My last phone and tablet weren’t used for anything greater than the one before it. I have no need for more powerful devices.
My last phone and tablet weren’t used for anything greater than the one before it. I have no need for more powerful devices.
In that time period the costs of cocoa have skyrocketed due to blight, climate change, and legal efforts to reduce slavery in the harvesting of cocoa. Most mass market chocolate brands were harmed by this.
To attract cows?
Liberalism is literally and historically where the left begins. The right is authoritarianism and the left is liberalism to anarchism. Liberals are not leftists but it is a signof a distinct lack of education in political philosophy to claim liberalism as a right wing ideology.
No they are not unless if they are conservative Liberals. A conservative Maoist and a conservative libertarian have very different ideologies despite being conservative within their own binaries. This is due to the fact that conservatism is a position in a binary and is not an ideology.
You can be a conservative and be illiberal.
Liberalism is an ideology. Conservatism is a position on an ideologic binary. Uf you ascribe to Liberalism you are claiming belief in a very specific form of government and economy. If you claim to be a conservative you need to clarify what kind of conservative you are.
Freedom of speech isn’t a fundamental right. If you doubt this try publicly and clearly threatening people with the intent to harm. You will be prosecuted for that action.
You should avoid using words you almost cettainly do not understand which in this case is “fascist”.
No, it doesn’t. The Smiths never had the widespread acceptance the Ramones had nor is there a sub-genre of music they are responsible for like TheRamones were.
You have a FUCKLOAD of bands from all over the world that do Ramones inspired punk. There are almost no bands trying to be the Smiths and given what a sack of shit Morrissey has become I doubt he will be remembered for very long once he stops performing.
Thank you, I will stop here.
Prisoners have limited rights to refuse anything. They are not fairly compensated for theor work and in other states the prisons “loan” prisoners to companies to do work who pay the prisons for this work.
It’s slavery. The USA never banned slavery for prisoners. It’s literally in the 14th amendment.
Worth noting The Ramones are more influential than the Smiths could hope to be.
Remember heavier cars take longer to stop so you need that 18 wheeler in front if you passing things 10+ seconds before you so that you don’t collide ifvthey suddenly hit the brakes.
There are tons of places that have fresh mozz
in many places the stuffing is moist hecause itbus cooked in the actual bird
They have been saying this for decades now. The GWB era FBI was complaining about this in regards to future domestic terrorism.
Harris would have made some performative statement opposing IDF overreach while sending them more military aide
Seriously my Muslim buddies are not oppressing their daughters and I would be floored if they harmed them.
When talking about 1/4 of Earth’s population it becomes real hard to generalize without being racist and factually incorrect.
Are the Welsh fucking anything other than their flock?
less about fighting the military and more about fighting off lynch mobs, goon squads, militia types or police.
Fascism is on the rise because Russian intelligence has been pushing it into the mainstream media of the West for decades since the fall of the USSR. As one of my professors who was ex-KGB put it in 1998 “lots of my former colleagues are still very angry that their society was just destroyed and want revenge onthose nations celebrating that fall”.
The wealthy in the USA at least have never not had a fascination with fascism on some level so it was easy to push them towards accepting it.