CindyTheSkull [she/her, comrade/them]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022

  • Someone asks you what your problem is since you’re hopping mad and insulting them because they dared to (100% correctly) criticize a game/genre you like? And your response is that they are antagonizing you? Rather than assume that everyone who thinks there are real and easily demonstrated problematic issues with your favorite media is actually just out to “antagonize” you, you might serve yourself better if instead you stop and reflect on why it makes you so upset and why you so quickly jump to taking videogame criticism so personally.

    Or you can completely forgo any self crit and block me for antagonizing you or something, and if that’s the case, I will enjoy it because it will be funny.

  • Latin America has been westernized by continuous economical, cultural, and imperialist influence by the United States (and other global north countries), it doesn’t make sense to think of our countries as some non-Western society, it’s inaccurate and a bad framework to try to change our life.

    I’m going to paste what I said in another comment replying to another user just because it mostly applies here too.

    Look, neither you or I get to define what “the West” means. It is a racist concept, but that’s the unfortunate reality of the situation. “The West” is not defined by who thinks they should belong to it, it’s defined by the material reality of exploitation. It’s nearly synonymous with “Imperial Core.” If you’re in the periphery, you are not part of “The West” no matter how much your society mirrors so-called western culture. Just as a regular worker is not part of the bourgeoisie no matter how much they want to be. There are the exploiters and the exploited. Latam, on the global stage, is exploited by the imperial core and there is no escaping that fact. The exploiters will never see it as part of their club because they’re exploiting it! It’s not like we (hexbears or leftists in general) see this as a good thing or want to perpetuate it. We want to tear it the fuck down. But we can’t deny material reality, and it seems like that’s what you’re trying to do by insisting that Latam is western and getting mad at us for the fact that it’s largely racism that determines who belongs to the in-group “Western” and who doesn’t.

    We may not be part of the west in a historical sense, but we are westernized countries living in the world that the West has created for us with violence.

    Absolutely. So you do see it is “The West” that unfortunately gets to define who belongs in the club, and it does so via violence. The West has violently created the world you live in, but that does not make the world you live in part of it, no matter how many people around you mistakenly think it does.

  • Look, neither you or I get to define what “the West” means. It is a racist concept, but that’s the unfortunate reality of the situation. “The West” is not defined by who thinks they should belong to it, it’s defined by the material reality of exploitation. It’s nearly synonymous with “Imperial Core.” If you’re in the periphery, you are not part of “The West” no matter how much your society mirrors so-called western culture. Just as a regular worker is not part of the bourgeoisie no matter how much they want to be. There are the exploiters and the exploited. Latam, on the global stage, is exploited by the imperial core and there is no escaping that fact. The exploiters will never see it as part of their club because they’re exploiting it! It’s not like we (hexbears or leftists in general) see this as a good thing or want to perpetuate it. We want to tear it the fuck down. But we can’t deny material reality, and it seems like that’s what you’re trying to do by insisting that Latam is western and getting mad at us for the fact that it’s largely racism that determines who belongs to the in-group “Western” and who doesn’t.

  • @[email protected] is right:

    MGTOW is older, I believe mostly GenX and to some extent Boomer, and was “a thing” earlier on where they tried to pass themselves off as a legitimate movement. “Self help for men” type shit. Even trying to influence law to get the courts to grant more rights to fathers in custody cases (which I admit is not 100% always a bad thing). Most of that is a pretense though, and it becomes immediately obvious when you talk to them that they are of course nothing more than flaming misogynists with a persecution complex. Again, they tend to be older so a good percentage of them have been married and divorced, often with grotesque sob stories about how their wives stole everything from them, and now they’re struggling triumphantly to reclaim their masculinity or some shit. But it’s just usual run of the mill misogyny and anti-feminism.

    Incel on the other hand grew entirely out of internet culture, and so never had that earlier GenX-like air of legitimacy. They tend not to have ever had wives or even girlfriends, as one of their defining grievances is that they are virgins, and will remain so for the foreseeable future if not indefinitely. Hence “involuntary celibacy.” It’s not really a cohesive movement as much as a nebulous, twisted internet subculture with varying degrees of incels tying to make it a movement or coherent ideology. Like most subcultures they have their own terminolgy and sickeningly sexist language but are united really by their extreme hatred of women and a sense of shattered privilege because they suffered the social but very personal crime against them of not by default getting the hot /insert misogynistic slur/ to fuck that society always promised them.

    That’s how it’s been as far as what I’ve come across anyway.

    Edit: But lol, Incels are not stoic. They tend to be extremely whiny and entitled. They have no inner calmness, but a constantly simmering rage against women, and, as this thread and their violent rhetoric and actions makes evident that rage simmers for People of Color too. And often even a more general rage for society itself, but for misogynistic and patriarchal reasons, anything they can twist into being the cause of them being denied their god given right to women’s bodies. They are the complete opposite of stoic. The NoFap movement which has some crossover with Incels tries to be stoic in some ways for obvious reasons. And there was crossover because NoFap offered a “cure” of sorts for some portion of Incels. To be clear, NoFap as a movement is also filled with misogyny and has some very weird beliefs bordering on esoteric about super powers and shit like that. But they also come with the generally good and obvious advice that if you are addicted to something, breaking that addiction can be beneficial. Specifically giving up an extreme porn addiction is undoubtedly a positive step for many of these men. But it’s only one step among many needed to have any hope of breaking them of their pathologically patriarchal ideology.

    I suspect you got the stoic part either from the joke we make of it here about being VolCels, (and fuck yeah we VolCels incorporate Stoicism in keeping our vital fluids to ourselves) or because of the Incel-NoFap venn diagram wedge.

  • I don’t know how I accomplished this tbh, but I curated my homepage recommendations pretty well. It got to a point where I would not watch certain videos not out of a lack of interest, but out of not wanting the algorithm to think I wanted to see more of that shit and keep things balanced. My homepage ended up being mostly the latest content from my subscriptions anyway, with something reasonably related to them thrown in here and there. In other words, it was mildly helpful.

    That was over a year ago though, and I don’t know if it’s changed, because I still fucking hate youtube, google, etc with a burning passion and exclusively use frontends like invidious or piped now. I have a redirect script on every browser I use to change any youtube link to one of those alternatives. I think you can still have subscriptions on some of them, but I don’t use that feature.

  • There are a few users who have names that kind of flaunt the fact they’re evading an old ban. (coughzedcough. excuse me, getting over covid again.) I took it the same way you did, that mods knew what was up, but were just like “don’t do it again and we’ll let it slide.” Fair enough, the way I see it, especially when they consistently post good takes… mostly. But then there are also sometimes prolific people who come back immediately after a recent ban with an obvious name and still expect mods not to do anything about it. Keep that popularity contest shit out of here, I would say.

  • Furthermore, I would even more strongly urge you not to report yourself to any authorities except in certain very extreme and particular circumstances.

    I can’t believe that needs to be said here. acab, 1312, All Cats Are Beautiful FFS! Did you mess up like bad with giving shit advice and having disgusting opinions and so you need to do some serious fucking self crit right now? Yeah, probably, it sure looks like it. In fact you should get on that now, if it means hashing it out with trusted comrades, or doing deep, painful, quiet, but honest self reflection, or going to a trained therapist yeah, go do THAT.

    But calling “the authorities”? “Turning yourself in?” For fucking what? Having a really bad take as your gut reaction to an emotionally complex and arguably manipulative post? No. No, calling the authorities would very clearly do nothing but pile on more shit decisions and faulty thinking to what you’ve already done, oh and maybe give you some sense of atonement or some shit? I don’t know, maybe not on that last one, since I don’t know what your motives are that deep down. But don’t fucking report yourself for having the wrong reaction to a post. picard

  • My god that’s depressing, but I think you’re 100% correct. I think about this every time I watch another piece of media where yet another rich, beautiful, tv/movie star (even when they’re coded as being plain and poor) is completely consumed with solving their SUPER important in-universe problem, a problem which if thought about for more than 3 seconds is actually the most trivial, mundane, and ultimately inconsequential “problem,” one that is easily solved when you consider the star’s exceptionally privileged material conditions at their disposal, yet is still totally a universally relatable problem of course.

    People watch that over and over and think “so that’s what American’s problems are like! Those lucky bastards! The culture I live in should be more like theirs, and then my problems would be more like theirs too.” even if it’s all subconscious. I mean, I know it happens to me way more than I like to admit even though I try to be aware of it and fight it off in my own mind. The soft power of hegemony as propagated through entertainment mediums is deep as fuck, insidious, tenacious, and overwhelmingly effective. One of the main reasons it works so well is that people like to think they’re immune to propaganda and are just having fun consuming some treats. (trying to channel @UlyssesT with that last sentence, he knew what I’m talking about.)

  • I have no people in my life anymore. I had to do regular check out at a grocery store instead of doing self checkout and I couldn’t even form sentences. I bought vodka so I couldn’t do self checkout. The checkout clerk asked me to pull my mask down to verify my ID after I showed my drivers license. For a split second I thought “aw, he’s being nice and pretending I might still pass for being under 40, let alone 21” then I realize he probably just didn’t like that I was wearing a mask and wanted me to take it off. Power thing? Who knows. I don’t. I don’t interact with people so I don’t know if I’m being paranoid or attentive and perceptive.

  • I keep thinking “Hezbollah is going to kick things back into gear any second now. If not, then Iran better take the initiative and will do something materially significant. Ok, fuck, if that’s not going to happen, then at least Egypt will get some food and water and fuel through.” But nothing happens except more Palestinians die from the unrelenting outright genocide. From being blown up to bleeding out to dying of white phosphorus burns to now dying on a mass scale of thirst because their oppressors are refusing them the most basic, fundamental thing necessary for life. Is this really how it goes? Genocide of Palestine, and then a return to the FUCKING STATUS QUO, with the only unambiguous win being that everyone knows Isntreal is a weakling paper tiger evil little pissfuck?

    That’s one fucking bitter pill. I can’t swallow that. How can anyone else swallow that?

  • I was looking around for size comparisons for Gaza. It is shockingly small. Very good for a quick glance comparing its size to many cities all over the world as a blue/red overlay. This one is only compared to US cities but it’s a lot more detailed and “3D”.

    A series of maps shows how the Gaza Strip compares in size to some of the major U.S. cities, often being dwarfed by American metropolises.

    The Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated regions in the world, with an estimated population of over 2.2 million in an area measuring just 141 square miles in total, meaning buildings in its urban areas are tightly grouped together.

    By that U.N. population approximation, there are on average around 15,600 people in every square mile of the territory. Compared to many sprawling cities in the U.S., the area it occupies is relatively minute.

    The Israeli government claims an area of 8,630 square miles, including the contested Golan Heights region claimed by Syria. It has an estimated population of 9.1 million, with density of around 1,135 people on average per square mile, owing to the nation’s rural and desert regions, according to census statistics.

    When its footprint is overlaid onto New York City, it covers an area roughly the size of Manhattan, the Bronx and Hoboken, New Jersey, combined.

    An overlay of the boundaries of the Gaza Strip over Los Angeles. Google Earth / U.S. Geological Survey