I saw hail in fucking July in the Netherlands…
Also lots of rain of course.
Shit’s getting crazier and crazier.
I saw hail in fucking July in the Netherlands…
Also lots of rain of course.
Shit’s getting crazier and crazier.
Ain’t that the truth.
Give credit where credit’s due
Thank you for adressing this.
I don’t think banning this material is necessary. But let’s not pretend this isn’t obvious war propaganda.
This is at least the third pic of a cat with a good looking woman in (Ukrainian) military uniform I’ve seen in the past few days.
Had this been any other countries uniform I feel like people would have been more sceptical.
Still a cute kitty though.
I know a YT channel that does MC videos, and has a few members only bonus videos on the side. I guess these are no longer allowed now.
Awesome, thank you! 😁
I found these on Amazon, by googling ‘toe socks’.
I can probably still find you the link if you want?
It sounds like you need a pair of these
Okay, so I never used Twitter but figured I’d give Mastodon a try.
But what do you even do there? Is it just a place where you wait for specific people to shout into the void? And then what?
Also how do I even find interesting subjects or people to follow?
It does! I didn’t have the latest update installed.
I think part of it is because tone and intention are very hard to convey over text.
I appreciate a good discussion, but am wary of getting into one online. Partially because I don’t feel like overclarifying everything I say just in case it might get misinterpreted.
I would say suddenly removing a product that people paid for (like coins) is not very user friendly. Especially with only a 2 month notice.
Note: As indicated in our User Agreement past purchases are non-refundable.
This to me reads like a big fuck you to the people who were spending money.
That being said, had they gone for a longer timeline with warnings as they got close to the deadline, I think reception would have been better.
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.
(I’ve stopped spreading the “not addictive” BS, but am still very addicted)
As someone who is incredibly tone deaf in written conversation, please don’t get rid of the /s. It really does help
Wait, you guys get documentation?
Bag in Box wijn is een goede optie (geen bubbels). Als je ruimte wil besparen (en niet bang bent dat je ze per ongeluk lek prikt oid) kun je de zak vooraf al uit de doos halen. Alleen heb je dan ook geen handvat meer.
Bij meeste supermarkten en slijterijen verkopen ze ook pre-mix cocktails, deze komen vaak al in plastic, of zijn makkelijk over te gieten naar frisdrank flessen.
Ik ben er ondertussen redelijk zeker van dat ze hun keuzen niet meer gaan terugdraaien. Al zouden ze dat wel doen denk ik niet dat apps zoals Apollo nog terug zullen komen.
Ik heb zelf sinds 1 juli niet meer op reddit ingelogd, maar heb mezelf nog niet zo ver kunnen krijgen mijn account van 8 jaar te verwijderen.
Tell me you didn’t read the article, without telling me you didn’t read the article…