If you’re looking for website content to not run without permission, running with JavaScript disabled generally gets the job done. Each site I enable JavaScript for is effectively “white listed” to serve me app like features, beyond static content.
If you’re looking for website content to not run without permission, running with JavaScript disabled generally gets the job done. Each site I enable JavaScript for is effectively “white listed” to serve me app like features, beyond static content.
Uh… Can I get in on the whole “will be spared” thing? It sounds nice.
Yeah. The crying by CEOs during this obviously inevitable “and find out” phase is beyond ludicrous.
Ooh, I like the meta joke - that none of his students can read or write.
tldr; punish the poor fuckers getting out of jail. yay capitalism!
Wow. I never caught this. Considering the game’s origin as an anti-capitalist teaching aid, I wonder if it’s intentional.
My favourite board game without a doubt is diplomacy but those games go for like 6+ hours and requires 7 people. Also everybody will be yelling at everybody at some point, so yeah probably not a good pick lol
Yeah. Diplomacy is fantastic…and we can strongly recommend that OP avoid it, anyway. Lol.
Oh yeah. Dead of Winter is so good!
there are now quite a few developers actively working with Rust full-time and paid.
Yeah. I didn’t mean to imply otherwise. But quite a few
doesn’t always cut it to break into the field.
But my concern was entirely misplaced as they’re picking for a hobby project anyway.
Oh, I’m going to have to pick up a copy of Mists over Carcassonne. Thank you!
Thanks for the counterpoint.
I always worry about the kids breaking in running after the next hot thing, and then not landing a job, because I’ve talked to folks who did so.
I was needlessly worried, as they’re picking for a hobby project, anyway.
And as someone else pointed out, Rust is on its way up. I just wouldn’t recommend Rust to a newbie as their first language to land their first job, today.
It’s better than writing C, Java or Cyton.
I believe you!
Edit: But you all can probably still pry C from my cold dead hands someday, lol. C is a perfectly cromulent language, for my purposes.
It’s certainly growing fast. And yeah, tops the desired charts.
Python did that for years, and is now at number 4 (after the big three JavaScript, SQL and HTML).
I, too, see great things in the future for Rust.
I also agree, Rust is likely top 20, but it feels (from hjobs search anecdotes from peers) like there’s a massive drop off in real world use after the top 8 or 10.
But again, my concern was entirely misplaced, as they’re not picking their first break-into-coding language, anyway.
I’ve never heard of Odin
, and I don’t know anyone being paid to write code in Rust
Source: I hire and mentor professional programmers.
Edit: I assumed you were picking for breaking into the field, but I see from your other replies that this is for a hobby project. For my hobby projecs, I use whichever amuses me.
Already mentioned, but worth reiterating:
And he sure to check out Rhado Runs Through for game reviews. He plays mostly with his wife, and so always reviews how the game feels to play together without backstabbing.
Yeah. It’s super easy to house-rule Carcassonne as a pure co-op game. Remove the farmers (to keep your sanity, because co-op is actually much harder), keep the rules about Castle and road occupation (where a tie gets scored for each tied player), and play to maximize the combined players score. None of the strategy is lost and trying to carefully double occupy everything is sometimes a nail biting challenge.
My first thought is “no way in hell will I install this”, and I’m glad I don’t shop regularly at CVS, anyway. But then I realized that it might amuse me…
If I can get this app running sandboxed under GrapheneOS, I will 100% accidentally leave random stuff outside the case each time I use it.
Wisdom that was shared with me: the first step to becoming a great coder is becoming a shitty coder.
Also - unless folks complain
As an outsider, I say go for it. Being fans of your work extends to wanting you all to have a safe space to discuss Union business.
If you need better privacy, you could also use this space to exchange some private GPG keys for encrypted emails, or pick a meeting place on a public XMPP server, before enabling OMEMO encryption.
Oh! I think you’re right. That might save my bacon sometime. Thanks!