I’m getting a “user_already_exists” error from /user/save_user_settings no matter what settings I try to change. The JWT is valid, and this is happening on multiple instances the same (programming.dev, lemm.ee, etc.) Anyone have any ideas why I’d be getting this? Here’s my payload:

  show_bot_accounts: true,
  auth: token

Edit: This issue describes a bug where this happens when the avatar field is not included. Just tested it and that’s the same problem I’m running into. I fixed it temporarily by passing the current avatar url.

  • RoundSparrow
    11 months ago

    I also found this exact error happens if you change nothing! The error is confusing… if you set a setting to the same value (true, false, false all in a row). I actually consider that buggy, as with all the server crashes retries to the API are kind of the norm in July ;)

    • silasOP
      211 months ago

      I know, we’re all here trying to find temporary workarounds for these types of things haha, it’ll get better