Are they gonna start throwing Asians back into “internment” camps again?
Are they gonna start throwing Asians back into “internment” camps again?
Kinda par for the course for a lot of libs right.
They wish death and destruction upon entire ethnic groups living under “dictatorships” because they all deserve it and either are ‘subhuman orcs’ or ‘brainwashed yellow robots’ amirite (despite not having “the power to vote for their governments”).
But when others condemn those from the supposed liberal democratic states, all of a sudden it’s “not my fault, I didn’t vote for this”.
It probably helps that XHS is one of the more LGBT and feminist friendly platforms with a mix of libs sprinkled in to ease them in. Some of those same libs were shocked that Americans healthcare costs and needing to work multiple jobs to survive was actually true, and not state propaganda as they previously thought.
Yeah pretty much expected from the imperialists pissing into the same bucket with Erdogan’s Ottoman project and his American counterparts wanting to destabilize their peaceful ‘adversaries’.
They’re comrades afterall 🤩
Chinese games: RPGs - Gujian (1 and 2 are really cheap when on sale, 3 is really good for a relatively lower budget game) Others - Sands of Salzaar, My time at Portia
Vietnam made a free FPS called 7554 in 2011, you fight back against the french
Cuba also made an FPS in 2013 called Gesta Final, which looks a bit like CoD 1 gameplay wise
Yeah sadly that’s what we’re expecting from YT lol
Not in English but here’s also a full hour video of a Chinese tour group
Didn’t a group of redditors also unknowingly get their unit hit by rockets after posting a video for upvotes lol
The amount of rightwing nutjobs immediately blaming muslims or immigrants after the mass killing on Saturday was sickening. At the same time seeing some liberals blaming those racists on Russian/Chinese troll farms was equally eye opening.
lol it sounded like Republicans are equally as bloodthirsty for wars in the Middle East and in East Asia, but not with Russia at the moment
Many people from the mainland call these people runners (润人) who walk to the US (走线).
Most liberals in the PRC prefer to stay at home and worship the US, dreaming of a day where they can lead the way for their western masters in an invasion.
These runners are at least respected for putting money where their mouth is in actually making the trip to their dream homeland. Quite a few end up homeless or struggling, surprised that they can barely scrape by in their new sought after ultra capitalist homeland.
The worst example of one of these was one who sold his wife and daughters to human traffickers in Cambodia, and now lives as an asylum seeker in the Netherlands. In typical fashion for these types he spends most of his time espousing his superior western values and human rights, all the while his wife and daughters are most likely going through hell right now.
It’s always projection from them lol
Europe’s foundations are trembling
They love to tout how great and durable Japanese products are (Playstation, Nintendo controllers etc.) … except those are not manufactured in Japan lol.
Hell, even a sizable portion of coffins used in Japan are made in the PRC lmao.
Modern day 汪精卫
Based Venus is a comrade in the struggle for trans rights 🦄
Mafia trilogy, great stories in those games