AB şartı bahane bence. Türk devletlûleri Rusya’yla arayı bozmak istemiyor.
AB şartı bahane bence. Türk devletlûleri Rusya’yla arayı bozmak istemiyor.
Türk Reddit komünitesi de küçük başlamıştı. Patladı. Türk milleti interneti sever. Burası pes edilmezse en aşağı 20-30 bin üyeye ulaşacaktır. Bir tane -düzgün- YouTuber’ı buraya çeksek işimiz inanılmaz kolay olurdu. Birkaç solcu YouTuber kafanılabilir bence.
I wouldn’t say Turkey is a “shithole” — whatever that means. Turkey is in a serious culture war. Besides being ruled by an Islamic populist autocrat, and for that reason, it is one of the most “Islamophobic” countries in the world.
About 10 percent of the adult population and 30 percent of the gen-Zers are non-theistic. Most of them are anti-theistic, anti-Islamic, Stalinian atheists, who would completely agree with you on Turkey being a shithole, and want a “battle-ready” “democracy” in a cruel “battle” with Islam and Muslims.
While the trans surgeries is not affirmed by medicare and there is real stigma around it, trans people have every legal right, including official name and sex —yes, sex— change. And like Erdogan says, “the opposition is gay.” They’re for LGBT rights.
And, except alien ghettos and other no-go zones, it is not a “shithole” in the means of culture, security, safety, crime rates, and legal issues aren’t about the “overlords.”
So, it’s a mixed bag. It is a terrible country economically, equalitically etc. But not completely unsalvagable. Turkey definitely can be “OK, fine” again.
“If tomorrow you had a referendum whether civil unions should be introduced it would not be unlikely to pass, pro-marriage and pro-union are almost 50% with 30% undecided.”
This is not terrible. Check out how Ireland legalized gay marriage.
You are correct. The title is misleading.
*He was detained for participating in an “eventful” Pride march.
*On the bus, some “Chechens” said he “looked like a gay."
According to him.
Berlin-based ArtıGerçek (the original, Turkish-language version of GercekNews) is a sensational-yet-prominent left-liberal Turkish-language newsletter. “GercekNews” is much more fresh and novice, uses an outdated UI of artigercek.com
The title is misleading.
*He was detained for participating in an “eventful” Pride march.
*On the bus, Chechens said he “looked like a gay”.
According to him.
EDIT: I did not claim that Turkish people are not homophobic. I did not minimize the injustice suffered by the Portuguese man. Why are you downvoting this?
Yetiş Jack Dorsey. Yetiş Bluesky. Nostr (iris.to vd.) daha erken erişimde olmasına rağmen iyi çalışıyor ve Snowden ve diğer pek çok insan erkenden geçiş yaptılar. Nsstr’ın özelliği instance’ların da gücünü ellerinden alıp olayı iktidarı tamamen son kullanıcıya devretmesi. Adamların Mastodon, Lemmy gibi güçlü solcu ideolojik bagajları da yok.