Being on the opposite side of the issue as Trump is just a really happy coincidence for them. In fact they had basically forgot about how much they stand with ukraine till trump reminded them.
Being on the opposite side of the issue as Trump is just a really happy coincidence for them. In fact they had basically forgot about how much they stand with ukraine till trump reminded them.
I don’t condemn objects for the things people do with them. Like knives or TNT or nuclear energy AI can be used to make things better for people or worse. It just depends on who is using it and how.
Do any of the 5 eyes country other than the us still have intelligence gathering capabilities worth anything? Pretty sure we all gutted them and started chipping in to pay subcontractors who are all loyal to american dollars. Its also kinda silly to think that after years of trusting america that they wouldn’t have a back door and know everything we tried to keep from them anyways.
None of the 5 eyes or nato nations has the independence and sovereignty to direct its own foreign policy differently from the USA. They can moan and complain a little but if that’s about it.
“Pshhhh China can’t even do debt trap diplomacy right.” -some neo-colonialist fuck
Vance definitely came out of it looking like a debate bro and a loser.
I see Trump using this to push for “elections.” I imagine there will be silence on that topic from Russia while they and the us figure out who the next president will be behind closed doors.
I don’t think anyone has told zelenski “call elections or we will kill you” yet but that message is coming soon.
I think that mess was intentional plan by trump. trump said something to the effect of “its good we did this in front of the cameras because the American people need to see what I have to deal with”
I don’t think it was about humiliation so much as trying to undo years of propaganda. Showing people that zelenski isn’t the kind of heroic brave man the media made him out to be.
Zelenski came out of that looking weak, belligerent, and ungrateful. But Trump just came out of that looking like trump.
Vance started with “bidens plan failed, we need diplomacy” Then zelensky said “What kind of diplomacy” and then it all went down hill with trump and vance trying to tell him that he has no cards left to play and they are trying to salvage what they can and he is just making stupid demands and excuses. zelensky said “Since the begining of the war we have been alone” and trump came in with " You havent been alone, We gave you through the stupid president 350 billion dollars. Your men are very brave but if we didn’t give you our millitasry equipment this war would have been over in 2 weeks"
This is excellent news. I hope they get away with it. That would go a long ways to making future copy cats more brave. Maybe we’ll get a banker next time!
Just when you thought it was safe to take out a loan for a new tractor… GREAT DEPRESION 2: revenge of the tariffs.
I did but I didn’t want to put that idea into peoples heads because its kinda gross. Not when I do it but thinking about other people doing it is disgusting.
This wasn’t a problem for me back when I had long hair but recently I was growing a wicked long mustache that was half way down my chin. The peanut butter getting all up in it every morning after my toast was getting annoying so I chopped it off.
Maybe I’ve just gotten more careful but it feels like the blatant lying in news has gotten worse since trump first said “Fake News” back in 2017.
The headline is absolutely false. What trump really said is that it is Ukraine’s fault they aren’t being included in negotiations.
At Mar-a-Lago, he also tried to reinvent the facts around Russia’s invasion three years ago, when Putin’s forces rolled across the border of an independent, sovereign democracy and redrew the map of Europe.
“Today I heard, ‘Oh well, we weren’t invited,’” the president said, referring to Ukraine’s complaints that it’s not been allowed to take part in the nascent peace process. “Well, you been there for three years. You should’ve ended it after three years. You should’ve never started it. You could’ve made a deal,” he said.
“Citing anonymous sources (They made it up) from the country’s Interior Ministry – the department which oversees law enforcement – Latvia-based independent Russian-language news outlet Meduza…”
“In 2014, Galina Timchenko was fired from her job as chief editor at by oligarch Alexander Mamut, a supporter of Vladimir Putin, after she had interviewed Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh. She launched the new webpage Meduza on 25 October” -Wikipedia
So a banderite sympathiser is making unbacked accusations about Russia? That’s not news.
What I find really funny is that Russia built layers and layers of defence because they were really concerned about the offensive and nato’s ukrops didn’t even get to the first heavily defended line much less past it. The first half of the offensive everyone was sitting around saying “probing attacks” and then it slowly sunk in that that was as serious as things were going to get. There were probably some Russian generals losing their hair for months because every moment they were expecting the hammer to drop and it never did.
It is also quite heartening to know the inheritors of the crumbling empire are oblivious to the cracks.
Finland making a bench to honor a genocidal islamophobe? :I-sleep:
Finland making a bench to honor a Russian. :Real-shit:
HAHA! Like fuck milie sure. But really anyone dumb enough to trust him with their money kinda deserves what they get.
I wonder how active barfsack ocrumbo was in the ukraine planning. I’m 99% sure biden was hands on directly setting up in ukraine as VP and possibly before. Not to downplay his complicity but I feel like Obummer was just a puppet of the white supremacists imperialist capitalists.