We finally have a blog site where you can easily see news relating to Programming.Dev! Theres an rss feed if you want to add it to your rss reader and posts from it will be mirrored onto all of our platforms (eventually ideally automated)

Theres a small welcome post I made on there and we should be releasing more things this week that will get announced there and then mirrored here

It turned out that most things I was working on are being completed mostly all at once so there will be daily news posts about new things dropping for a bit. Theres currently 4 things in the queue to be released

  • bugsmithA
    8 months ago

    Would be nice to have the RSS feed better advertised on the site (although any decent RSS reader can pick up the feed just from the base URL). Great to see this 🎉

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      I agree. I saw the list of social things on the bottom and was like, “no rss feed?”. I was going to feed it into my reader later and see, but that was my initial thought. Then I came back and saw it in the post.

      • AtegonOPMA
        38 months ago

        Its more prominent on the archive page but I can add it to home

  • @mark
    28 months ago

    Nice! Looks like it’s built with Hugo! Never heard of that framework before but looks like it saves a lot of dev time. 👍

    • AtegonOPMA
      8 months ago

      Yeah this pretty much just took me a couple hours to build. Figured I would try Hugo out and it works pretty well. I have some more hugo sites coming soon (not using papermod though, itll be with hugo book)

  • @ericjmorey
    8 months ago

    Is the stacks account going to post blog articles to a stacks community on programming.dev?

    • AtegonOPMA
      8 months ago

      Most things will be posted to meta, exception is things like community showcases which go in the community showcase community. Don’t see a reason to separate it out to a new community since there wont really be blog posts outside of talking about our instances

  • @parens
    18 months ago

    Is it possible to comment on it from the fediverse?

    • AtegonOPMA
      18 months ago

      Theres no comment section on it, theres comments on the mirrored post that gets posted to this community though