Yeah, but what if they decide to verify your phone number here and there. I guess you would need that burner phone active for the lifetime of your account. Not an one off.
Not gonna lie, sounds awesome appealing. Bring it to the EU, please.
Trump also wasted their water reserves, good times ahead
The real reason behind this is, that US run out of intelligence with current administration.
You are citing Norway which has very favorable geography. But that’s hardly true in general. About grid - think about long winter nights where people are running heat pumps and worse means of heating tech. Will this grid be able to, let’s say, provide energy for a week? I doubt you could, assuming Norway provides their storage, distribute it all over EU. Biomass outputs CO2 and is only possible at small scale. Where are these hydrogen storages?
Anyway, I’m all for renewables and non-nuclear if somebody draws a plan that is well defined and realistic. But AFAIK we have no such plan, do we?
I thought it was used a synonym of “reliable”. Now that I think of it,I suppose it was in relation to the power grid?
Yep, it is a constant flow of energy.
About the problems - yes, there are problems and not minor ones, but OTOH we don’t have an alternative, do we? Also CO2 emissions are exaggerated - mining and other activities could involve more e-vehicles I suppose. What air pollution we are talking about? CO2?
Nuclear for better or worse, is a stable and well known technology. That works. Almost 24/7 and reliably. But renewables aren’t reliable at all, when there is no sun, there is no energy from solar panels, when there is no wind, there is no energy from wind farms etc. Of course, there is also hydro but even that depends on drought seasons and when there is surplus you can’t store it. And options for hydro are geographically dependent and not infinite. Basically, if you want to go full renewable, you need a huge amount of energy storage. Not just huge, but HUUUGE. And we aren’t capable of building these today. Perhaps in the future. You can say there is hydrogen, but it has problems on its own and not feasible today if ever. Bottom line is renewables are not a reliable source of energy without energy storage which isn’t there by far.
Renewables have a showstopper OTOH. Energy storage. So nuclear is still a better choice today regardless of the problems. 🤷♂️
Hence EU should heavily invest into domestic industry instead. That way EU will get stronger and resilient of orange and in the other hand US will get less money and the accomplishment of it
Now, that’s the reaction I’d expect. Go Canada and lets connect with EU instead.
In switched to tidal a while ago because Spotify was investing into other areas I don’t care for, hosting Rogan and other shit podcasts paying plenty of millions and finally because they poorly pay music owners.
Tidal is probably paying music owners better (no service is paying artists directly unless they are independent).
There should be a clause saying that all of that has to go to domestic weapons manufacturers. Not a cent to the US.
Yeah, that does not and will not work, at least not on scale. Think about an average user - do you think he/she will donate to each video he/she watches, perhaps on TV? But if the model is a subscription one (think Netflix, Tidal, Spotify, heck, perhaps even YouTube and so on, with amount being fairly distributed to authors), then it just might work.
How do support links work?
Monetizing leads to being able to pay bills. Don’t you think authors deserve being paid for the content if they wish so? Besides Google managing of youtube is cause of shittiness. Personally I would be fine with a subscription as long as artists get most of it.
Ignoring EU member Slovenia, thanks a lot …
Yep, as it doesn’t have a monetization incentive it will be never that appealing. There should be a way for authors to earn money.
All of the EU is playing the same stupid game, sadly so.
Soon to be backed by a dictator traitor.