Didn’t know he owned them. Since he says my stolen stuff. Now Eygpts sure.
Didn’t know he owned them. Since he says my stolen stuff. Now Eygpts sure.
He’s still winning. There is no way the liberals get back in with or without JT as leader. It’s Canadian tradition keep party in power till your mad then vote the other guy in.
I just like they everyone is NDO we’ll ruin the country. Like the other two are not doing that.
So cost is going to skyrocket cause everyone well want their piece.
Exceptions. WTF Most boomers are not wealthy, but according to Reddit they’re all drinking gold flaked champagne. Are your parents rich or grandparents? Here’s a secret most prople you meet are not wealthy.
Most people don’t care or they care but not enough to do anything.
Do Apple then Facebook. These companies have bought or stolen from so many companies. They should all be broken up they are all to big.
You know it’s not that easy right. We build plants then the tribes don’t maintain them and they break down. In those situations what is the government supposed to do? Then there is money they has been paid for this but it just disappeared.
This is very dumb. So if a purchase a google play store app in epic store who gets the cut, what is the cut. Does google take their percentage and then epic takes theirs.
You know Aurora isn’t an App Store right. Just a front end for google play store.
And Aurora isn’t an App Store.
So who gets the money for that?
What I don’t get who gets the money if every app in the App Store must be on the third party store.
The modem in pixel 9 is pretty good from what I have seen.
Vancouver playoff riots didn’t police cars get burnt then.
Don’t know anymore honestly/s. People who speak out against Israel seem to be quietly canceled or let go in Hollywood. But I can totally see how this is going to foster conspiracy theories for a long time.
The cyber truck has no crumble zones. I’d like to see Tesla’s tests.
It isn’t protocol for the hospitals to give the shot for a bat in the room. Probably would have gone to the hospital and been turned away.
And it’s easy after the fact to say oh should have done this. As they say hindsight is 20/20.
I don’t now AMDs encoding is pretty bad.
There is an issue they we need more then just safe consumption sites. We need the support network to help people get out of the situations that are causing them to use. And we don’t have that.