• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Eipä tästä aiheesta itsellä paljon mututuntumaa parempaa tarjottavaa ole, mutta vähän vaikea on näin naamalukemalta ottaa tuota erityisen vakavasti ainakaan tuon artikkelin perusteella.
    Oma mielikuvani tilanteesta on, että nyt alkaisi ihan aidosti ja oikeasti olemaan kiire etenkin energian suhteen sellaisella tavalla, että pienellä hifistelyllä ei ole kohta väliä, jos muutos ei onnistu.

    Kärkkäästi sanoen tulee mieleen, että täällä voidaan änkyröidä maailman tappiin, niin voi sitten löyhemmällä kädellä suhtautuvat rakentaa tehtaat ja myllyt itselleen ja ihmetellä, miten meidän periferia on niin takapajuinen.

    Toisaalta ymmärrän myös sen, että jos ei jonkin verran periaatteista pidetä kiinni, niin siinä voi olla pian niin, että me ollaan se löyhemmän käden osapuoli, eikä sekään varmaan hyvä ole.

    Ylipäätään silti artikkelin argumentit jäivät vähän epämääräisen tuntuiseksi ja enemmän haastateltavan paineiden purkamiselta kuin erityisen mietityltä vetoomukselta

  • It does feedback if you hit the wrong note (or it thinks that you hit one), but it doesn’t really outright tell you about your timing and will accept some horrendous timing if the note was right. In fact that is one of the major points people seem to mention as its’ drawbacks.
    Although I would personally say that Rocksmith has been pretty pivotal to my timing (along with recording), since at least for me it multiplied the time I was playing to a rhythm of a background track. The game allows you to loop and slow portions of songs that you like and play the parts on repeat against the original song with a relatively nice and fast interface, way faster than doing it yourself on a DAW. And that little convenience has me playing to rhythm way more than I would otherwise at home by myself, and especially work on hard parts slowed down.
    (Can’t stop editing this post lol) Oh and possibly worth mentioning, my experience is with the 2014 remastered edition with popular mods installed (RSMods, RS_Asio and CDLC), can’t say much about the new version

  • I got tired of being sloppy chunking out power chords and generally being really stiff when playing fast rhythm guitar, so a couple of weeks ago I decided to start working on a couple of Iron Maiden songs through Rocksmith, building up the speed and consistency in rhythm guitar.
    So far I think I’ve got some pretty good results already, although most songs aren’t really clean at full speed yet. Rocksmith seems to be a really good platform for this kind of practice, since it makes looping sections at slower speeds so easy.
    Currently I’m psyched about Rime of the ancient mariner, it’s got such a nice combination of medium-speed gallop and single note lines. Be quick or be dead and 2 minutes to midnight main riffs also make me feel awesome

  • I’m even a little suspicious that Twitter style messaging has played a part in “gotcha” politics that seem very popular everywhere, where some populists manage to gather a large following mostly by just using slick one-liners with relatively little substance.
    Now sure, these have always existed and will likely exist, but I seem to see more and more of them with ever bigger popularity.

    I know it got me a bit, I used to browse subreddits dedicated to twitter owns, but realised that those were reeeally bad for me.