I’m 6-7. I’m at my grandparents house. He’s got one of those old-timey Pong consoles that you plug into the TV; it had like 5-6 different ‘sport’ modes (Tennis, Squash etc etc), but ultimately it was still a few pixels moving up and down or maybe left and right.

And it was amazing.

What’s your earliest gaming memory?

  • bloopernova
    11 months ago

    Late 70s, not sure of system. Green text old school terminal. 8x8 grid of dots, Z for zombie, Y for you, Star symbol for swamps. Zombies move towards you per turn, you have to move to guide them into swamps to stay alive. I think I was around 4?

    Around the same time but I don’t actually remember this happening. Colossal Cavern text adventure, at the end none of the adults could kill the dragon. It’s said that little kid me typed (said?) “with hands” and killed the dragon with my bare hands. I don’t know if that’s true or something my dad made up.