard lights. If they ask/tell me to move, I’ll just reply “it’s okay, I’ve got my parking lights on” and remain sitting on the hood for another few minutes. One day.
I did not know I needed that video in my life but here we are
Of course they’re for emergencies, you only use them when you really need to park!
That’s universal. In college I always carried packets of ketchup or mayo to put on car door handles when people left their cars unattended in no parking zones. 4 ways on, of course.
Doing the lord’s work.
We call them dickhead lights here, because they indicate someone is being (or about to be) a dickhead
The exact same thing happened to me yesterday lmao. I was biking to the bus station and I just see a stupid ram taking half the bike path. Not even sure why these are allowed to be imported, should be plain illegal.
I hope you sent that through weg.li
“look, I don’t want to bother other people on the road! it would require them to do a maneuver to overtake my car! I’m just being nice!”
If i fits i sits
If it ain’t big enough to take up 5 parking spots, isn’t tall enough to where I can’t see a 6 foot tall person directly in front of my vehicle, I don’t want to drive it because I’ll feel like a sissy girl and not a man!
~ The foreigner American I assume drives that vehicle
🔪 🛞
What do you expect from a Groẞ Gerau plate.
Nice capitalised “ß” you got there
If not parking .
Why parking sized ?
The driver probably .
Würde demolieren
https://www.weg.li/ Take a picture, send it in.
War doch nur mal kurz! Wo soll ich denn sonst parken?