Is it a farce, though? Isn’t more like they want to make it a farce, just like how they are trying to make impeachment a farce?
Is it a farce, though? Isn’t more like they want to make it a farce, just like how they are trying to make impeachment a farce?
That just means every member of congress is an insurrectionist because they have just as much or more power to change that.
It is not insurrection in either todays definition or the 14ths contemporary definition, and that would be slapped down.
They could of made Dax join with Arjin(Geoffrey Blake) and make it like Curzon choosing Jedzi. At least we’d have better context of the character and we wouldn’t have had to spent half of the last season establishing and developing Ezri.
As a kid I loved Deathscythe and Epyon, though I only ever got the Epyon kit(3 times!)
Turn A, has a cool mustache.
I always like the Rick Doms as well. Their skirt is great.
If it’s a maximum limit to what’s safe, you can say anything at or below it is safe. They don’t set the maximum at a value that is unsafe for some vehicles.
Government jobs love them though, Security+ is required for a lot of DoD jobs.
If it’s repeated offenses like the example in the article, it’s a little harder to prove it wasn’t intentional.
I mean, the game is good, but you can see the spike in steam charts right at the point it was announced for EVO. Like outside the initial release, the game averaged under 20 players. After that they spiked and then just slowly got back to averaging less than 20 players the last few months.
I like the game, but it’s not comparable to the other successful indie titles like UNIST or Skull Girls. Yeah it kills punch planet, but outside the first few months it released to may 2021, it did similar numbers.
It was mainly due to them embracing rollback net code and being part of EVOs line up during covid. Problem is that the big fighters revised their netcode since then and it’s been relegated.
The apps using GPT4 without regards to safety can be though. Example: replacing human with chatbot for suicide prevention.
WD40 isn’t a lubricant, it’s for “Water Displacement.” While as a liquid it can be used as one, it is a poor one. It’s whole purpose is to cover a metal part with a hydrophobic layer. It’s good at removing water from something like your sparkplugs. Maybe they thought water had gotten in and was causing issues with contact?
It’s Spiderman…he has an established alignment. I don’t know what you are on about.
You are probably right. Devices like these in the old days used to require you hook up an official controller to it to get past the drm. Likely will evolve back to that.
Search xbox mouse adapter on amazon. There are so many products that do what you describe people wouldn’t care to do because they don’t care.
Or barred because he literally posted a literal dick measuring picture to twitter. Or that he ran off Bootsy. Or that his drunken antics were always causing problems. He’s a problematic guy even without considering the racist comic.
Too bad lots of people stay friends with shitty people, I won’t fault James for that. It’s hard to cut them off once they are already in your life.
At least they separated professionally for the most part(I think Mike has shown up in costume uncredited in two recent episodes, and James has joined a stream or two of Mike’s when hanging out with him)
I think the big issue is that joking about school shootings is satirical to bring up how common it is in hopes to change it, while joking about fat people is just to be mean. No one is going to change because you made fun of them, in fact it might make the problem worse as state of mind is a factor in being unhealthy.
You could probably make the same argument about abortion jokes being satirical, but I don’t think abortion jokes are made in order to enact social change. It’s usually just to be offensive. Satire is usually used to point out how ridiculous something is, the hope is that we as a society will see it and do something about it.
It would most likely be more like a “house” arrest inside an army base. He won’t be seeing jail due to his status as an ex-president, but would still be confined.
It’s where he did a short warp jump on the Stargazer so that a Ferengi ships sensors would see two Stargazers. They fired at the wrong “vessel” and the Stargazer fired as it left warp,winning the battle. This is the inuniverse definition.
Or it could be when Picard tugs down on his shirt when he stands up.
Might be much for an internship, but they aren’t asking for months of work.
When they ask for LinkedIn clone without feeds, it’s pretty clear they just mean the ability to create, edit, and share a profile. They basically say as much in further bullet points. That’s straight up CRUD(minus delete). This is pretty much backed up by them wanting NextJS and MongoDB.
The next key requirement that sounds like it would take a lot of time is the SEO part of it. That doesn’t make sense at first glance, but since they specify that one must use NextJS, it becomes more clear what they meant. NextJS offers feature specific for SEO score like SSR and component streaming. So they want them to implement something regarding that.
The rest are just what you should do with any take home, follow best practices and provide a readme detailing why you made what decisions. If you chose something over another option mention it because that tells whoever looking at it that you at least thought of it.
Overall, may be too much for an intern, but they probably don’t expect them to finish it. Just list what they would do to complete it in the readme and leave it at that.