So, what are you guys up to?
Wife is away for the weekend so just me and kiddo. Hope to watch the latest Dungeon Meshi with her. Cook dinner (small goals, man, small goals).
Install flat free tire on wheelbarrow. Which sounds not worth mentioning. The thing is, I’m usually depressed af by this time of year. Then I miss out prepping for gardening season.
Well not this year, baybee. I’ve been intently focused on preventing that and am doing pretty good. The wheelbarrow is representative of that.
Anyway, more tomatoes, spinach, maybe take another crack at potatoes, basil, zucchini, carrots, cantaloupes again (I can’t believe they actually worked last time), not sure what else, yet. Beans? Oh and various sunflowers. Garlic has been in the ground for two years now. The alpine strawberries should now be pretty established but I may have to get a few more. Walking onions continue to spread whether I like it or not…
I love the fact you foresaw the possibility for depression and made the choice to focus on good. Many do not have that amount of foresight. Now I have to look into flat free wheels for my barrow that the wheels have perished, thanks for the tip!
Your garden sounds amazing! I’m planting beans too this year, and feel a little out of my league (I usually have with dark leafy greens and various Peppers as my staples)
Thanks! It has a long way to go since I just started two seasons ago but it’s fun anyway. I have tried peppers a couple times but not much luck yet. Spinach is it as far as leafy stuff goes so far. Lettuce and kale might be fun?
I’m scared to try Lettuce, I’m in South florida and just imagine it wilting. But Kale and chard do fantastic here. I planted a couple of moronga trees too for their leaves and don’t regret it.
Got a 1 year old with RSV (literally turns 1 on the 3rd). She is going to need a lot of care and attention. Then my 5 year old too who is recovering from being sick, but maybe some crafts and coloring
Op comes here looking for positivity and you just slam dunk life back in their face. I like it!
That’s really okay, caring for a child is definitely positive. Also crafts and coloring!
Best wishes for speedy recoveries.
Give those babies plenty of cuddles and love. We just started daycare recently ourselves and the disease carousel is too real
RSV is rough, hope your little one feels better soon!
I’m meeting up with a friend and their SO for a little hiking and brunch at a local breakfast joint. Picking up the vision pro today for work so that’s exciting!
I think it’s easy to be negative if a person doesn’t consider the human reading their anonymous posts, people feel empowered to take out their problems from life in general on random faceless internet strangers.
Picking up the vision pro today for work so that’s exciting!
Sounds cool! Hope you’ll enjoy it!
I think it’s easy to be negative if a person doesn’t consider the human reading their anonymous posts, people feel empowered to take out their problems from life in general on random faceless internet strangers.
Yeah, definitely. Hopefully in communities like this we can avoid that.
Not sure it’s possible to avoid entirely, as the community here grows we get more of all types, it’s hard to have a truly only-positive community when moderation is voluntary and the masses have full reign to submit literally anything.
Do you think a technology solution would help? Sentiment analysis on posts and gently redirect people to other communities instead of outright blocking them?
Maybe the only real solution is personal resilience and recognizing that we don’t need to feel negative feelings just because we received a negative communication
You can’t fix a people problem with process.
For example I’ve worked in DevSecOps for 10+ years, whenever consulting my first step is to implement a CI that picks up Pull Requests, builds them and runs a code analysis tools (e.g. pep8, spotbugs, eslint, etc…) and have the CI comment the Pull Request. The idea is to get an understanding of the projects technical debt and stop things getting worse and ensure the solution ‘just works’.
Teams with huge amounts of technical debt will find a way to disable it when your not looking. They will develop all kinds of reasons and in reality the technical debt was created because of cultural issues in the team.
So I’ve learnt its important if you spot a team doing that, the solution isn’t locking it down the solution so they can’t disable it or more process. But forcing out the technical leader and sitting with the team and working out why each one is fighting the tool and not seeing them as an asset and teaching them to be better.
Earlier in my career the biggest lesson I learned was infosec was first and foremost a culture problem. Similar to your experience, working with people individually, meeting them where they are, listening, understanding, guiding, and modeling a better mindset all helps given enough time.
There are cases where some of those people just aren’t willing to work with you. It’s still possible to change the culture around them by influencing it more than they do. For every belligerent person, you can find one or more advocates
Yes, same experience here. People will go the path of least resistance except if you actively collaborate with them to make it work.
But in that same vein, recognizing how people operate means you can tweak or build a process to work with them and get results you want.
I’m not in a technical role like most people on this site, but I’m often in between those departments/their products and the consumer as well as the rest of the company. I think the mistake a lot of people in dev roles make is building a system that functions and think is good, and they need to bring the people to the process. But that’s not how people work. You can maybe get a person, maybe even a few in line with your designed process. But when you have groups of people it becomes impossible.
Take that DevSecOps person above. Their solution to entire teams not using their process is to oust the leadership and bring the team to heel. I don’t think that people take the time to think how they can alter their process to get the people more likely to work with it to get the results they want. As you said, people go the path of least resistance. You have to build your product to the user, not the other way around because the “people” aren’t going to change.
My example: We had a process our level 1 team members needed to follow when filling out tickets. Most of the time, no big deal. Our system means their tickets need to be filled out and submitted almost immediately upon completion, they can’t just wait around until the end of shift. It’s a lot of real-time work. Occasionally we’d get hit by huge numbers because something vital broke and they’re our front line in dealing with the communication, then these tickets would not get filled out properly in their mad rush to get them all submitted so they can move on. Every field not filled out correctly breaks our reporting, which is vital for us. Macros were no use because they could only fill out generic info and not any of the information we really needed. Their managers tried meetings and punishment and rewards, but when shit would hit the fan, inevitably the proper protocol would be the first thing to go to keep the operation running.
So I go in, take a look at the process start to finish and talk to the team about what specific things make it harder to complete in a crisis. And then I went and created a “mass issue” ticket form to use for those scenarios instead. When something major breaks and the team is flooded with these calls and they have to go through 4-5 at once every 10 minutes, they tick a box and get a new form with just the vital info and the ability to group as many issues on it as they have. Now they can group like issues together and fill out a single ticket. Their time is saved and we still get the precious data we need. Because we built our system to work with the user and made the path of least resistance a path that works.
But I have an advantage. I now work in a tech-adjacent role but I’ve spent my life working with people, not technology. So I get to bring that viewpoint to the job where most people around me have never really given it much thought.
DevSecOps is all about process, I simplified my answer.
At a high level in software there will always be a review phase, where code needs to be built and pass tests (as a minimum). With Git being used by every organisation I have been involved in you will find the organisation/team will claim to follow a variation of ‘Feature branch Workflow’ with review happening at a specific point (Pull Request).
For the last ~10 years every organisation/team I’ve worked in/with has claimed to use a CI to verify the source code as part of that review phase.
In most dysfunctional teams that review phase will be broken, the fastest win is to bring in the CI. Static analysis tools are also impartial in how they review and useful in teaching people how to review.
I don’t say your project must build with no warnings, I say you project must build and I’ll have the CI point out where you have added warnings as part of review. When people complain I’ll point to their teams Ways of Working or an organisations Software Development Plan (or in one case a System Engineering Management Plan).
The sort of team that then chooses to disable this will do so because the leadership are undermining it (normally a team lead turns it off or tells them to just ignore it). There seem to be a few common reasons as to why team leads will do this but it isn’t something you can rationally debate with. The only solution I’ve found is to sideline the problem, change team culture and identify a leader within the team and hand it over to them.
Your talking about teams which are failing due to the environment, those normally understand what is wrong and the best approach is to be a good scrum master (e.g. run retro sessions, identify issues and work to resolve the environment problems with them).
Not sure it’s possible to avoid entirely, as the community here grows we get more of all types, it’s hard to have a truly only-positive community when moderation is voluntary and the masses have full reign to submit literally anything.
Very true, hopefully by the time we get there we’ll have more mods tools to allow to identify bots and trolls.
Do you think a technology solution would help? Sentiment analysis on posts and gently redirect people to other communities instead of outright blocking them?
I’m not too sure, I’m always dubious about technology solutions for psychological issues.
Maybe the only real solution is personal resilience and recognizing that we don’t need to feel negative feelings just because we received a negative communication
Yes, I guess so, also why I made this post. I feel better already.
Trying to hold it all together for another day. Going through a thing. It’ll be fine but need to just make it through the next couple of days I reckon.
I remain cautiously pessimistic at this point.
Look on the bright side. Maybe today will be better than tomorrow.
Alternatively, go the Stoic route and mentally prepare yourself for the worst possible outcome.
Then, anything less than that will feel like an upgrade.
“If you expect a kick in the balls and you get a slap in the face, it’s a victory.”
As someone who’s suffered severe depression for going on 20 years, I would suggest that sometimes the Klingon way is necessary. Outlive your enemies, live another day fueled by anger.
The horrors persist, but so do I.
“It gets easier, but you have to do it everyday. That’s the hard part. But it does get easier.”
Said some monkey running by some horse.
Hang in there, buddy.
I love messing around with technology that’s not old enough to be considered vintage, not new enough to be considered usable, just this odd in the middle obsolete stuff.
So you bet your ass I’m spending my weekend on the three old iPads I got from my work and finding ways to utilize them.
Username checks out, have fun!
Photo frames (fotoo app), security cameras (Alfred) etc.
Is there a Johnny Castaway for ios?
Virtual Fish tank (loop a video)
Sweet. Would love to hear what you end up doing with them.
Well I’ve already got my existing 64GB iPad 2 which is downgraded to iOS 6 and it’s essentially a giant old game console, full of old iOS games and emulators.
The iPad 3 I got today works well as a second display (via TwomonUSB) so it will take that role from my iPad 2. Having a touchscreen portable monitor is just severely underrated. It’ll mostly be at work with Teams on it, and occasionally with my study laptop as a portable second display.
The other two iPads are both Air 1st gens. One of them will be used just as a device for me to watch YouTube and browse Lemmy on in bed while my main phone charges.
The other one I’m yet to do anything with but I do like the ideas others have commented. Might be used as a self hosting dashboard showing uptime, usage stats, internet reliability, something like that. May also prompt me to actually set up a self hosted NVR
We’re getting a 3D ultrasound of our first child tomorrow. To say I’m beyond excited is an understatement.
Sounds lovely for an unborn, bit creepy if they’re 5 though
Now I want to scan my kids 😂, maybe 3d print tiny versions of them for my desk
Taking my oldest skiing for the first time in her life
That promises to be awesome and funny! How old is she?
3, I’m certain it’ll be a success as well
Pro tip: bring candy for snacks and a thermos of hot chocolate for afterwards.
Hot dogs and hot chocolate:)
There’s an anti-Nazi rally in my town, which I’ll go attend because fuck the AfD.
I also have tickets for Beast in Black and Gloryhammer on saturday, which is gonna be absolutely epic.
Thank you for standing up to idiots. Stay safe.
Thank you for standing up to Nazi’s; also, I have always wanted to see Beast in Black in concert. I imagine hearing:
The Beast is back, the Beast In Black!
echoed by an entire Arena would be fantastic.
Legit, no meme, no joke, I’m making beef stroganoff.
We don’t do it often, maybe twice a year, but it’s a household favorite.
legitimate: please provide a recipe? Thanks!
1 1/2 pounds beef sirloin steak, 1/2 inch thick.
8 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced (2 1/2 cups)
2 medium onions, thinly sliced. (Can reduce to one medium if necessary, but it changes both taste and final servings)
1 garlic clove, finely chopped. (Can go with two or three if you’re bonkers for garlic, but no more than that)
1/4 cup butter or margarine. (I strongly recommend actual butter for both flavor and health reasons compared to margarine)
1 1/2 cups beef broth.
1/2 teaspoon salt.
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. (Or to taste, but it really doesn’t take much)
1/4 cup all-purpose flour.
1 1/2 cups sour cream.
3 cups hot cooked egg noodles.Cut beef across grain into about 1 1/2x1/2-inch strips.
Cook mushrooms, onions and garlic in butter in 10-inch skillet over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until onions are tender; remove from skillet. Unlike a lot of dishes, caramelizing the onions is not good thing, follow this step exactly.
Cook beef in same skillet until brown. Stir in 1 cup of the broth, the salt and Worcestershire sauce. Heat to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and simmer 15 minutes.
Stir remaining 1/2 cup broth into flour; stir into beef mixture. Add onion mixture; heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute. Stir in sour cream; heat until hot (do not boil). Serve over noodles.
Now, this is essentially the Betty Crocker recipe. Not much has been changed since most people love that recipe and it was what a lot of families used whether they knew it or not.
However, there is room for change there. There’s no specific mushroom given, as an example. Typically, it would be button mushrooms. I favor Portobello. But any mushroom that isn’t so delicate as to be ruined, or so intense as to compete with the beef is fine. If you go with a Portobello, remove the gills before cutting it up, they make the final dish look like crap, and run a little bitter (imo).
You can make your own noodles as well, but that’s a ton of work for little return.
You can use other cuts of beef. Sirloin is very good, but pricey. Stew beef works well as long as you extend the cook time a little before the final step. Same with cube steak. The texture and flavor changes, but not too much in the flavor. In both cases, you’ll end up needing more stock to balance out the extra loss of water. Skirt steak works too, but I find it doesn’t have a good texture in this application.
And, in a pinch, you can use water instead of stock, but it will not be as good. If you can’t do beef stock, any decent stock will work better than water, even vegetable stock which has a totally different flavor in the sauce.
Thank you!
No worries :)
I‘m visiting my girlfriend , who lives unfortunately in another city. It’s going to be great, just chillin and cuddling and maybe a nice dinner and breakfast at the cozy Café around the corner.
The only thing which isn’t perfect: Here in Germany are recently very big demonstrations against the far right on weekends. There’ will be one nearby, but I obviously can’t make it. Oh well, maybe there will be one nearby my girlfriends place.
On my side I’m going to meet a friend I haven’t seen in a long time Saturday morning, and I might get some Lego later today.
Shout out to [email protected] for people interested
Hope you have fun with your friend, and if you get a cool lego set post a pic of it/the build!
Thanks, I will!
Love this thread and the responses I’m seeing so far. We have big plans to cuddle the baby all weekend, go to a greenhouse and farmers market, hit up a park, and spend some quality time reading as a family.
As an aside, one of the things I really appreciate about the size of Lemmy is how the users are a lot more recognizable (and not just the novelty accounts like on Reddit or other bigger platforms). It’s been interesting to see how a user can infuriate me one one thread but then have me arguing in their defense in a separate thread. It’s a good reminder that people are multi-faceted and everyone is going to have both hot and garbage takes. But one thing I appreciate is being able to have a conversation on Lemmy even when we disagree on topics.
As an aside, one of the things I really appreciate about the size of Lemmy is how the users are a lot more recognizable (and not just the novelty accounts like on Reddit or other bigger platforms). It’s been interesting to see how a user can infuriate me one one thread but then have me arguing in their defense in a separate thread. It’s a good reminder that people are multi-faceted and everyone is going to have both hot and garbage takes. But one thing I appreciate is being able to have a conversation on Lemmy even when we disagree on topics.
Very true!
Going into town on Sat: a few errands and meeting some friends for a pub lunch. Maybe going to see Poor Things at a local cinema with my SO in the evening.
On Sunday yet another attempt to get some paintings up on the wall. It has been months and we still haven’t for one reason or another. I’m going settle in for some reading otherwise.
Maybe going to see Poor Things at a local cinema with my SO in the evening.
I was gonna say that if you do you can post your review in [email protected], but then I realized you are already one of the first people who commented on the “What have you been watching” thread ha ha
Yes, I’m sure that I will be posting if we do. Even if we don’t, Saturday night is still movie night for us anyway, so we’ll be watching something at home.
Nice, enjoy!
My teen will be here instead of his Mom’s house for the weekend, so literally anything he wants to do. He drives now, which is scary as heck, so tonight he’s going to meet buddies and he’ll be here on his schedule.
I had some great ideas for meals he would love, including his favorite chocolate chip pancakes, but suddenly he’s eating low carb, so those ideas are out. I don’t know, might end up with just chicken breasts and veggies.
Assuming the weather is ok, we’ve been doing a lot of walking around town and on the new rail trail, so hopefully more of that. It’s a great opportunity to just talk, while having enough activity so it’s not forced talking
Taxes. Looks like OP is in Germany, so …. Here in the US, we need to fill out tax forms and send them in: after January, but by April 15. Lots of paperwork to assemble, but I’m hoping for a huge rebate for buying an electric car
You seem to be a cool dad!
I’m actually in Spain, but our Spain instance went bust a few weeks back, so I now rely on the famous German quality
If he wants some “not nearly as good but no carb pancakes” you can mix eggs and cream cheese and fry that mixture up. As long as the cream cheese gets mixed well, it will give you really tiny pancakes (crepe thickness). The ratio is about 1oz cream cheese per 1 egg. Plus any flavorings.
You can add different flavors like chocolate chips or cinnamon or whatever. There are plenty of keto pancakes recipes, if you wanna look.
That’s so sweet pf you, man, you must be a cool dad. Thanks
Working on a Doom mod, tryin’a keep a good number of vibe checks, and working through THC withdrawal and a tolerance break. I ain’t a very exciting dude.
Only once I saw the House of Leaves mod, did it dawn on me that Doom can still be so much fun and surprisingly playable in 2024