Lovely_sombrero [he/him]

  • 46 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • Well Biden was just as complicit and they love him. Most libs supported the Iraq war anyway. Among the few libs who didn’t, they mostly opposed the Iraq war because GW Bush was in charge of it. When the Dems took over the House in 2006 and were expected to win in 2008 as well, the remaining liberals mostly dropped the pretense of not supporting the war and were just mad that Bush “screwed it up”. And Biden is also one of the main guys who screwed it up (when he was VP), he literally helped create ISIS by getting Chalabi appointed as president of Iraq even after he lost the election - but the US was the occupying power so Biden was able to do whatever he wanted.

  • This is much worse than people like MTG making stupid statements about “Jewish space lasers”. Pelosi later on says the FBI should be investigating the pro-Palestine protesters.

    [edit] “A Pelosi spokesperson tells @rollingstone: “Speaker Pelosi is acutely aware of how foreign adversaries meddle in American politics to sow division and impact our elections, and she wants to see further investigation ahead of the 2024 election.”

  • They are liberal piggies. They clapped on CNN when Biden talked about “many interracial couples in TV ads”. Or during the Dem primary, where he just lied or made no sense. Or when he was correctly accused of working with segregationists to do segregation and his response to that was accusing black parents of not knowing how to properly raise their children and not having the record player turned on at night and how he will confront Nicolas Maduro. And the liberal piggies clapped. They don’t care, they know it is all just a show and all that matters is that their guy gets into the WH and does what they want.

  • I mean, if Bernie won in 2016 or 20, he would be a better president than Biden or even better than he is as a Senator right now, because he would owe his position (and reelection chances) to the left donor/activist base. And a bunch of liberals would probably support a 3rd party candidate against him, so even as an incumbent he would probably have big problems with getting reelected. Right now, he is a Senator, if he wants to run again in Vermont he can easily do that and he doesn’t need the left base anymore, since he is not running for president ever again.

    So instead he can support whatever policy positions he actually wants, OR he is trying to win favor with Biden in exchange for some small policy crumbs in some other area (something that he should know doesn’t work with any liberal politicians, but again, I guess he is just old). In both cases, I disagree with him ideologically, but he is an old guy who is probably retiring from politics soon, so whatever. The left should not be too hung up on individuals, remember that politicians are just a tool to implement policy. The really sad thing is that it will be harder and harder for a Sanders-style candidate (someone who wouldn’t actually owe his position to big corporations) to even run for the nomination ever again, especially since big money interests kind of figured out they “only” need to outspend left-wing candidates by around 3:1 and they’ve been very successful in recent elections.

  • He started scolding the left during the Dem primaries in 2020, leaning into the “BernieBro” meme. After this audition, he got hired by MSNBC. Now they are firing him (they killed his show, he is leaving because he would just sit there and do nothing) because he is being too honest about Gaza. It would be kind of funny if he wasn’t one of the very few people on TV who was at least showing some of the truth on Gaza. So all in all, a sad day.