吉(き↑ち↓)= Lucky (especially from a fortune)
不吉(ふ↑きつ)= Unlucky

Why is it not ふきち!? Makes me want to quote Atsugiri Jason: WHY JAPANESE PEOPLE WHY!!!


  • zero_spelled_with_an_ecks
    1 year ago

    Because Japanese is a spoken Japanese pizza topped with Chinese writing on half of it but a few bits snuck on the other side, too. Or some better metaphor.

    Single kanji -> stand in for whatever the Japanese word is, read it like the Japanese word, probably. Two kanji -> oh shit, maybe, if you’re lucky, it’s the Chinese reading of both. But sometimes it’s not, sometimes it just gets slapped on the Japanese word. And if you’re really unlucky with a word, they mix. Which is first, I don’t know, you don’t know, the Japanese might know, or they might just add the pronunciation right on there. Four kanji -> I dunno, ask a linguist.

    Also, thank you for introducing me to that video. Why indeed.