• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023

  • PyrotoAdvent Of Code👻 - 2024 DAY 19 SOLUTIONS -👻
    3 days ago


    Approach: Recursive memoized backtracking with a Trie

    I get to use one of my favorite data structures here, a Trie! It helps us figure out whether a prefix of the design is a valid pattern in linear time.

    I use backtracking to choose potential component patterns (using the Trie), kicking off matching the rest of the design down the stack. We can continue matching longer patterns immediately after the recursion stack unwinds.
    In addition, I use global memoization to keep track of the feasibility (part 1) or the number of combinations (part 2) for designs and sub-designs. This way, work done for earlier designs can help speed up later ones too.

    I ended up combining part 1 and 2 solutions into a single function because part 1 is a simpler variant of part 2 where we count all designs with the number of possible pattern combinations > 0.

    Reading Input
    import os
    here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    # read input
    def read_data(filename: str):
        global here
        filepath = os.path.join(here, filename)
        with open(filepath, mode="r", encoding="utf8") as f:
            return f.read()
    Trie Implementation
    class Trie:
        class TrieNode:
            def __init__(self) -> None:
                self.children = {}  # connections to other TrieNode
                self.end = False  # whether this node indicates an end of a pattern
        def __init__(self) -> None:
            self.root = Trie.TrieNode()
        def add(self, pattern: str):
            node = self.root
            # add the pattern to the trie, one character at a time
            for color in pattern:
                if color not in node.children:
                    node.children[color] = Trie.TrieNode()
                node = node.children[color]
            # mark the node as the end of a pattern
            node.end = True
    def soln(filename: str):
        data = read_data(filename)
        patterns, design_data = data.split("\n\n")
        # build the Trie
        trie = Trie()
        for pattern in patterns.split(", "):
        designs = design_data.splitlines()
        # saves the design / sub-design -> number of component pattern combinations
        memo = {}
        def backtrack(design: str):
            nonlocal trie
            # if design is empty, we have successfully 
            #   matched the caller design / sub-design
            if design == "":
                return 1
            # use memo if available
            if design in memo:
                return memo[design]
            # start matching a new pattern from here
            node = trie.root
            # number of pattern combinations for this design
            pattern_comb_count = 0
            for i in range(len(design)):
                # if design[0 : i+1] is not a valid pattern,
                #   we are done matching characters
                if design[i] not in node.children:
                # move along the pattern
                node = node.children[design[i]]
                # we reached the end of a pattern
                if node.end:
                    # get the pattern combinations count for the rest of the design / sub-design
                    # all of them count for this design / sub-design
                    pattern_comb_count += backtrack(design[i + 1 :])
            # save the pattern combinations count for this design / sub-design
            memo[design] = pattern_comb_count
            return pattern_comb_count
        pattern_comb_counts = []
        for design in designs:
        return pattern_comb_counts
    assert sum(1 for dc in soln("sample.txt") if dc > 0) == 6
    print("Part 1:", sum(1 for dc in soln("input.txt") if dc > 0))
    assert sum(soln("sample.txt")) == 16
    print("Part 2:", sum(soln("input.txt")))

  • Those are some really great optimizations, thank you! I understand what you’re doing generally, but I’ll have to step through the code myself to get completely familiar with it.

    It’s interesting that string operations win out here over graph algorithms even though this is technically a graph problem. Honestly your write-up and optimizations deserve its own post.

  • PyrotoAdvent Of Code🦌 - 2024 DAY 16 SOLUTIONS -🦌
    6 days ago


    Part 1: Run Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest path.

    I chose to represent nodes using the location (i, j) as well as the direction dir faced by the reindeer.
    Initially I tried creating the complete adjacency graph but that lead to max recursion so I ended up populating graph for only the nodes I was currently exploring.

    Part 2: Track paths while performing Dijkstra’s algorithm.

    First, I modified the algorithm to look through neighbors with equal cost along with the ones with lesser cost, so that it would go through all shortest paths.
    Then, I keep track of the list of previous nodes for every node explored.
    Finally, I use those lists to run through the paths backwards, taking note of all unique locations.

    import os
    # paths
    here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    filepath = os.path.join(here, "input.txt")
    # read input
    with open(filepath, mode="r", encoding="utf8") as f:
        data = f.read()
    from collections import defaultdict
    from dataclasses import dataclass
    import heapq as hq
    import math
    # up, right, down left
    DIRECTIONS = [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]
    # Represent a node using its location and the direction
    class Node:
        i: int
        j: int
        dir: int
    maze = data.splitlines()
    m, n = len(maze), len(maze[0])
    # we always start from bottom-left corner (facing east)
    start_node = Node(m - 2, 1, 1)
    # we always end in top-right corner (direction doesn't matter)
    end_node = Node(1, n - 2, -1)
    # the graph will be updated lazily because it is too much processing
    #   to completely populate it beforehand
    graph = defaultdict(list)
    # track nodes whose all edges have been explored
    visited = set()
    # heap to choose next node to explore
    # need to add id as middle tuple element so that nodes dont get compared
    min_heap = [(0, id(start_node), start_node)]
    # min distance from start_node to node so far
    # missing values are treated as math.inf
    min_dist = {}
    min_dist[start_node] = 0
    # keep track of all previous nodes for making path
    prev_nodes = defaultdict(list)
    # utility method for debugging (prints the map)
    def print_map(current_node, prev_nodes):
        pns = set((n.i, n.j) for n in prev_nodes)
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range(n):
                if i == current_node.i and j == current_node.j:
                    print("X", end="")
                elif (i, j) in pns:
                    print("O", end="")
                    print(maze[i][j], end="")
    # Run Dijkstra's algo
    while min_heap:
        cost_to_node, _, node = hq.heappop(min_heap)
        if node in visited:
        # early exit in the case we have explored all paths to the finish
        if node.i == end_node.i and node.j == end_node.j:
            # assign end so that we know which direction end was reached by
            end_node = node
        # update adjacency graph from current node
        di, dj = DIRECTIONS[node.dir]
        if maze[node.i + di][node.j + dj] != "#":
            moved_node = Node(node.i + di, node.j + dj, node.dir)
            graph[node].append((moved_node, 1))
        for x in range(3):
            rotated_node = Node(node.i, node.j, (node.dir + x + 1) % 4)
            graph[node].append((rotated_node, 1000))
        # explore edges
        for neighbor, cost in graph[node]:
            cost_to_neighbor = cost_to_node + cost
            # The following condition was changed from > to >= because we also want to explore
            #   paths with the same cost, not just better cost
            if min_dist.get(neighbor, math.inf) >= cost_to_neighbor:
                min_dist[neighbor] = cost_to_neighbor
                # need to add id as middle tuple element so that nodes dont get compared
                hq.heappush(min_heap, (cost_to_neighbor, id(neighbor), neighbor))
    print(f"Part 1: {min_dist[end_node]}")
    # PART II: Run through the path backwards, making note of all coords
    visited = set([start_node])
    path_locs = set([(start_node.i, start_node.j)])  # all unique locations in path
    stack = [end_node]
    while stack:
        node = stack.pop()
        if node in visited:
        path_locs.add((node.i, node.j))
        for prev_node in prev_nodes[node]:
    print(f"Part 2: {len(path_locs)}")

  • Basically the company is “losing” money every time someone claims the promotion because they are giving their service away for free.

    Normally, companies will have a good estimate on how many people will make use of the promotion and how much money they will “lose”, but sometimes the reality exceeds expectations and so they put a cap on tbe number of times a promotion can be claimed so as to not get exploited too much.

    Btw I say “lose” in quotes because it may not be an actual loss of money but a loss of potential earnings from a customer. Also, don’t worry about the downvotes, I’ve seen many innocuous comments also get a few downvotes for no reason.

  • PyrotoAdvent Of Code🌻 - 2024 DAY 12 SOLUTIONS -🌻
    9 days ago


    Part 1: Simple DFS counting up the cells and exposed edges

    Part 2: Still DFS, however I chose to keep track of all segments of the area, merging them if two segments connected. In the end, number of non-overlapping, non-intersecting segments is equal to number of sides. Not the most efficient solution, but it works.

    import os
    from collections import defaultdict
    # paths
    here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    filepath = os.path.join(here, "input.txt")
    # read input
    with open(filepath, mode="r", encoding="utf8") as f:
        data = f.read()
    # setup input vars
    garden = data.splitlines()
    m, n = len(garden), len(garden[0])
    def part1():
        visited = set()
        def calcFenceCostFrom(i, j):
            """Calculates the fencing cost of the region starting from coords (i, j)"""
            global garden, m, n
            plant_type = garden[i][j]
            stack = [(i, j)]
            area, perimeter = 0, 0
            while stack:
                ci, cj = stack.pop()
                if (ci, cj) in visited:
                visited.add((ci, cj))
                # add cell to area
                area += 1
                # check top cell
                if ci > 0 and garden[ci - 1][cj] == plant_type:
                    stack.append((ci - 1, cj))
                    # if no top cell, add the edge to perimeter
                    perimeter += 1
                # check left cell
                if cj > 0 and garden[ci][cj - 1] == plant_type:
                    stack.append((ci, cj - 1))
                    # if no left cell, add the edge to perimeter
                    perimeter += 1
                # check bottom cell
                if ci < m - 1 and garden[ci + 1][cj] == plant_type:
                    stack.append((ci + 1, cj))
                    # if no bottom cell, add the edge to perimeter
                    perimeter += 1
                # check right cell
                if cj < n - 1 and garden[ci][cj + 1] == plant_type:
                    stack.append((ci, cj + 1))
                    # if no right cell, add the edge to perimeter
                    perimeter += 1
            return area * perimeter
        # calculate fencing cost for every region
        fencing_cost = 0
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range(n):
                if (i, j) in visited:
                fencing_cost += calcFenceCostFrom(i, j)
    def part2():
        visited = set()
        def calcFenceCostFrom(i, j):
            """Calculates the fencing cost of the region starting from coords (i, j)"""
            global garden, m, n
            plant_type = garden[i][j]
            stack = [(i, j)]
            area = 0
            # keep track of all distinct, non-intersecting horizontal and vertical segments
            segments = {
                "H": defaultdict(set),
                "V": defaultdict(set)
            }  # fmt: skip
            while stack:
                ci, cj = stack.pop()
                if (ci, cj) in visited:
                visited.add((ci, cj))
                # add cell to area
                area += 1
                # check top cell
                if ci > 0 and garden[ci - 1][cj] == plant_type:
                    stack.append((ci - 1, cj))
                    # record edge segment
                    ei = ci - 0.25  # push out the horizontal segment
                    segment_set = segments["H"][ei]
                    ej_from, ej_to = cj - 0.5, cj + 0.5  # extend the segment to connect with neighbors
                    merge_segments(segment_set, ej_from, ej_to)  # merge with current segment set
                # check left cell
                if cj > 0 and garden[ci][cj - 1] == plant_type:
                    stack.append((ci, cj - 1))
                    # record edge segment
                    ej = cj - 0.25  # push out the vertical segment
                    segment_set = segments["V"][ej]
                    ei_from, ei_to = ci - 0.5, ci + 0.5  # extend the segment to connect with neighbors
                    merge_segments(segment_set, ei_from, ei_to)  # merge with current segment set
                # check bottom cell
                if ci < m - 1 and garden[ci + 1][cj] == plant_type:
                    stack.append((ci + 1, cj))
                    # record edge segment
                    ei = ci + 0.25  # push out the horizontal segment
                    segment_set = segments["H"][ei]
                    ej_from, ej_to = cj - 0.5, cj + 0.5  # extend the segment to connect with neighbors
                    merge_segments(segment_set, ej_from, ej_to)  # merge with current segment set
                # check right cell
                if cj < n - 1 and garden[ci][cj + 1] == plant_type:
                    stack.append((ci, cj + 1))
                    # record edge segment
                    ej = cj + 0.25  # push out the vertical segment
                    segment_set = segments["V"][ej]
                    ei_from, ei_to = ci - 0.5, ci + 0.5  # extend the segment to connect with neighbors
                    merge_segments(segment_set, ei_from, ei_to)  # merge with current segment set
            # number of distinct segments == number of sides
            sides = sum(len(segment_set) for seg_dict in segments.values() for segment_set in seg_dict.values())
            return area * sides
        def merge_segments(segment_set: set, idx_from: int, idx_to: int):
            """Merge segment into existing segment set"""
            # find any overlapping / intersecting segments before and after current
            former_segment, latter_segment = None, None
            for s_from, s_to in segment_set:
                if s_from < idx_from and s_to >= idx_from:
                    former_segment = (s_from, s_to)
                if s_to > idx_to and s_from <= idx_to:
                    latter_segment = (s_from, s_to)
            if former_segment is None and latter_segment is None:
                # there is no overlapping segment
                segment_set.add((idx_from, idx_to))
            elif former_segment == latter_segment:
                # the overlap segment contains our full segment
            elif former_segment is None:
                # there is a latter segment only
                segment_set.add((idx_from, latter_segment[1]))
            elif latter_segment is None:
                # there is a former segment only
                segment_set.add((former_segment[0], idx_to))
                # both are disconnected segments
                segment_set.add((former_segment[0], latter_segment[1]))
        fencing_cost = 0
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range(n):
                if (i, j) in visited:
                fencing_cost += calcFenceCostFrom(i, j)

  • PyrotoAdvent Of Code💂 - 2024 DAY 6 SOLUTIONS - 💂
    16 days ago


    Part 1: Simulate the guard’s walk, keeping track of visited positions
    Part 2: Semi brute-force. Try to place an obstacle at every valid position in the guard’s original path and see if it leads to a loop.

    import os
    from collections import defaultdict
    # paths
    here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    filepath = os.path.join(here, 'input.txt')
    # read input
    with open(filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf8') as f:
        data = f.read()
    rows = data.splitlines()
    # bounds
    m = len(rows)
    n = len(rows[0])
    # directions following 90 degree clockwise turns
    #   up, right, down, left
    DIRECTIONS = [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]
    # find position of guard
    guard_i, guard_j = -1, -1
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
            if rows[i][j] == '^':
                guard_i, guard_j = i, j
        if guard_i != -1:
    def part1(guard_i, guard_j):
        # keep track of visited positions
        visited = set()
        visited.add((guard_i, guard_j))
        dir_idx = 0     # current direction index
        # loop while guard is in map
        while True:
            delta_i, delta_j = DIRECTIONS[dir_idx]
            next_gi, next_gj = guard_i + delta_i, guard_j + delta_j   # next pos
            # if out of bounds, we are done
            if not (0 <= next_gi < m) or not (0 <= next_gj < n):
            # change direction when obstacle encountered
            if rows[next_gi][next_gj] == "#":
                dir_idx = (dir_idx + 1) % 4
            # update position and visited
            guard_i, guard_j = next_gi, next_gj
            visited.add((guard_i, guard_j))
    def part2(guard_i, guard_j):
        # keep track of visited positions
        visited = set()
        visited.add((guard_i, guard_j))
        dir_idx = 0 # current direction index
        loops = 0   # loops encountered
        # walk through the path
        while True:
            delta_i, delta_j = DIRECTIONS[dir_idx]
            next_gi, next_gj = guard_i + delta_i, guard_j + delta_j # next pos
            # if out of bounds, we are done
            if not (0 <= next_gi < m) or not (0 <= next_gj < n):
            # change direction when obstacle encountered
            if rows[next_gi][next_gj] == "#":
                dir_idx = (dir_idx + 1) % 4
            # if a position is not already in path,
            # put a obstacle there and see if guard will loop
            if (next_gi, next_gj) not in visited and willLoop(guard_i, guard_j, dir_idx):
                loops += 1
            # update position and visited
            guard_i, guard_j = next_gi, next_gj
            visited.add((guard_i, guard_j))
    # used in part 2
    # returns whether placing an obstacle on next pos causes a loop or not
    def willLoop(guard_i, guard_j, dir_idx) -> bool:
        # obstacle pos
        obs_i, obs_j = guard_i + DIRECTIONS[dir_idx][0], guard_j + DIRECTIONS[dir_idx][1]
        # keep track of visited pos and the direction of travel
        visited: defaultdict[tuple[int, int], list[int]] = defaultdict(list)
        visited[(guard_i, guard_j)].append(dir_idx)
        # walk until guard exits map or loops
        while True:
            delta_i, delta_j = DIRECTIONS[dir_idx]
            next_gi, next_gj = guard_i + delta_i, guard_j + delta_j # next pos
            # if out of bounds, no loop
            if not (0 <= next_gi < m) or not (0 <= next_gj < n):
                return False
            # change direction when obstacle encountered
            if rows[next_gi][next_gj] == "#" or (next_gi == obs_i and next_gj == obs_j):
                dir_idx = (dir_idx + 1) % 4
            # we are looping if we encounter a visited pos in a visited direction
            if (next_gi, next_gj) in visited and dir_idx in visited[(next_gi, next_gj)]:
                return True
            # update position and visited
            guard_i, guard_j = next_gi, next_gj        
            visited[(guard_i, guard_j)].append(dir_idx)
    part1(guard_i, guard_j)
    part2(guard_i, guard_j)

  • PyrotoProgrammer HumorMicrosoft Please Fix
    1 month ago

    He wouldn’t have seen the “Discard Changes” button at all if source control wasn’t already setup (and detected by VSCode).

    No sane program will delete files when you initialize source control either.

    As I found later, VSCode did have weird behaviors with source control back then. My experience is more with the latest versions.